import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import glob # Find all process usage CSV files csv_files = glob.glob('process_usage_*.csv') # Read and combine all CSV files dfs = [] for file in csv_files: df = pd.read_csv(file) dfs.append(df) if not dfs: print("No CSV files found or no data to combine.") else: combined_df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) # Convert timestamp to datetime combined_df['Timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(combined_df['Timestamp']) # Handle duplicate timestamps by adding a small time delta combined_df['Timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(combined_df['Timestamp']) + pd.to_timedelta(combined_df.groupby('Timestamp').cumcount(), unit='ms') # Create a Samples for plotting combined_df = combined_df.sort_values('Timestamp').reset_index(drop=True) combined_df['Samples'] = combined_df.index # Convert memory usage from bytes to MB combined_df['Memory Usage (MB)'] = combined_df['Memory Usage (bytes)'] / (1024 * 1024) # Create subplots fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(12, 15)) fig.suptitle('Comparison of nviwatch, nvtop, nvitop, and gpustat usage', fontsize=16) # CPU Usage plot using Samples sns.lineplot(data=combined_df, x='Samples', y='CPU Usage (%)', hue='Process Name', ax=axs[0]) axs[0].set_title('CPU Usage (%)') axs[0].set_xlabel('') # Memory Usage (%) plot sns.lineplot(data=combined_df, x='Samples', y='Memory Usage (%)', hue='Process Name', ax=axs[1]) axs[1].set_title('Memory Usage (%)') axs[1].set_xlabel('') # Memory Usage (MB) plot sns.lineplot(data=combined_df, x='Samples', y='Memory Usage (MB)', hue='Process Name', ax=axs[2]) axs[2].set_title('Memory Usage (MB)') # Adjust layout and save figure plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('process_usage_comparison.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') # Calculate summary statistics summary_stats = combined_df.groupby('Process Name').agg({ 'CPU Usage (%)': ['mean', 'max'], 'Memory Usage (%)': ['mean', 'max'], 'Memory Usage (MB)': ['mean', 'max'] }) # Format the summary statistics summary_stats = summary_stats.sort_values(by=('CPU Usage (%)', 'mean'), ascending=True).round(6) # Round to 6 decimal places for better alignment # Generate markdown table markdown_table = summary_stats.to_markdown() # Save markdown table to file with open('', 'w') as f: f.write(markdown_table) # Print summary statistics print(summary_stats)