use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Write}; use std::path::Path; const HEADER: &'static str = ""; fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { if let Ok(_) = std::env::var("DOCS_RS") { return Ok(()); } println!(""); println!(""); if let Err(_) = std::env::var("REBUILD_README") { return Ok(()); } let out = fs::File::create("")?; let mut readme = BufWriter::new(out); writeln!(readme, "{}", HEADER)?; let template = fs::File::open("")?; let template = BufReader::new(template); let cargo_version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); let docs_url = format!("{}/nuts/", cargo_version); let info = ReadmeInfo { docs_url }; let mut dict = HashMap::new(); find_snippets_in_directory("src", &mut dict)?; for line in template.lines() { let line = line?; if line.starts_with("@DOC ") { let (_, key) = line.split_at(5); if let Some(doc) = dict.get(key) { writeln!(readme, "{}", readme_transformation(&doc, &info))?; } else { writeln!(readme, "MISSING DOCS: {} not found", key)?; } } else { writeln!(readme, "{}", line)?; } } println!("dictioniary: {:?}", dict); Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug)] struct Snippet { raw: String, file_path: Vec, } fn find_snippets_in_directory( dir: impl AsRef, dict: &mut HashMap, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { for entry in fs::read_dir(dir)? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?; if metadata.is_file() && path.extension().map(|ext| ext == "rs").unwrap_or(false) { find_snippets_in_file(path, dict)?; } else if metadata.is_dir() { find_snippets_in_directory(path, dict)?; } } Ok(()) } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] enum SearchState { OutsideSnippet, InsideSnippet, } fn find_snippets_in_file( path: impl AsRef, dict: &mut HashMap, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let file = fs::File::open(&path)?; let mut state = SearchState::OutsideSnippet; let mut key = None; let mut snippet = String::new(); const START_MARKER: &'static str = "// @ START-DOC "; const END_MARKER: &'static str = "// @ END-DOC"; for (line_number, line) in BufReader::new(file).lines().enumerate() { let line = line?; let line = line.trim(); match state { SearchState::OutsideSnippet => { if line.starts_with(START_MARKER) { state = SearchState::InsideSnippet; let (_start, end) = line.split_at(START_MARKER.len()); key = Some(end.to_owned()); } } SearchState::InsideSnippet => { if line.starts_with(END_MARKER) { state = SearchState::OutsideSnippet; dict.insert( key.take().expect("No key?"), Snippet { raw: std::mem::take(&mut snippet), file_path: path .as_ref() .iter() .map(|s| s.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()) .collect(), }, ); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.as_ref().to_str().unwrap()); } else { snippet += "\n"; let uncommented = if let Some(i) = line.find("/// ") { line.split_at(i + 4).1 } else if let Some(i) = line.find("///") { line.split_at(i + 3).1 } else if let Some(i) = line.find("//! ") { line.split_at(i + 4).1 } else if let Some(i) = line.find("//!") { line.split_at(i + 3).1 } else { panic!( "Doc comment for README cannot be parsed: file: {}:{}, doc comment: {:?}", path.as_ref().to_str().unwrap(), line_number+1, line ) }; snippet += uncommented; } } } } assert_eq!(state, SearchState::OutsideSnippet); Ok(()) } struct ReadmeInfo { docs_url: String, } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] enum DecodeState { Init, ClosedBracket, } fn readme_transformation(input: &Snippet, info: &ReadmeInfo) -> String { // Find all doc links, e.g. // [`set_status`](struct.ActivityId.html#method.set_status) // and then transform to absolute address let mut out = String::new(); let mut state = DecodeState::Init; for c in input.raw.chars() { out.push(c); match c { ']' => state = DecodeState::ClosedBracket, '(' => { if state == DecodeState::ClosedBracket { out.push_str(&info.docs_url); } state = DecodeState::Init; } _ => state = DecodeState::Init, } } out }