# NumeriLib v0.1.0 Change Log: 1. We are officially renaming Ferrate to NumeriLib. This will be the final name change for the project. 2. Moving Branches: * Moved `Functions` out of `special` and into the root of the crate. * You can access it from `numerilib::Functions` now. * Moved `Probability` out of `special` and into the root of the crate. * You can access it from `numerilib::Probability` now. 3. `numerilib::Functions` Changes: * More Numerical Integration Methods: * `numerilib::Functions::right_riemann` * `numerilib::Functions::left_riemann` * `numerilib::Functions::midpoint_riemann` * `numerilib::Functions::trapezoid` * `numerilib::Functions::simpson` * `numerilib::Functions::boole_rule` * `numerilib::Functions::adaptive_quadrature` * Moved Error Functions outside of `Functions` * They can now be accessed via `numerilib::special::Error` * Factorials and Factorial Related Functions: * Moved Factorials and Factorial Related Functions outside of `Functions` to `Probability` * They can now be accessed via `numerilib::special::Probability` * Added Rising Factorials `Pochammer's Symbol` and Falling Factorials * `numerilib::special::Probability::pochhammer` * `numerilib::special::Probability::falling_factorial` 4. More Special Functions: * The Previously Mentioned Error Functions * `numerilib::special::Error` * Hypergeomeric Functions * `numerilib::special::Hypergeometric` * A Quick Note on Hypergeometric Functions: * The Hypergeometric Functions are not fully implemented yet. They are still a work in progress. * Most Importantly the `numerilib::special::Hypergeometric::gaussian` Hypergeometric Function is fully not implemented yet. It is only accurate when 0 < `z` < 0.5 * All the Transforms will be implemented in the next release * The Previously Mentioned Probability Functions * `numerilib::special::Probability` 5. A Much Better Matrix API: * The Matrix API has been completely reworked and is now much more intuitive and easy to use. * For now `Gaussian Elimination` has been removed and will be re-added in the next release. 6. Statistics: * List Based Statistics: * Given a list you are now able to calculate basic functions * `numerilib::stats::Generic::mean` * `numerilib::stats::Generic::five_number_summary` * `numerilib::stats::Generic::population_sd` * `numerilib::stats::Generic::population_variance` * `numerilib::stats::Generic::sample_sd` * `numerilib::stats::Generic::sample_variance` * `numerilib::stats::Generic::size` * `numerilib::stats::Generic::sum` * `numerilib::stats::Generic::sum_squared` * More Distributions & Functions: * The New Distributions: * `numerilib::stats::distr::Binomial` * `numerilib::stats::distr::Cauchy` * `numerilib::stats::distr::Chi` * `numerilib::stats::distr::ChiSquared` * `numerilib::stats::distr::Fisher` * `numerilib::stats::distr::GeometricFailure` * `numerilib::stats::distr::GeometricTrials` * `numerilib::stats::distr::Hypergeometric` * `numerilib::stats::distr::Poisson` * Added tailed-CDF and CDF functions * Added many, many functions for each distribution (too many to list) 7. Docs.rs Changed: * Made Docs much more fleshed out and added in-depth examples for every function. * removed all the Links * Tests will no longer be in API Docs. Rather they will be in the new `tests` Directory of the project. 8. MDBook Website is Published: * The MDBook Website is now published and can be found at vlambda.github.io * The MDBook Website is still a work in progress and will be updated regularly. It is still missing a lot of content, but will be fully update to date by the next release. 9. Imaginary and Complex Numbers: * Added Imaginary and Complex Numbers * `numerilib::Complex` 10. A better README.md 11. The Future of `ferrate`, `vml`, and `rusty_stats`: * `ferrate` v0.0.4 will be the last release of `ferrate`. It will be yanked on the next release of `numerilib`. * `vml` and `rusty_stats` are currently yanked. *** ## Closing Notes I hope the wait was worth it. NumeriLib is now much more fleshed out and has a lot more functionality. I hope you enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed making it. If you like my work, please leave a Star on the GitHub Repo. It really helps me out. Thank you for your support and I hope you have a great day. -VLambda