# Home-manager When using home-manager, you can import a custom module to configure nyaa. First, add to `inputs` in `flake.nix`: ```nix nyaa = { url = "github:Beastwick18/nyaa"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; ``` Then, add to `home.nix` imports and enable nyaa: ```nix imports = [ inputs.nyaa.homeManagerModule ] programs.nyaa.enable = true; ``` ## Options Most options available in the `config.toml` file can be configured through home-manager. The only option not available is `save_config_on_change`. This is because the value should always be `false` since the config will be saved to the nix store, which is read-only. For global options (not in a table), you can modify them with `programs.nyaa.*`. So to change the timeout, you could write: ```nix programs.nyaa.timeout = 45; ``` For tables, such as `client.qBittorrent`, you would access it like `programs.nyaa.client.qBittorrent.*` and add the property you want to change in the attribute set. So to change the base_url, you would write: ```nix programs.nyaa.client.qBittorrent.base_url = "..."; ```