remote_theme: "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes@4.24.0" minimal_mistakes_skin: "dark" plugins: - jekyll-include-cache title: "nvcli" name: "Lucas Liu" description: "A cli interface to some features of the Nvidia control panel" repository: "sqooid/nvcli" google_site_verification: "NVEiESCtwdsS2FVZfDiBbTsgl4weDvpWrQbfnJ6VsYM" social: links: - "" - "" defaults: - scope: path: "" type: pages values: layout: single author_profile: true title: About author: name: "Lucas Liu" avatar: "" bio: "A computer science and electrical engineering student" location: "Melbourne, Australia" links: - label: "Download" icon: "fas fa-fw fa-download" url: "" - label: "Repository" icon: "fab fa-fw fa-github" url: ""