use units::si ### Other units @name("Bar") @url("") @metric_prefixes @aliases(bar: both, bars: both) unit bar: Pressure = 100 kPa @name("Ångström") @url("") @aliases(angstroms, Å: short, Å: short) unit angstrom: Length = 1e-10 meter @name("Barn") @url("") @metric_prefixes @aliases(barns) unit barn: Area = 1e-28 meter^2 @name("Calorie") @url("") @metric_prefixes @aliases(calories, cal: both) unit calorie: Energy = 4.184 joule @name("British thermal unit") @url("") @aliases(Btu) unit BTU: Energy = 1055.05585262 joule @name("Therm") @description("A non-SI metric unit of heat energy. This is the ISO definition, also called Therm (EC).") @url("") @aliases(therms) unit therm: Energy = 100_000 BTU @name("Thermie") @url("") @aliases(thermies) unit thermie: Energy = 1000 kcal @name("Pound-force") @url("") @aliases(lbf: short) unit pound_force: Force = 4.448222 newton @name("Ounce-force") @url("") @aliases(ozf: short) unit ounce_force: Force = 1 / 16 * lbf @name("Kilogram-force") @url("") @aliases(kgf: short) unit kilogram_force: Force = 9.80665 newton @name("Metric horsepower") @url("") @aliases(hp: short) unit horsepower: Power = 735.49875 W @name("Revolution") @url("") @aliases(revolutions, rev: short) unit revolution: Angle = 360° @name("Revolutions per minute") @url("") @aliases(RPM: short) unit rpm: Frequency = 1 / minute @name("Millimeter of mercury") @url("") unit mmHg: Pressure = 133.322387415 pascal @name("Mercury") @url("") unit Hg: Force / Volume = mmHg / mm @name("Torr") @url("") unit torr: Pressure = 101325 / 760 × pascal @name("Pound-force per square inch") @url("") @aliases(PSI: short) unit psi: Pressure = 6.894757 kPa @name("Kilopound-force per square inch") @url("") @aliases(KSI: short) unit ksi: Pressure = 1000 psi @name("Megapound-force per square inch") @url("") @aliases(MPSI: short) unit mpsi: Pressure = 1000000 psi @name("Standard atmosphere") @url("") @aliases(atmospheres, atm: short) unit atmosphere: Pressure = 101_325 pascal @name("Molar") @url("") @metric_prefixes unit molar: Molarity = 1 mol / litre @name("Molal") @url("") @metric_prefixes unit molal: Molality = 1 mole / kilogram @name("Football field") @url("") unit footballfield: Area = 105 m × 68 m # Standard FIFA football pitch @name("Swimming pool") @url("") unit swimmingpool: Volume = 50 m × 25 m × 2 m # Olympic-size swimming pool (FR3) @name("Rack unit") @url("") @aliases(rackunits, RU: short, U: short) unit rackunit: Length = 0.04445 meter @metric_prefixes @aliases(darcys, darcies) @url("") unit darcy: Length^2 = (1 bar / 1 atmosphere) × micrometer² # Angles @name("Turn") @url("") @aliases(turns) unit turn: Angle = 2 π rad @name("Gradian") @url("") @aliases(gradians, grad, grads, grade, grades, gon, gons) unit gradian: Angle = 90° / 100 ### Abbreviations @name("Watt-hour") @url("") @metric_prefixes @aliases(Wh: short) unit watthour: Energy = W h @name("Ampere-hour") @url("") @metric_prefixes @aliases(Ah: short) unit amperehour: ElectricCharge = A h @name("Kilometres per hour") @url("") unit kph: Velocity = kilometer per hour @name("Micron") @url("") unit micron: Length = µm @name("Cubic centimetre") @url("") @aliases(ccm) unit cc: Volume = cm^3 @name("Fermi") @url("") unit fermi: Length = 1 fm