all: build all-build: build contrib-build all-release: release contrib-release all-static-release: static-release docker-static contrib-release all-install: install contrib-install all-clean: clean contrib-clean TEST_WORKDIR_PREFIX ?= "/tmp" INSTALL_DIR_PREFIX ?= "/usr/local/bin" DOCKER ?= "true" CARGO ?= $(shell which cargo) CARGO_BUILD_GEARS = -v ~/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa -v ~/.cargo/git:/root/.cargo/git -v ~/.cargo/registry:/root/.cargo/registry SUDO = $(shell which sudo) CARGO_COMMON ?= EXCLUDE_PACKAGES = UNAME_M := $(shell uname -m) UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) STATIC_TARGET = $(UNAME_M)-unknown-linux-musl ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) CARGO_COMMON += --features=virtiofs ifeq ($(UNAME_M),ppc64le) STATIC_TARGET = powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu endif ifeq ($(UNAME_M),riscv64) STATIC_TARGET = riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu endif endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) EXCLUDE_PACKAGES += --exclude nydus-blobfs ifeq ($(UNAME_M),amd64) STATIC_TARGET = x86_64-apple-darwin endif ifeq ($(UNAME_M),arm64) STATIC_TARGET = aarch64-apple-darwin endif endif RUST_TARGET_STATIC ?= $(STATIC_TARGET) CTR-REMOTE_PATH = contrib/ctr-remote NYDUSIFY_PATH = contrib/nydusify NYDUS-OVERLAYFS_PATH = contrib/nydus-overlayfs current_dir := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) env_go_path := $(shell go env GOPATH 2> /dev/null) go_path := $(if $(env_go_path),$(env_go_path),"$(HOME)/go") # Set the env DIND_CACHE_DIR to specify a cache directory for # docker-in-docker container, used to cache data for docker pull, # then mitigate the impact of docker hub rate limit, for example: # env DIND_CACHE_DIR=/path/to/host/var-lib-docker make docker-nydusify-smoke dind_cache_mount := $(if $(DIND_CACHE_DIR),-v $(DIND_CACHE_DIR):/var/lib/docker,) # Functions # Func: build golang target in docker # Args: # $(1): The path where go build a golang project # $(2): How to build the golang project define build_golang echo "Building target $@ by invoking: $(2)" if [ $(DOCKER) = "true" ]; then \ docker run --rm -v ${go_path}:/go -v ${current_dir}:/nydus-rs --workdir /nydus-rs/$(1) golang:1.18 $(2) ;\ else \ $(2) -C $(1); \ fi endef .PHONY: .release_version .format .musl_target .clean_libz_sys \ all all-build all-release all-static-release build release static-release .release_version: $(eval CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS += --release) .format: ${CARGO} fmt -- --check .musl_target: $(eval CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS += --target ${RUST_TARGET_STATIC}) # Workaround to clean up stale cache for libz-sys .clean_libz_sys: @${CARGO} clean --target ${RUST_TARGET_STATIC} -p libz-sys @${CARGO} clean --target ${RUST_TARGET_STATIC} --release -p libz-sys # Targets that are exposed to developers and users. build: .format .release_version ${CARGO} build $(CARGO_COMMON) $(CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS) # Cargo will skip checking if it is already checked ${CARGO} clippy --workspace $(EXCLUDE_PACKAGES) $(CARGO_COMMON) $(CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS) --bins --tests -- -Dwarnings --allow clippy::unnecessary_cast --allow clippy::needless_borrow release: .format .release_version build static-release: .clean_libz_sys .musl_target .format .release_version build clean: ${CARGO} clean install: release @sudo mkdir -m 755 -p $(INSTALL_DIR_PREFIX) @sudo install -m 755 target/release/nydusd $(INSTALL_DIR_PREFIX)/nydusd @sudo install -m 755 target/release/nydus-image $(INSTALL_DIR_PREFIX)/nydus-image @sudo install -m 755 target/release/nydusctl $(INSTALL_DIR_PREFIX)/nydusctl ut: .release_version TEST_WORKDIR_PREFIX=$(TEST_WORKDIR_PREFIX) RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ${CARGO} test --workspace $(EXCLUDE_PACKAGES) $(CARGO_COMMON) $(CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS) -- --skip integration --nocapture --test-threads=8 smoke-only: make -C smoke test smoke: release smoke-only docker-nydus-smoke: docker build -t nydus-smoke --build-arg RUST_TARGET=${RUST_TARGET_STATIC} misc/nydus-smoke docker run --rm --privileged ${CARGO_BUILD_GEARS} \ -e TEST_WORKDIR_PREFIX=$(TEST_WORKDIR_PREFIX) \ -v ~/.cargo:/root/.cargo \ -v $(TEST_WORKDIR_PREFIX) \ -v ${current_dir}:/nydus-rs \ nydus-smoke # TODO: Nydusify smoke has to be time consuming for a while since it relies on musl nydusd and nydus-image. # So musl compilation must be involved. # And docker-in-docker deployment involves image building? docker-nydusify-smoke: docker-static $(call build_golang,$(NYDUSIFY_PATH),make build-smoke) docker build -t nydusify-smoke misc/nydusify-smoke docker run --rm --privileged \ -e BACKEND_TYPE=$(BACKEND_TYPE) \ -e BACKEND_CONFIG=$(BACKEND_CONFIG) \ -v $(current_dir):/nydus-rs $(dind_cache_mount) nydusify-smoke TestSmoke docker-nydusify-image-test: docker-static $(call build_golang,$(NYDUSIFY_PATH),make build-smoke) docker build -t nydusify-smoke misc/nydusify-smoke docker run --rm --privileged \ -e BACKEND_TYPE=$(BACKEND_TYPE) \ -e BACKEND_CONFIG=$(BACKEND_CONFIG) \ -v $(current_dir):/nydus-rs $(dind_cache_mount) nydusify-smoke TestDockerHubImage # Run integration smoke test in docker-in-docker container. It requires some special settings, # refer to `misc/example/` for details. docker-smoke: docker-nydus-smoke docker-nydusify-smoke contrib-build: nydusify ctr-remote nydus-overlayfs contrib-release: nydusify-release ctr-remote-release \ nydus-overlayfs-release contrib-test: nydusify-test ctr-remote-test \ nydus-overlayfs-test contrib-clean: nydusify-clean ctr-remote-clean \ nydus-overlayfs-clean contrib-install: @sudo mkdir -m 755 -p $(INSTALL_DIR_PREFIX) @sudo install -m 755 contrib/ctr-remote/bin/ctr-remote $(INSTALL_DIR_PREFIX)/ctr-remote @sudo install -m 755 contrib/nydus-overlayfs/bin/nydus-overlayfs $(INSTALL_DIR_PREFIX)/nydus-overlayfs @sudo install -m 755 contrib/nydusify/cmd/nydusify $(INSTALL_DIR_PREFIX)/nydusify nydusify: $(call build_golang,${NYDUSIFY_PATH},make) nydusify-release: $(call build_golang,${NYDUSIFY_PATH},make release) nydusify-test: $(call build_golang,${NYDUSIFY_PATH},make test) nydusify-clean: $(call build_golang,${NYDUSIFY_PATH},make clean) ctr-remote: $(call build_golang,${CTR-REMOTE_PATH},make) ctr-remote-release: $(call build_golang,${CTR-REMOTE_PATH},make release) ctr-remote-test: $(call build_golang,${CTR-REMOTE_PATH},make test) ctr-remote-clean: $(call build_golang,${CTR-REMOTE_PATH},make clean) nydus-overlayfs: $(call build_golang,${NYDUS-OVERLAYFS_PATH},make) nydus-overlayfs-release: $(call build_golang,${NYDUS-OVERLAYFS_PATH},make release) nydus-overlayfs-test: $(call build_golang,${NYDUS-OVERLAYFS_PATH},make test) nydus-overlayfs-clean: $(call build_golang,${NYDUS-OVERLAYFS_PATH},make clean) docker-static: docker build -t nydus-rs-static --build-arg RUST_TARGET=${RUST_TARGET_STATIC} misc/musl-static docker run --rm ${CARGO_BUILD_GEARS} -e RUST_TARGET=${RUST_TARGET_STATIC} --workdir /nydus-rs -v ${current_dir}:/nydus-rs nydus-rs-static docker-example: all-static-release cp ${current_dir}/target/${RUST_TARGET_STATIC}/release/nydusd misc/example cp ${current_dir}/target/${RUST_TARGET_STATIC}/release/nydus-image misc/example cp contrib/nydusify/cmd/nydusify misc/example docker build -t nydus-rs-example misc/example @cid=$(shell docker run --rm -t -d --privileged $(dind_cache_mount) nydus-rs-example) @docker exec $$cid / @EXIT_CODE=$$? @docker rm -f $$cid @exit $$EXIT_CODE