mod common; use common::get_test_context; use insta::assert_snapshot; use numbat::markup::{Formatter, PlainTextFormatter}; use numbat::resolver::CodeSource; use numbat::NumbatError; use numbat::{pretty_print::PrettyPrint, Context, InterpreterResult}; #[track_caller] fn expect_output_with_context(ctx: &mut Context, code: &str, expected_output: impl AsRef) { let expected_output = expected_output.as_ref(); println!("Expecting output '{expected_output}' for code '{code}'"); if let InterpreterResult::Value(val) = ctx.interpret(code, CodeSource::Internal).unwrap().1 { let fmt = PlainTextFormatter {}; let actual_output = fmt.format(&val.pretty_print(), false); assert_eq!(actual_output.trim(), expected_output); } else { panic!(); } } #[track_caller] fn succeed(code: &str) -> String { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); let ret = ctx.interpret(code, CodeSource::Internal); match ret { Err(e) => panic!("was supposed to succeed but instead got:\n{}", e), Ok((_stmts, ret)) => { if let InterpreterResult::Value(val) = ret { let fmt = PlainTextFormatter {}; fmt.format(&val.pretty_print(), false) } else { String::new() } } } } #[track_caller] fn fail(code: &str) -> NumbatError { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); let ret = ctx.interpret(code, CodeSource::Internal); match ret { Err(e) => *e, Ok((_stmts, ret)) => { if let InterpreterResult::Value(val) = ret { let fmt = PlainTextFormatter {}; let output = fmt.format(&val.pretty_print(), false); panic!("was supposed to fail but instead got:\n{}", output.trim()) } else { panic!("was supposed to fail but instead got:\n{ret:?}") } } } } #[track_caller] fn expect_output(code: &str, expected_output: impl AsRef) { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, code, expected_output) } #[track_caller] fn expect_pretty_print(code: &str, expected_pretty_print_output: impl AsRef) { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); let (statements, _result) = ctx.interpret(code, CodeSource::Internal).unwrap(); assert_eq!(statements.len(), 1); let statement = &statements[0]; assert_eq!( statement.pretty_print().to_string(), expected_pretty_print_output.as_ref() ); } #[track_caller] fn expect_failure_with_context(ctx: &mut Context, code: &str, msg_part: &str) { if let Err(e) = ctx.interpret(code, CodeSource::Internal) { let error_message = e.to_string(); println!("{error_message}"); assert!( error_message.contains(msg_part), "Expected '{msg_part}' but got '{error_message}'" ); } else { panic!("Expected an error but the code '{code}' did not fail"); } } #[track_caller] fn expect_failure(code: &str, msg_part: &str) { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); expect_failure_with_context(&mut ctx, code, msg_part) } #[track_caller] fn get_error_message(code: &str) -> String { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); if let Err(e) = ctx.interpret(code, CodeSource::Internal) { e.to_string() } else { panic!(); } } #[test] fn simple_value() { expect_output("0", "0"); expect_output("0_0", "0"); expect_output("0_0.0_0", "0"); expect_output(".0", "0"); expect_failure("_.0", "Unexpected character in identifier: '.'"); expect_output(".0_0", "0"); expect_failure(".0_", "Unexpected character in number literal: '_'"); expect_output("0b0", "0"); expect_output("0b01", "1"); expect_output("0b0_0", "0"); expect_failure("0b012", "Expected base-2 digit"); expect_failure("0b", "Expected base-2 digit"); expect_failure("0b_", "Expected base-2 digit"); expect_failure("0b_0", "Expected base-2 digit"); expect_failure("0b0_", "Expected base-2 digit"); expect_failure("0b0.0", "Expected base-2 digit"); expect_output("0o0", "0"); expect_output("0o01234567", "342_391"); expect_output("0o0_0", "0"); expect_failure("0o012345678", "Expected base-8 digit"); expect_failure("0o", "Expected base-8 digit"); expect_failure("0o_", "Expected base-8 digit"); expect_failure("0o_0", "Expected base-8 digit"); expect_failure("0o0_", "Expected base-8 digit"); expect_failure("0o0.0", "Expected base-8 digit"); expect_output("0x0", "0"); expect_output("0x0123456789abcdef", "8.19855e+16"); expect_output("0x0_0", "0"); expect_failure("0x0123456789abcdefg", "Expected base-16 digit"); expect_failure("0x", "Expected base-16 digit"); expect_failure("0x_", "Expected base-16 digit"); expect_failure("0x_0", "Expected base-16 digit"); expect_failure("0x0_", "Expected base-16 digit"); expect_failure("0x0.0", "Expected base-16 digit"); expect_output("NaN", "NaN"); expect_output("inf", "inf"); } #[test] fn test_factorial() { expect_output("0!", "1"); expect_output("4!", "24"); expect_output("4.0!", "24"); expect_output("4 !", "24"); expect_output(" 4 !", "24"); expect_output("(4)!", "24"); expect_output("3!^3", "216"); // Not supported, at least for now. // expect_output("3!³", "216"); expect_output("(3!)^3", "216"); expect_output("3^3!", "729"); expect_output("-5!", "-120"); expect_output("-(5!)", "-120"); expect_output("-(5)!", "-120"); expect_failure( "(-1)!", "Expected factorial argument to be a non-negative integer", ); expect_failure( "1.5!", "Expected factorial argument to be a finite integer number", ); expect_failure( "(-1.5)!", "Expected factorial argument to be a non-negative integer", ); expect_failure( "(2m)!", "Argument of factorial needs to be dimensionless (got Length).", ); } #[test] fn test_exponentiation() { expect_output("3²*2", "18"); expect_output("3² 2", "18"); expect_output("3²·2", "18"); expect_output("3³*2", "54"); expect_output("3³(2)", "54"); expect_output("(1+2)²", "9"); expect_output("2²pi", "12.5664"); expect_output("2² pi", "12.5664"); expect_output("2²·pi", "12.5664"); expect_output("5m² to cm·m", "500 cm·m"); expect_output("2⁵", "32"); expect_output("-4¹", "-4"); expect_output("2⁻¹", "0.5"); expect_output("2⁻²", "0.25"); expect_output("10⁻⁵", "0.00001"); } #[test] fn test_conversions() { expect_output("2in to cm", "5.08 cm"); expect_output("5m^2 -> m*cm", "500 m·cm"); expect_output("5m^2 -> cm*m", "500 cm·m"); expect_output("1 kB / 10 ms -> MB/s", "0.1 MB/s"); expect_output("55! / (6! (55 - 6)!) -> million", "28.9897 million"); // regression test for let mut ctx = get_test_context(); let _ = ctx .interpret("let x = 1 deg", CodeSource::Internal) .unwrap(); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "12 deg -> x", "12°"); } #[test] fn test_implicit_conversion() { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); let _ = ctx.interpret("let x = 5 m", CodeSource::Internal).unwrap(); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "x", "5 m"); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "2x", "10 m"); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "2 x", "10 m"); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "x x", "25 m²"); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "x²", "25 m²"); expect_failure("x2", "Unknown identifier 'x2'"); } #[test] fn test_reset_after_runtime_error() { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); let _ = ctx.interpret("let x = 1", CodeSource::Internal).unwrap(); let res = ctx.interpret("1/0", CodeSource::Internal); assert!(res.is_err()); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "x", "1"); } #[test] fn test_function_inverses() { expect_output("sin(asin(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("cos(acos(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("tan(atan(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("sinh(asinh(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("cosh(acosh(1.1234))", "1.1234"); expect_output("tanh(atanh(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("log(exp(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("log10(10^0.1234)", "0.1234"); expect_output("log2(2^0.1234)", "0.1234"); expect_output("sqr(sqrt(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("asin(sin(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("acos(cos(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("atan(tan(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("asinh(sinh(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("acosh(cosh(1.1234))", "1.1234"); expect_output("atanh(tanh(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("exp(log(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("10^(log10(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("2^(log2(0.1234))", "0.1234"); expect_output("sqrt(sqr(0.1234))", "0.1234"); } #[test] fn test_algebra() { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); let _ = ctx .interpret("use extra::algebra", CodeSource::Internal) .unwrap(); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "quadratic_equation(1, 0, -1)", "[1, -1]"); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "quadratic_equation(0, 9, 3)", "[-0.333333]"); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "quadratic_equation(0, 0, 1)", "[]"); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "quadratic_equation(9, -126, 441)", "[7]"); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "quadratic_equation(1, -2, 1)", "[1]"); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "quadratic_equation(0, 1, 1)", "[-1]"); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "quadratic_equation(1, 0, 0)", "[0]"); expect_failure_with_context( &mut ctx, "quadratic_equation(0, 0, 0)", "infinitely many solutions", ); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "quadratic_equation(1, 1, 1)", "[]"); } #[test] fn test_math() { expect_output("sin(90°)", "1"); expect_output("sin(30°)", "0.5"); expect_output("sin(pi/2)", "1"); expect_output("atan2(10, 0) / (pi / 2)", "1"); expect_output("atan2(100 cm, 1 m) / (pi / 4)", "1"); expect_failure( "atan2(100 cm, 1 m²)", "Could not solve the following constraints", ); expect_output("mod(5, 3)", "2"); expect_output("mod(-1, 4)", "3"); expect_output("mod(8 cm, 5 cm)", "3 cm"); expect_output("mod(235 cm, 1 m)", "35 cm"); expect_output("mod(2 m, 7 cm)", "0.04 m"); expect_failure("mod(8 m, 5 s)", "Could not solve the following constraints") } #[test] fn test_incompatible_dimension_errors() { assert_snapshot!( get_error_message("kg m / s^2 + kg m^2"), @r###" left hand side: Length × Mass × Time⁻² [= Force] right hand side: Length² × Mass [= MomentOfInertia] "### ); assert_snapshot!( get_error_message("1 + m"), @r###" left hand side: Scalar [= Angle, Scalar, SolidAngle] right hand side: Length Suggested fix: divide the expression on the right hand side by a `Length` factor "### ); assert_snapshot!( get_error_message("m / s + K A"), @r###" left hand side: Length / Time [= Velocity] right hand side: Current × Temperature "### ); assert_snapshot!( get_error_message("m + 1 / m"), @r###" left hand side: Length right hand side: Length⁻¹ [= Wavenumber] Suggested fix: invert the expression on the right hand side "### ); assert_snapshot!( get_error_message("kW -> J"), @r###" left hand side: Length² × Mass × Time⁻³ [= Power] right hand side: Length² × Mass × Time⁻² [= Energy, Torque] Suggested fix: divide the expression on the right hand side by a `Time` factor "### ); assert_snapshot!( get_error_message("sin(1 meter)"), @r###" parameter type: Scalar [= Angle, Scalar, SolidAngle] argument type: Length Suggested fix: divide the function argument by a `Length` factor "### ); assert_snapshot!( get_error_message("let x: Acceleration = 4 m / s"), @r###" specified dimension: Length × Time⁻² [= Acceleration] actual dimension: Length × Time⁻¹ [= Velocity] Suggested fix: divide the right hand side expression by a `Time` factor "### ); assert_snapshot!( get_error_message("unit x: Acceleration = 4 m / s"), @r###" specified dimension: Length × Time⁻² [= Acceleration] actual dimension: Length × Time⁻¹ [= Velocity] Suggested fix: divide the right hand side expression by a `Time` factor "### ); assert_snapshot!( get_error_message("fn acceleration(length: Length, time: Time) -> Acceleration = length / time"), @r###" specified return type: Length × Time⁻² [= Acceleration] actual return type: Length × Time⁻¹ [= Velocity] Suggested fix: divide the expression in the function body by a `Time` factor "### ); } #[test] fn test_temperature_conversions() { expect_output("from_celsius(11.5)", "284.65 K"); expect_output("from_fahrenheit(89.3)", "304.983 K"); expect_output("0 K -> celsius", "-273.15"); expect_output("fahrenheit(30 K)", "-405.67"); expect_output("from_celsius(100) -> celsius", "100"); expect_output("from_fahrenheit(100) -> fahrenheit", "100.0"); expect_output("from_celsius(123 K -> celsius)", "123 K"); expect_output("from_fahrenheit(123 K -> fahrenheit)", "123 K"); expect_output("-40 -> from_fahrenheit -> celsius", "-40"); } #[test] fn test_other_functions() { expect_output("sqrt(4)", "2"); expect_output("log10(100000)", "5"); expect_output("log(e^15)", "15"); expect_output("ln(e^15)", "15"); expect_output("ceil(3.1)", "4"); expect_output("floor(3.9)", "3"); expect_output("round(3.9)", "4"); expect_output("round(3.1)", "3"); expect_output("is_nan(NaN)", "true"); expect_output("is_nan(NaN cm)", "true"); expect_output("is_nan(ln(-1))", "true"); expect_output("is_nan(1)", "false"); expect_output("is_infinite(inf)", "true"); expect_output("is_infinite(-inf)", "true"); expect_output("is_infinite(1)", "false"); } #[test] fn test_last_result_identifier() { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); let _ = ctx.interpret("2 + 3", CodeSource::Internal).unwrap(); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "ans", "5"); let _ = ctx.interpret("1 + 2", CodeSource::Internal).unwrap(); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "_", "3"); } #[test] fn test_misc_examples() { expect_output("1920/16*9", "1080"); expect_output("2^32", "4_294_967_296"); expect_output("sqrt(1.4^2 + 1.5^2) * cos(pi/3)^2", "0.512957"); expect_output("2min + 30s", "2.5 min"); expect_output("2min + 30s -> sec", "150 s"); expect_output("4/3 * pi * (6000km)³", "9.04779e+11 km³"); expect_output("40kg * 9.8m/s^2 * 150cm", "588 kg·m²/s²"); expect_output("sin(30°)", "0.5"); expect_output("60mph -> m/s", "26.8224 m/s"); expect_output("240km/day -> km/h", "10 km/h"); expect_output("1mrad -> °", "0.0572958°"); expect_output("52weeks -> days", "364 day"); expect_output("5in + 2ft -> cm", "73.66 cm"); expect_output("atan(30cm / 2m) -> deg", "8.53077°"); expect_output("6Mbit/s * 1.5h -> GB", "4.05 GB"); expect_output("6Mbit/s * 1.5h -> GiB", "3.77186 GiB"); expect_output("3m/4m", "0.75"); expect_output("4/2*2", "4"); expect_output("1/2 Hz -> s", "0.5 s"); } #[test] fn test_bohr_radius_regression() { // Make sure that the unit is 'm', and not 'F·J²/(C²·kg·m·Hz²)', like we had before expect_output("bohr_radius", "5.29177e-11 m"); } #[test] fn test_full_simplify() { expect_output("5 cm/m", "0.05"); expect_output("hour/second", "3600"); expect_output("5 to cm/m", "500 cm/m"); expect_output( "fn f(x: Scalar) -> Scalar = x to cm/m f(5)", "500 cm/m", ); expect_output("1 Wh/W", "1 Wh/W"); // This output is not great (and should be improved). But we keep this as a regression test for a bug in previous versions. expect_output("1 × (m/s)^2/(m/s)", "1 m/s"); } #[test] fn test_prefixes() { expect_output("hertz second", "1"); expect_output("kilohertz millisecond", "1"); expect_output("megahertz microsecond", "1"); expect_output("gigahertz nanosecond", "1"); expect_output("terahertz picosecond", "1"); expect_output("petahertz femtosecond", "1"); expect_output("exahertz attosecond", "1"); expect_output("zettahertz zeptosecond", "1"); expect_output("yottahertz yoctosecond", "1"); expect_output("ronnahertz rontosecond", "1"); expect_output("quettahertz quectosecond", "1"); } #[test] fn test_parse_errors() { expect_failure( "3kg+", "Expected one of: number, identifier, parenthesized expression, struct instantiation", ); expect_failure("let print=2", "Expected identifier after 'let' keyword"); expect_failure( "fn print(x: Scalar) = 1", "Expected identifier after 'fn' keyword", ); } #[test] fn test_name_clash_errors() { expect_failure("let kg=2", "Identifier is already in use: 'kg'"); expect_failure("fn kg(x: Scalar) = 1", "Identifier is already in use: 'kg'"); expect_failure("fn _()=0", "Reserved identifier"); } #[test] fn test_type_check_errors() { expect_failure("foo", "Unknown identifier 'foo'"); expect_failure( "let sin=2", "Identifier is already in use by the foreign function: 'sin'", ); expect_failure( "fn pi() = 1", "Identifier is already in use by the constant: 'pi'", ); expect_failure( "fn sin(x)=0", "Identifier is already in use by the foreign function: 'sin'", ); } #[test] fn test_runtime_errors() { expect_failure("1/0", "Division by zero"); } #[test] fn test_comparisons() { expect_output("2 < 3", "true"); expect_output("2 m < 3 m", "true"); expect_output("20 cm < 3 m", "true"); expect_output("2 m < 100 cm", "false"); expect_output("2 > 3", "false"); expect_output("2 m > 3 m", "false"); expect_output("20 cm > 3 m", "false"); expect_output("2 m > 100 cm", "true"); expect_output("2 <= 2", "true"); expect_output("2.1 <= 2", "false"); expect_output("2 >= 2", "true"); expect_output("2 >= 2.1", "false"); expect_output("200 cm == 2 m", "true"); expect_output("201 cm == 2 m", "false"); expect_output("200 cm != 2 m", "false"); expect_output("201 cm != 2 m", "true"); } #[test] fn test_logical() { // negation expect_output("!true", "false"); expect_output("!false", "true"); // or expect_output("true || false", "true"); expect_output("false || false", "false"); // and expect_output("true && false", "false"); expect_output("true && true", "true"); // priority expect_output("false || true && false", "false"); expect_output("false || true && !false", "true"); // Errors insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("1 || 2"), @"Expected boolean value"); insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("true || 2"), @"Expected boolean value"); insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("1 || true"), @"Expected boolean value"); insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("1 && 2"), @"Expected boolean value"); insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("true && 2"), @"Expected boolean value"); insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("1 && true"), @"Expected boolean value"); insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("!1"), @"Expected boolean value"); insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("!1 || true"), @"Expected boolean value"); } #[test] fn test_conditionals() { expect_output("if 1 < 2 then 3 else 4", "3"); expect_output("if 4 < 3 then 2 else 1", "1"); expect_output( "if 4 > 3 then \"four is larger!\" else \"four is not larger!\"", "\"four is larger!\"", ); } #[test] fn test_string_interpolation() { expect_output("\"pi = {pi}!\"", "\"pi = 3.14159!\""); expect_output("\"1 + 2 = {1 + 2}\"", "\"1 + 2 = 3\""); expect_output("\"{0.2:0.5}\"", "\"0.20000\""); expect_output("\"pi ~= {pi:.3}\"", "\"pi ~= 3.142\""); expect_output( "\"both {pi:.3} and {e} are irrational and transcendental numbers\"", "\"both 3.142 and 2.71828 are irrational and transcendental numbers\"", ); expect_output( " let str = \"1234\" \"{str:0.2}\" ", "\"12\"", ); expect_output("\"{1_000_300:+.3}\"", "\"+1000300.000\""); expect_output( " let str = \"1234\" \"a {str:^10} b\" ", "\"a 1234 b\"", ); // Doesn't work at the moment, as `strfmt` expects `i64`'s for `#x`, but Numbat deals with `f64`'s // internally //expect_output("\"{31:#x}\"", "0x1f") expect_failure( "\"{200:x}\"", "Incorrect type for format specifiers: Unknown format code 'x' for type", ); expect_failure( "\"{200:.}\"", "Invalid format specifiers: Format specifier missing precision", ); expect_failure( " let str = \"1234\" \"{str:.3f}\" ", "Incorrect type for format specifiers: Unknown format code Some('f') for object of type 'str'", ); } #[test] fn test_overwrite_regular_function() { expect_output( " fn f(x)=0 fn f(x)=1 f(2)", "1", ); } #[test] fn test_overwrite_inner_function() { expect_output( " fn inner() = 0 fn outer() = inner() fn inner(x) = 1 outer() ", "0", ); } #[test] fn test_override_constants() { expect_output("let x = 1\nlet x = 2\nx", "2"); expect_output("let pi = 4\npi", "4"); } #[test] fn test_overwrite_captured_constant() { expect_output( " let x = 1 fn f() = sin(x) let x = 1 m f() ", "0.841471", ); } #[test] fn test_pretty_print_prefixes() { expect_output("1 megabarn", "1 megabarn"); } #[test] fn test_full_simplify_for_function_calls() { expect_output("floor(1.2 hours / hour)", "1"); } #[test] fn test_datetime_runtime_errors() { expect_failure("datetime(\"2000-01-99\")", "Unrecognized datetime format"); expect_failure("now() -> tz(\"Europe/NonExisting\")", "Unknown timezone"); expect_failure( "date(\"2000-01-01\") + 1e100 years", "Exceeded maximum size for time durations", ); expect_failure( "date(\"2000-01-01\") + 15_000 years", "DateTime out of range", ); expect_failure( "format_datetime(\"%Y-%m-%dT%H%:M\", now())", "Error in datetime format", ) } #[test] fn test_user_errors() { expect_failure("error(\"test\")", "User error: test"); // Make sure that error(…) can be used in all contexts expect_failure("- error(\"test\")", "User error: test"); expect_failure("1 + error(\"test\")", "User error: test"); expect_failure("1 m + error(\"test\")", "User error: test"); expect_failure("if 3 < 2 then 2 m else error(\"test\")", "User error: test"); expect_failure( "if true then error(\"test\") else \"foo\"", "User error: test", ); expect_failure( "if false then \"foo\" else error(\"test\")", "User error: test", ); } #[test] fn test_recovery_after_runtime_error() { { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); expect_failure_with_context(&mut ctx, "let x = 1/0", "Division by zero"); expect_failure_with_context(&mut ctx, "x", "Unknown identifier 'x'"); } { let mut ctx = get_test_context(); expect_failure_with_context(&mut ctx, "let x = 1/0", "Division by zero"); assert!(ctx .interpret("let x = 1", CodeSource::Internal) .unwrap() .1 .is_continue()); expect_output_with_context(&mut ctx, "x", "1"); } } #[test] fn test_statement_pretty_printing() { // Let definitions expect_pretty_print("let v = 10 m/s", "let v: Velocity = 10 metre / second"); expect_pretty_print( "let v: Length * Frequency = 10 m/s", "let v: Length × Frequency = 10 metre / second", ); expect_pretty_print("let x = 0 + 1 m", "let x: Length = 0 + 1 metre"); expect_pretty_print("let x: Length = 0", "let x: Length = 0"); expect_pretty_print("let x = 0", "let x: forall A: Dim. A = 0"); // TODO: This is not ideal. 'forall' is not valid Numbat syntax. // Derived unit definitions expect_pretty_print( "unit my_length_base_unit: Length", "unit my_length_base_unit: Length", ); expect_pretty_print( "unit my_custom_base_unit", "unit my_custom_base_unit: MyCustomBaseUnit", ); expect_pretty_print( "unit my_speed_unit = 10 m/s", "unit my_speed_unit: Velocity = 10 metre / second", ); // Function definitions expect_pretty_print( "fn f(v)=(v+1 knot)/1s", "fn f(v: Velocity) -> Acceleration = (v + 1 knot) / 1 second", ); expect_pretty_print("fn f(x) = x", "fn f(x: A) -> A = x"); expect_pretty_print("fn f(x, y) = y", "fn f(x: A, y: B) -> B = y"); expect_pretty_print("fn f(x, y) = x", "fn f(x: B, y: A) -> B = x"); // TODO: This is correct, but it would be nice to associate 'x' to 'A', not 'B'. expect_pretty_print("fn f(x) = 2 x", "fn f(x: A) -> A = 2 x"); expect_pretty_print( "fn f(x, y) = x * y", "fn f(x: A, y: B) -> A × B = x × y", ); // Partially annotated functions expect_pretty_print( "fn f() -> Length * Frequency = c", "fn f() -> Length × Frequency = c", ); expect_pretty_print( "fn f(v: Length * Frequency) = 1", "fn f(v: Length × Frequency) -> Scalar = 1", ); expect_pretty_print("fn f(x: Length) = 2 x", "fn f(x: Length) -> Length = 2 x"); expect_pretty_print("fn f(x) -> Length = 2 x", "fn f(x: Length) -> Length = 2 x"); expect_pretty_print("fn f(z: Z) = z", "fn f(z: Z) -> Z = z"); // Functions with local variables expect_pretty_print( "fn f(x) = y where y = x", "fn f(x: A) -> A = y\n where y: A = x", ); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[cfg(test)] mod assert_eq_3 { use super::*; #[test] fn succeeds_when_eps_larger_than_diff() { insta::assert_snapshot!(succeed("assert_eq(200cm, 201cm, 2cm)"), @""); } #[test] fn succeeds_when_eps_is_equal_to_diff() { insta::assert_snapshot!(succeed("assert_eq(200cm, 201cm, 1cm)"), @""); } #[test] fn fails_when_types_mismatch() { insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(200cm, 201cm, 2 watts)"), @"Argument types in assert_eq calls must match"); } #[test] fn fails_and_does_not_show_original_values_when_same_units() { insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(200cm, 201cm, 0.1cm)"), @r###" Assertion failed because the following two quantities differ by 1.0 cm, which is more than 0.1 cm: 200.0 cm 201.0 cm "###); } #[test] fn fails_and_show_original_values_for_rhs_only() { // approximate equality failure with different units for rhs shows original values in parentheses for rhs only insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(2000mm, 201cm, 0.1cm to mm)"), @r###" Assertion failed because the following two quantities differ by 10 mm, which is more than 1 mm: 2000 mm 2010 mm (201 cm) "###); } #[test] fn fails_and_show_original_values_for_lhs_only() { // approximate equality failure with different units for lhs shows original values in parentheses for lhs only insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(2m, 2010mm, 0.1cm to mm)"), @r###" Assertion failed because the following two quantities differ by 10 mm, which is more than 1 mm: 2000 mm (2 m) 2010 mm "###); } #[test] fn fails_and_show_original_values_for_lhs_and_rhs() { // approximate equality failure with different units for lhs and rhs shows original values in parentheses for lhs and rhs insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(2m, 201cm, 0.1cm to mm)"), @r###" Assertion failed because the following two quantities differ by 10 mm, which is more than 1 mm: 2000 mm (2 m) 2010 mm (201 cm) "###); } #[test] fn fails_and_formats_to_match_precision_of_eps() { // check lhs, rhs, and diff have the same number of decimal places as epsilon // extra 0s at the end of epsilon are not currently considered insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(212121000.123456cm, 212121001.123456cm, 0.900cm)"), @r###" Assertion failed because the following two quantities differ by 1.0 cm, which is more than 0.9 cm: 212121000.1 cm 212121001.1 cm "###); // check left padding and alignment when lhs and rhs are positive insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(2.0000006cm, 243.311336cm, 0.0001mm)"), @r###" Assertion failed because the following two quantities differ by 2413.1134 mm, which is more than 0.0001 mm: 0020.0000 mm (2.0 cm) 2433.1134 mm (243.311 cm) "###); // check left padding and alignment when lhs and rhs are negative insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(-2.0000006cm, -243cm, 0.0001mm)"), @r###" Assertion failed because the following two quantities differ by 2410.0000 mm, which is more than 0.0001 mm: -0020.0000 mm (-2.0 cm) -2430.0000 mm (-243 cm) "###); // check left padding and alignment when only rhs is negative insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(2.0000006cm, -243cm, 0.0001mm)"), @r###" Assertion failed because the following two quantities differ by 2450.0000 mm, which is more than 0.0001 mm: 00020.0000 mm (2.0 cm) -2430.0000 mm (-243 cm) "###); // check lhs, rhs, and diff have the same number of decimal places as epsilon when epsilon is negative insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(212121000.123456cm, 212121001.123456cm, -0.900cm)"), @r###" Assertion failed because the following two quantities differ by 1.0 cm, which is more than -0.9 cm: 212121000.1 cm 212121001.1 cm "###); } #[test] fn issue505_angles() { insta::assert_snapshot!(fail("assert_eq(-77° + 0′ + 32″, -77.0089°, 1e-4°)"), @r###" Assertion failed because the following two quantities differ by 0.0178°, which is more than 0.0001°: -76.9911° -77.0089° "###); } } }