use std::{io::Write, mem::size_of, ops::Mul, ptr::null_mut, time::Instant}; use custos::{ buf, cuda::{api::culaunch_kernel, fn_cache, launch_kernel}, prelude::{launch_kernel1d, CUBuffer, Float, Number}, static_api::static_cuda, Buffer, CDatatype, Device, CUDA, }; use nvjpeg_sys::{ check, nvjpegChromaSubsampling_t, nvjpegCreateSimple, nvjpegDecode, nvjpegDestroy, nvjpegGetImageInfo, nvjpegHandle_t, nvjpegImage_t, nvjpegJpegStateCreate, nvjpegJpegStateDestroy, nvjpegJpegState_t, nvjpegOutputFormat_t_NVJPEG_OUTPUT_RGB, }; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let raw_data = std::fs::read("cat_798x532.jpg")?; //let raw_data = std::fs::read("cat.jpg")?; let device = CUDA::new(0)?; let image = unsafe { decode_raw_jpeg(&raw_data, &device)? }; Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct Image {} unsafe fn decode_raw_jpeg( raw_data: &[u8], device: &CUDA, ) -> Result> { let mut handle: nvjpegHandle_t = null_mut(); let status = nvjpegCreateSimple(&mut handle); check!(status, "Could not create simple handle. "); let mut jpeg_state: nvjpegJpegState_t = null_mut(); let status = nvjpegJpegStateCreate(handle, &mut jpeg_state); check!(status, "Could not create jpeg state. "); let mut n_components = 0; let mut subsampling: nvjpegChromaSubsampling_t = 0; let mut widths = [0, 0, 0]; let mut heights = [0, 0, 0]; let status = nvjpegGetImageInfo( handle, raw_data.as_ptr(), raw_data.len(), &mut n_components, &mut subsampling, widths.as_mut_ptr(), heights.as_mut_ptr(), ); check!(status, "Could not get image info. "); heights[0] = heights[1] * 2; println!("n_components: {n_components}, subsampling: {subsampling}, widths: {widths:?}, heights: {heights:?}"); let mut image: nvjpegImage_t = nvjpegImage_t::new(); image.pitch[0] = widths[0] as usize; image.pitch[1] = widths[0] as usize; image.pitch[2] = widths[0] as usize; let channel0 = Buffer::::new(device, image.pitch[0] * heights[0] as usize); let channel1 = Buffer::::new(device, image.pitch[0] * heights[0] as usize); let channel2 = Buffer::::new(device, image.pitch[0] * heights[0] as usize);[0] = channel0.cu_ptr() as *mut _;[1] = channel1.cu_ptr() as *mut _;[2] = channel2.cu_ptr() as *mut _; let status = nvjpegDecode( handle, jpeg_state, raw_data.as_ptr(), raw_data.len(), nvjpegOutputFormat_t_NVJPEG_OUTPUT_RGB, &mut image, as *mut _, ); check!(status, "Could not decode image. "); //; let channel0 =; let channel1 =; let channel2 =; let filter_rows = 300; let filter_cols = 300; let filter = vec![1. / (filter_rows * filter_cols) as f32; filter_rows * filter_cols]; let mut channel0_out = vec![0.; channel0.len()]; correlate_fully( &channel0.iter().map(|x| *x as f32).collect::>(), &filter, &mut channel0_out, heights[0] as usize, widths[0] as usize, filter_rows, filter_cols, ); let mut channel1_out = vec![0.; channel1.len()]; correlate_fully( &channel1.iter().map(|x| *x as f32).collect::>(), &filter, &mut channel1_out, heights[0] as usize, widths[0] as usize, filter_rows, filter_cols, ); let mut channel2_out = vec![0.; channel2.len()]; correlate_fully( &channel2.iter().map(|x| *x as f32).collect::>(), &filter, &mut channel2_out, heights[0] as usize, widths[0] as usize, filter_rows, filter_cols, ); let channel0_out = channel0_out .into_iter() .map(|x| x as u8) .collect::>(); let channel1_out = channel1_out .into_iter() .map(|x| x as u8) .collect::>(); let channel2_out = channel2_out .into_iter() .map(|x| x as u8) .collect::>(); let file = std::fs::File::create("cat_798x532.ppm")?; let mut writer = std::io::BufWriter::new(file); writer.write(format!("P6\n{} {}\n255\n", widths[0], heights[0]).as_bytes())?; for row in 0..heights[0] { let row = row as usize; for col in 0..widths[0] { let col = col as usize; writer.write(&[ channel0_out[row * widths[0] as usize + col], channel1_out[row * widths[0] as usize + col], channel2_out[row * widths[0] as usize + col], ])?; } } writer.flush()?; // free /* let status = nvjpegJpegStateDestroy(jpeg_state); check!(status, "Could not free jpeg state. "); let status = nvjpegDestroy(handle); check!(status, "Could not free nvjpeg handle. ");*/ Ok(Image::default()) } pub fn correlate_cu_padded( input: &CUBuffer, filter: &CUBuffer, out: &mut CUBuffer, inp_rows: usize, inp_cols: usize, filter_rows: usize, filter_cols: usize, ) { let x_padding = filter_cols - 1; let y_padding = filter_rows - 1; let inp_rows2 = inp_rows + y_padding * 2; let inp_cols2 = inp_cols + x_padding * 2; let src = format!( r#" extern "C" __global__ void correlate({dtype}* input, {dtype}* filter, {dtype}* out, int inp_rows, int inp_cols, int unpad_rows, int unpad_cols, int filter_rows, int filter_cols) {{ int idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; int xPadding = filter_cols - 1; int yPadding = filter_rows - 1; int moveDown = blockIdx.x / (inp_cols-filter_cols + 1); int moveRight = blockIdx.x % (inp_cols-filter_cols + 1); int startOfBlock = moveDown * inp_cols + moveRight; int next = startOfBlock + (threadIdx.x / filter_cols) * inp_cols + (threadIdx.x % filter_cols); (yPadding + unpad_rows) * inp_cols if (next < 0) {{ return; }} //(yPadding + ) * inp_cols if (next >= inp_rows * inp_cols || next < 0) {{ // return; }} //__shared__ {dtype} res[filter_rows * filter_cols]; extern __shared__ {dtype} res[]; res[threadIdx.x] = input[next] * filter[threadIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); // sum res and write to out if (threadIdx.x == 0) {{ {dtype} sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < filter_rows * filter_cols; i++) {{ sum += res[i]; }} out[blockIdx.x] = sum; }} //printf("block: %d, idx: %d, val: %f \n", blockIdx.x, next, input[next]); //printf("shared val: %f \n", res[0]); }} "#, dtype = T::as_c_type_str() ); launch_kernel( input.device(), [ ((inp_rows2 - filter_rows + 1) * (inp_cols2 - filter_cols + 1)) as u32, 1, 1, ], [(filter_cols * filter_rows) as u32, 1, 1], (filter_cols * filter_rows * size_of::()) as u32, &src, "correlate", &[ input, filter, out, &inp_rows2, &inp_cols2, &inp_rows, &inp_cols, &filter_rows, &filter_cols, ], ) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_correlate_cu_padded() { #[rustfmt::skip] let data = buf![ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20. ] .to_gpu(); let filter = buf![1.; 9].to_gpu(); let mut out = buf![0.; data.len()].to_gpu(); correlate_cu_padded(&data, &filter, &mut out, 5, 4, 3, 3); println!("out: {out:?}"); } pub fn cu_padding( input: &CUBuffer, out: &mut CUBuffer, inp_rows: usize, inp_cols: usize, x_padding: usize, y_padding: usize, ) { let grid_x = ((inp_cols + x_padding * 2) as f32 / 16.).ceil() as u32; let grid_y = ((inp_rows + y_padding * 2) as f32 / 16.).ceil() as u32; let src = format!( r#" extern "C" __global__ void addPadding({dtype}* input, {dtype}* out, int inpRows, int inpCols, int xPadding, int yPadding) {{ int col = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; int row = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y; if (row >= inpRows || col >= inpCols) {{ return; }} out[yPadding * (inpCols + 2*xPadding) + row * (inpCols + 2 * xPadding) + col + xPadding] = input[row * inpCols + col]; }} "#, dtype = T::as_c_type_str() ); launch_kernel( input.device(), [grid_x, grid_y, 1], [16, 16, 1], 0, &src, "addPadding", &[input, out, &inp_rows, &inp_cols, &x_padding, &y_padding], ) .unwrap(); } pub fn correlate_cu( input: &CUBuffer, filter: &CUBuffer, out: &mut CUBuffer, inp_rows: usize, inp_cols: usize, filter_rows: usize, filter_cols: usize, ) { let src = format!( r#" extern "C" __global__ void correlate({dtype}* input, {dtype}* filter, {dtype}* out, int inp_rows, int inp_cols, int filter_rows, int filter_cols) {{ int idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; int moveDown = blockIdx.x / (inp_cols-filter_cols + 1); //int moveRight = blockIdx.x % (inp_cols - filter_cols + 1); int moveRight = blockIdx.x % (inp_cols-filter_cols + 1); int startOfBlock = moveDown * inp_cols + moveRight; int next = startOfBlock + (threadIdx.x / filter_cols) * inp_cols + (threadIdx.x % filter_cols); //__shared__ {dtype} res[filter_rows * filter_cols]; extern __shared__ {dtype} res[]; res[threadIdx.x] = input[next] * filter[threadIdx.x]; __syncthreads(); // sum res and write to out if (threadIdx.x == 0) {{ {dtype} sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < filter_rows * filter_cols; i++) {{ sum += res[i]; }} out[blockIdx.x] = sum; }} //printf("block: %d, idx: %d, val: %f \n", blockIdx.x, next, input[next]); //printf("shared val: %f \n", res[0]); }} "#, dtype = T::as_c_type_str() ); launch_kernel( input.device(), [ ((inp_rows - filter_rows + 1) * (inp_cols - filter_cols + 1)) as u32, 1, 1, ], [(filter_cols * filter_rows) as u32, 1, 1], (filter_cols * filter_rows * size_of::()) as u32, &src, "correlate", &[ input, filter, out, &inp_rows, &inp_cols, &filter_rows, &filter_cols, ], ) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_correlate_cu() { let data = buf![ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20. ] .to_gpu(); let filter = buf![1.; 9].to_gpu(); let mut out = buf![0.; data.len()].to_gpu(); correlate_cu(&data, &filter, &mut out, 5, 4, 3, 3); println!("out: {out:?}"); } #[test] fn test_correlate_cu_larger() { let rows = 1920; let cols = 1080; let data = buf![ 1.4; rows * cols ] .to_gpu(); let filter_rows = 32; let filter_cols = filter_rows; let filter = buf![1.; filter_rows * filter_cols].to_gpu(); let mut out = buf![0.; (rows - filter_rows + 1) * (cols - filter_cols +1)].to_gpu(); correlate_cu2( &data, &filter, &mut out, rows, cols, filter_rows, filter_cols, ); out.device().stream().sync().unwrap(); let start = std::time::Instant::now(); correlate_cu2( &data, &filter, &mut out, rows, cols, filter_rows, filter_cols, ); out.device().stream().sync().unwrap(); println!("elapsed: {:?}", start.elapsed()); //println!("out: {out:?}"); } #[test] fn test_cu_padding_la() { let data = buf![1; 10000*14000].to_cuda(); let mut out = buf![0; (10000 + 2*2) * (14000+ 2*2)].to_cuda(); cu_padding(&data, &mut out, 10000, 14000, 2, 2); data.device().stream().sync().unwrap(); let start = Instant::now(); cu_padding(&data, &mut out, 10000, 14000, 2, 2); data.device().stream().sync().unwrap(); println!("elapsed: {:?}", start.elapsed()); } #[test] fn test_cu_padding() { #[rustfmt::skip] let data = buf![ 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 8, 7, 4, 2, 7, 3, 2, 1, 8, 5, 3, 8 ].to_cuda(); let mut out = buf![0; (5 + 2*2) * (4+ 2*2)].to_cuda(); cu_padding(&data, &mut out, 5, 4, 2, 2); println!("out: {out:?}"); for (idx, padded_val) in out.to_cpu().iter().enumerate() { print!("{padded_val}, "); if (idx + 1) % (2 + 2 + 4) == 0 { println!() } } } #[test] fn test_add_padding() { #[rustfmt::skip] let data = [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 8, 7, 4, 2, 7, 3, 2, 1, 8, 5, 3, 8 ]; let padded = add_padding(&data, 5, 4, 2, 2); for (idx, padded_val) in padded.iter().enumerate() { print!("{padded_val}, "); if (idx + 1) % (2 + 2 + 4) == 0 { println!() } } } pub fn add_padding( inputs: &[T], inp_rows: usize, inp_cols: usize, x_padding: usize, y_padding: usize, ) -> Vec { let mut padded_inputs = vec![T::zero(); (inp_rows + y_padding * 2) * (inp_cols + x_padding * 2)]; for inp_row in 0..inp_rows { for inp_col in 0..inp_cols { padded_inputs[y_padding * (inp_cols + 2 * x_padding) + x_padding + inp_row * (inp_cols + 2 * x_padding) + inp_col] = inputs[inp_row * inp_cols + inp_col]; } } padded_inputs } pub fn correlate_cu2( input: &CUBuffer, filter: &CUBuffer, out: &mut CUBuffer, inp_rows: usize, inp_cols: usize, filter_rows: usize, filter_cols: usize, ) { let (out_rows, out_cols) = (inp_rows - filter_rows + 1, inp_cols - filter_cols + 1); const THREADS: u32 = 32; // THREADS let grid_x = (inp_rows as f32 / THREADS as f32).ceil() as u32; let grid_y = (inp_cols as f32 / THREADS as f32).ceil() as u32; let src = format!( r#" extern "C" __global__ void correlate2({dtype}* input, {dtype}* filter, {dtype}* out, int inp_rows, int inp_cols, int filter_rows, int filter_cols) {{ int moveDown = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; int moveRight = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y; int outRows = inp_rows - filter_rows + 1; int outCols = inp_cols - filter_cols + 1; if (moveDown >= outRows) {{ return; }} if (moveRight >= outCols) {{ return; }} {dtype} sum = 0; for (int filterRow = 0; filterRow < filter_rows; filterRow++) {{ int inputIdx = moveDown * inp_cols + moveRight + filterRow * inp_cols; for (int filterCol = 0; filterCol < filter_cols; filterCol++) {{ sum += input[inputIdx + filterCol] * filter[filterRow * filter_cols + filterCol]; }} }} out[moveDown * outCols + moveRight] = sum; }} "#, dtype = T::as_c_type_str() ); launch_kernel( input.device(), [grid_x, grid_y, 1], [THREADS, THREADS, 1], 0, &src, "correlate2", &[ input, filter, out, &inp_rows, &inp_cols, &filter_rows, &filter_cols, ], ) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_correlate_cu_2() { #[rustfmt::skip] let data = buf![ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20. ] .to_gpu(); let filter = buf![1./3.; 9].to_gpu(); let mut out = buf![0.; (5-3+1) * (4-3+1)].to_gpu(); correlate_cu2(&data, &filter, &mut out, 5, 4, 3, 3); println!("out: {out:?}"); let mut cpu_out = buf![0.; out.len()]; correlate_valid_mut( &data.to_cpu(), (5, 4), &filter.to_cpu(), (3, 3), &mut cpu_out, ); assert_eq!(,; } #[test] fn test_correlate_cu_larger_assert() { #[rustfmt::skip] let height = 1080; let width = 1920; for height in 950..1100 { for width in 1500..1980 { let data = (0..height * width) .into_iter() .map(|x| x as f32) .collect::>(); let data = Buffer::from((static_cuda(), data)); let filter_rows = 10; let filter_cols = 10; let filter = buf![1./3.; filter_rows * filter_cols].to_gpu(); let mut out = buf![0.; (height-filter_rows+1) * (width-filter_cols+1)].to_gpu(); correlate_cu2( &data, &filter, &mut out, height, width, filter_rows, filter_cols, ); //println!("out: {out:?}"); let mut cpu_out = buf![0.; out.len()]; correlate_valid_mut( &data.to_cpu(), (height, width), &filter.to_cpu(), (filter_rows, filter_cols), &mut cpu_out, ); assert_eq_with_tolerance(&, &, 100.0); } } let data = (0..height * width) .into_iter() .map(|x| x as f32) .collect::>(); let data = Buffer::from((static_cuda(), data)); let filter = buf![1./3.; 9].to_gpu(); let mut out = buf![0.; (height-3+1) * (width-3+1)].to_gpu(); correlate_cu2(&data, &filter, &mut out, height, width, 3, 3); //println!("out: {out:?}"); let mut cpu_out = buf![0.; out.len()]; correlate_valid_mut( &data.to_cpu(), (height, width), &filter.to_cpu(), (3, 3), &mut cpu_out, ); assert_eq_with_tolerance(&, &, 0.1); } pub fn assert_eq_with_tolerance(a: &[T], b: &[T], tolerance: T) { assert_eq!(a.len(), b.len()); for i in 0..a.len() { if (a[i] - b[i]).abs() >= tolerance { panic!( " LHS SIDE: {:?}, does not match with RHS SIDE: {:?} which value?: {}, {}", a, b, a[i], b[i] ); } } } pub fn correlate_cu2_pad( input: &CUBuffer, filter: &CUBuffer, out: &mut CUBuffer, inp_rows: usize, inp_cols: usize, filter_rows: usize, filter_cols: usize, ) { const THREADS: u32 = 8; let x_padding = filter_cols - 1; let y_padding = filter_rows - 1; let inp_rows2 = inp_rows + y_padding * 2; let inp_cols2 = inp_cols + x_padding * 2; let (out_rows, out_cols) = (inp_rows2 - filter_rows + 1, inp_cols2 - filter_cols + 1); let grid_x = (out_rows as f32 / THREADS as f32).ceil() as u32; let grid_y = (out_cols as f32 / THREADS as f32).ceil() as u32; let src = format!( r#" extern "C" __global__ void correlate2({dtype}* input, {dtype}* filter, {dtype}* out, int inp_rows, int inp_cols, int unpad_rows, int unpad_cols, int filter_rows, int filter_cols) {{ int moveDown = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; int moveRight = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y; int xPadding = filter_cols - 1; int yPadding = filter_rows - 1; int outRows = inp_rows - filter_rows + 1; int outCols = inp_cols - filter_cols + 1; if (moveDown >= outRows) {{ return; }} if (moveRight >= outCols) {{ return; }} {dtype} sum = 0; for (int filterRow = 0; filterRow < filter_rows; filterRow++) {{ int inputIdx = moveDown * inp_cols + moveRight + filterRow * inp_cols - yPadding * inp_cols - xPadding; // - (outCols % moveRight == 0) * xPadding; // + inp_row * (inp_cols + 2 * x_padding) // + inp_col for (int filterCol = 0; filterCol < filter_cols; filterCol++) {{ if (inputIdx +filterCol >= unpad_rows * unpad_cols) {{ continue; }} if (inputIdx+filterCol < 0) {{ continue; }} // print the input index + filterCol and the corresponding input value: printf("%d, %f\n", inputIdx+filterCol, input[inputIdx+filterCol]); sum += input[inputIdx + filterCol] * filter[filterRow * filter_cols + filterCol]; }} }} out[moveDown * outCols + moveRight] = sum; }} "#, dtype = T::as_c_type_str() ); launch_kernel( input.device(), [grid_x, grid_y, 1], [THREADS, THREADS, 1], 0, &src, "correlate2", &[ input, filter, out, &inp_rows2, &inp_cols2, &inp_rows, &inp_cols, &filter_rows, &filter_cols, ], ) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_correlate_cu_2_pad() { #[rustfmt::skip] let data = buf![ 1., 2., 9., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., ] .to_gpu(); let filter = buf![1.; 4].to_gpu(); let mut out = buf![0.; data.len()].to_gpu(); correlate_cu2_pad(&data, &filter, &mut out, 3, 3, 2, 2); println!("out: {out:?}"); let mut cpu_out = buf![0.; out.len()]; correlate_fully(&data.to_cpu(), &filter.to_cpu(), &mut cpu_out, 3, 3, 2, 2); println!("cpu out: {cpu_out:?}"); // assert_eq!(,; } pub fn correlate_valid_mut( lhs_slice: &[T], lhs_dims: (usize, usize), kernel_slice: &[T], kernel_dims: (usize, usize), out: &mut [T], ) { let (lhs_rows, lhs_cols) = lhs_dims; let (kernel_rows, kernel_cols) = kernel_dims; let (out_rows, out_cols) = (lhs_rows - kernel_rows + 1, lhs_cols - kernel_cols + 1); //loop for row-axis (y) //moves multiplication 1 down for y in 0..out_rows { //loop for col-axis (x) //moves multiplication 1 to the right for x in 0..out_cols { let mut sum = T::default(); //repeat kernel rows times to use move through all kernel rows for idx in 0..kernel_rows { let index = idx * lhs_cols + x + y * lhs_cols; let lhs_kernel_row = &lhs_slice[index..index + kernel_cols]; let index = idx * kernel_cols; let kernel_row = &kernel_slice[index..index + kernel_cols]; for (i, value) in lhs_kernel_row.iter().enumerate() { sum += *value * kernel_row[i]; } } // y * final_cols + x out[y * out_cols + x] = sum; } } } pub fn correlate_fully, U: Number>( inputs: &[T], filter: &[U], out: &mut [T], inp_rows: usize, inp_cols: usize, filter_rows: usize, filter_cols: usize, ) { let x_padding = filter_cols - 1; let y_padding = filter_rows - 1; let padded_inputs = add_padding(inputs, inp_rows, inp_cols, x_padding, y_padding); let padded_rows = inp_rows + y_padding * 2; let padded_cols = inp_cols + x_padding * 2; // attention: leaves the last padded row, col out for move_down in 0..=padded_rows - filter_rows - y_padding { for move_right in 0..=padded_cols - filter_cols - x_padding { let mut sum = T::default(); for idx in 0..filter_rows { let filter_idx = idx * filter_cols; let filter_row = &filter[filter_idx..filter_idx + filter_cols]; let input_idx = move_down * padded_cols + move_right + idx * padded_cols; let input_row = &padded_inputs[input_idx..input_idx + filter_cols]; for (filter_row, input_row) in input_row.iter().zip(filter_row) { sum += *filter_row * *input_row; } } out[move_down * inp_cols + move_right] = sum; } } } #[test] fn test_correlate() { let data = [ 1., 2., 3., 5., 4., 3., 2., 1., 8., 7., 4., 2., 7., 3., 2., 1., 8., 5., 3., 8., ]; let filter = [1. / 4., 1. / 4., 1. / 4., 1. / 4.]; let mut out = [0.; 5 * 4]; correlate_fully(&data, &filter, &mut out, 5, 4, 2, 2); println!("out: {out:?}"); let filter = [1. / 4.; 9]; let mut out = [0.; 5 * 4]; correlate_fully(&data, &filter, &mut out, 5, 4, 3, 3); println!("out: {out:?}"); } #[test] fn test_correlate_larger() { let rows = 5080; let cols = 520; let data = buf![ 1.4; rows * cols ]; let filter_rows = 32; let filter_cols = filter_rows; let filter = buf![1.; filter_rows * filter_cols]; let mut out = buf![0.; rows * cols]; correlate_fully( &data, &filter, &mut out, rows, cols, filter_rows, filter_cols, ); println!("out: {out:?}"); }