use std::env; use std::path::PathBuf; const DLSS_LIBRARY_PATH: &str = "DLSS/lib/Linux_x86_64"; const HEADER_FILE_PATH: &str = "src/bindings.h"; const SOURCE_FILE_PATH: &str = "src/bindings.c"; fn library_path() -> String { // let path = match DLSS_LIBRARY_TYPE { // DlssLibraryType::Development => "dev", // DlssLibraryType::Release => "rel", // }; // let path = format!("{DLSS_LIBRARY_PATH}/{path}/"); let path = DLSS_LIBRARY_PATH.to_owned(); PathBuf::from(path) .canonicalize() .expect("cannot canonicalize path") .to_str() .unwrap() .to_owned() } fn compile_helpers() { // This is the directory where the `c` library is located. let libdir_path = PathBuf::from("./") // Canonicalize the path as `rustc-link-search` requires an absolute // path. .canonicalize() .expect("cannot canonicalize path"); // This is the path to the intermediate object file for our library. let obj_path = libdir_path.join("target/ngx_helpers.o"); // This is the path to the static library file. let lib_path = libdir_path.join("target/libngx_helpers.a"); let git_submodule_update_job = std::process::Command::new("git") .arg("submodule") .arg("update") .arg("--init") .arg("--recursive") .arg("--depth") .arg("1") .output() .expect("run git successfully"); if !git_submodule_update_job.status.success() { let stdout = String::from_utf8(git_submodule_update_job.stdout).unwrap(); let stderr = String::from_utf8(git_submodule_update_job.stderr).unwrap(); panic!("could not checkout the submodules.\nStdout:\n{stdout}\n\nStderr:\n{stderr}"); } // Run `clang` to compile the source code file into an object file. let compile_job = std::process::Command::new("clang") .arg("-g") .arg("-G0") .arg("-c") .arg("-o") .arg(&obj_path) .arg(libdir_path.join(SOURCE_FILE_PATH)) .output() .expect("compile using `clang`"); if !compile_job.status.success() { let stdout = String::from_utf8(compile_job.stdout).unwrap(); let stderr = String::from_utf8(compile_job.stderr).unwrap(); panic!("could not compile object file.\nStdout:\n{stdout}\n\nStderr:\n{stderr}"); } // Run `ar` to generate the static library. if !std::process::Command::new("ar") .arg("rcs") .arg(lib_path) .arg(obj_path) .output() .expect("could not spawn `ar`") .status .success() { // Panic if the command was not successful. panic!("could not emit library file"); } // Link against the built helpers wrapper. println!( "cargo:rustc-link-search={}", libdir_path.join("target/").to_str().unwrap() ); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=ngx_helpers"); } fn main() { compile_helpers(); // Tell cargo to look for shared libraries in the specified directory println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", library_path()); // Tell cargo to tell rustc to link to the libraries. println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=nvsdk_ngx"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=stdc++"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dl"); // Tell cargo to invalidate the built crate whenever the wrapper changes println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={HEADER_FILE_PATH}"); // The bindgen::Builder is the main entry point // to bindgen, and lets you build up options for // the resulting bindings. let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default() // The input header we would like to generate // bindings for. .header(HEADER_FILE_PATH) // Tell cargo to invalidate the built crate whenever any of the // included header files changed. .parse_callbacks(Box::new(bindgen::CargoCallbacks::new())) .impl_debug(true) .impl_partialeq(true) .prepend_enum_name(false) .generate_inline_functions(true) .bitfield_enum("NVSDK_NGX_DLSS_Feature_Flags") // .generate_cstr(true) // .bitfield_enum("NVSDK_NGX_DLSS_Feature_Flags") // .bitfield_enum("NVSDK_NGX_Result") .disable_name_namespacing() .disable_nested_struct_naming() .default_enum_style(bindgen::EnumVariation::Rust { non_exhaustive: true, }) // Finish the builder and generate the bindings. .generate() // Unwrap the Result and panic on failure. .expect("Unable to generate bindings"); // Write the bindings to the $OUT_DIR/ file. let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); bindings .write_to_file(out_path.join("")) .expect("Couldn't write bindings!"); }