## CNCF Dragonfly Nydus Adopters A non-exhaustive list of containerd adopters is provided below. Please kindly share your experience about Nydus with us and help us to improve Nydus ❤️. **_[Alibaba Cloud](https://www.alibabacloud.com)_** - Aliyun serverless image pull time drops from 20 seconds to 0.8s seconds. **_[Ant Group](https://www.antgroup.com)_** - Serving large-scale clusters with millions of container creations each day. **_[ByteDance](https://www.bytedance.com)_** - Serving container image acceleration in Technical Infrastructure of ByteDance. **_[KuaiShou](https://www.kuaishou.com)_** - Starting to deploy millions of containers with Dragonfly and Nydus. **_[Yue Miao](https://www.laiyuemiao.com)_** - The startup time of micro service has been greatly improved, and reduced the network consumption.