# nxtusb USB driver for communicating with the NXT brick. See [examples](https://github.com/bricks-rs/nxtusb/examples) for sample code. ## Example ```rust,no_run use nxtusb::{motor::*, *}; const POWER: i8 = 80; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> nxtusb::Result<()> { let nxt = Nxt::first_usb().await?; let _nxt2 = nxtusb::Bluetooth::wait_for_nxt().await?; println!("Running motor A at {POWER}"); nxt.set_output_state( OutPort::A, POWER, OutMode::ON | OutMode::REGULATED, RegulationMode::Speed, 0, RunState::Running, RUN_FOREVER, ).await?; std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(5)); println!("Stop"); nxt.set_output_state( OutPort::A, 0, OutMode::IDLE, RegulationMode::default(), 0, RunState::Running, RUN_FOREVER, ).await?; let bat = nxt.get_battery_level().await?; println!("Battery level is {bat} mV"); Ok(()) } ```