import logging import pickle import sys from pathlib import Path from timeit import timeit import pandas as pd import yaml from nyx_space.cosmic import Orbit, Spacecraft, SrpConfig from nyx_space.mission_design import ( Event, SpacecraftDynamics, StateParameter, TrajectoryLoader, propagate, two_body, ) from nyx_space.monte_carlo import StateParameter, generate_orbits from nyx_space.plots import plot_traj_errors from nyx_space.time import Duration, Epoch, TimeSeries, Unit def test_propagate(): # Initialize logging FORMAT = "%(levelname)s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d\t%(message)s" logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # Base path root = Path(__file__).joinpath("../../../").resolve() config_path = root.joinpath("./data/tests/config/") sc = Spacecraft.load(str(config_path.joinpath("spacecraft.yaml"))) # Check that we have loaded this correctly by checking the values from the YAML file assert sc.value_of(StateParameter.X) == -9042.862234 assert sc.value_of(StateParameter.Y) == 18536.333069 assert sc.value_of(StateParameter.Z) == 6999.957069 assert sc.value_of(StateParameter.VX) == -3.288789 assert sc.value_of(StateParameter.VY) == -2.226285 assert sc.value_of(StateParameter.VZ) == 1.646738 assert sc.value_of(StateParameter.Cr) == 1.0 assert sc.value_of(StateParameter.Cd) == 2.2 assert sc.value_of(StateParameter.FuelMass) == 50.0 assert sc.epoch.timedelta(Epoch("2018-09-15T00:15:53.098 UTC")) == # Check other stuff that is computed on request assert sc.value_of(StateParameter.SMA) == 21999.99774705774 dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics.load_named(str(config_path.joinpath("dynamics.yaml"))) # So far, there are no accessors on the dynamics, so we will check what they print out =( assert ( f"{dynamics['lofi']}" == "Spacecraft dynamics (with guidance = false): No force models; Orbital dynamics: Point masses of Sun J2000, Earth J2000" ) assert ( f"{dynamics['hifi']}" == "Spacecraft dynamics (with guidance = false): SRP with φ = 1367 W/m^2 and eclipse light-source: Sun J2000, shadows casted by: Sun J2000, Moon J2000; Orbital dynamics: Point masses of Sun J2000, Earth J2000, Moon J2000; IAU Earth gravity field 10x10 (order x degree)" ) rslt, traj = propagate(sc, dynamics["lofi"], Unit.Day * 5.159) # Check that we propagated for the correct duration assert rslt.epoch.timedelta(sc.epoch) == Duration("5 days 3 h 48 min 57 s 600 ms") # We aren't in two body dynamics so the SMA has changed among other things. assert rslt.value_of(StateParameter.SMA) == 22000.024381883788 # Grab a specific epoch from the trajectory sc_state ="2018-09-16T00:16:53 TDB")) # Check that we got the right epoch assert sc_state.epoch.timedelta(Epoch("2018-09-16T00:16:53 TDB")) == # Save the file to parquet traj.to_parquet("lofi.parquet") # We can also propagate with a different method rslt, traj = propagate(sc, dynamics["lofi"], Unit.Day * 5.159, method="Dormand78") assert rslt.epoch.timedelta(sc.epoch) == Duration("5 days 3 h 48 min 57 s 600 ms") # Let's now propagate the original spacecraft to its apoapsis, but let's search no more than 2 orbit periods rslt_apo, _ = propagate( sc, dynamics["lofi"], sc.orbit.period().unwrap() * 2, event=Event(StateParameter.Apoapsis, 0.0), ) # Let's make sure that worked to within the default precision assert abs(rslt_apo.value_of(StateParameter.TrueAnomaly) - 180.0) < 0.001 event = Event(StateParameter.Apoapsis, 0.0, value_precision=1e-6) # But we can also be even more precise rslt_apo, traj = propagate( sc, dynamics["lofi"], sc.orbit.period().unwrap() * 2, event=event, ) assert abs(rslt_apo.orbit.ta_deg() - 180.0) <= 1e-6 # Resample the trajectory at fixed step size of 25 seconds traj = traj.resample(Unit.Second * 25.0) # Rebuild the trajectory with specific epochs ts = TimeSeries( traj.first().epoch, traj.last().epoch, step=Duration("0.3 min 56 s 15 ns"), inclusive=True, ) epochs = [epoch for epoch in ts] rebuilt_traj = traj.rebuild(epochs[1:-1]) assert rebuilt_traj.first().epoch == epochs[1] assert rebuilt_traj.last().epoch == epochs[-2] # Export this trajectory with additional metadata and the events # Base path root = Path(__file__).joinpath("../../../").resolve() outpath = root.joinpath("output_data/") # Note: Python interface only supports strings for paths, not Path objects. traj.to_parquet( str(outpath.joinpath("./lofi_with_events.parquet")), metadata={"dynamics": str(dynamics["lofi"])}, events=[event], ) # Propagate until the lo-fi epoch to compare _, traj_hifi = propagate( sc, dynamics["hifi"], epoch=rslt_apo.epoch, ) # Plot both trajectories in RIC frame if sys.platform != "win32": diff_path = str(outpath.joinpath("./lofi_hifi_ric_diff.parquet")) traj.ric_diff_to_parquet(traj_hifi, diff_path) traj_diff_ric = pd.read_parquet(diff_path) plot_traj_errors( traj_diff_ric, "LoFi vs HiFi", html_out=outpath.joinpath("./md_ric_lofi_hifi_diff.html"), show=False, ) plot_traj_errors( traj_diff_ric, "LoFi vs HiFi", html_out=outpath.joinpath("./md_ric_lofi_hifi_diff_velocity.html"), vertical=True, velocity=True, show=False, ) # Resample the trajectory at fixed step size of 25 seconds traj = traj.resample(Unit.Second * 25.0) # Also export this ground track cosm = Cosm.de438() iau_earth = cosm.frame("IAU Earth") traj.to_parquet("iau_earth_lofi.parquet", groundtrack=iau_earth) # Let's also search for this event in the trajectory for sc_at_event in traj.find(event): print(sc_at_event) assert abs(sc_at_event.value_of(StateParameter.TrueAnomaly) - 180.0) <= 1e-6 def test_build_spacecraft(): """ Tests that we can build a spacecraft from scratch without an input file """ # Initialize logging FORMAT = "%(levelname)s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d\t%(message)s" logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) cosm = Cosm.de438() eme2k = cosm.frame("EME2000") # Earth Mean Equator J2000 orbit = Orbit.from_try_keplerian_altitude( 400.0, 0.01, 15.6, 45.0, 90.0, 75.0, Epoch.system_now(), eme2k ) # Define the SRP srp = SrpConfig(2.0) # 2.0 will be the area print(srp) assert == 1.8 # Default value assert srp.area_m2 == 2.0 sc = Spacecraft(orbit, 150.0, 15.0, srp) print(sc) assert sc.srp() == srp assert sc.drag().area_m2 == 0.0 assert sc.drag().cd == 2.2 # Default value, but the area is zero, so it doesn't have any effect # Using this spacecraft as a template, let's load an OEM file, convert it to Parquet, and ensure we can load it back in. # The orbit data will be overwritten with data from the OEM file. root = Path(__file__).joinpath("../../../").resolve() config_path = root.joinpath("./data/tests/ccsds/oem/LEO_10s.oem") output_path = root.joinpath("./output_data/LEO_10s.parquet") # Convert from OEM to Parquet will happen on load traj = TrajectoryLoader(str(config_path), "oem", str(output_path), sc) print(traj) # Check that we can pickle the trajectory loader object traj_pkl = pickle.dumps(traj) traj_unpkl = pickle.loads(traj_pkl) assert traj_unpkl == traj # Check that we can convert this to a spacecraft trajectory traj_sc = traj.to_spacecraft_traj() traj_orbit = traj.to_orbit_traj() traj_orbit_dc = traj_sc.downcast() # Check that we can query it (will raise an exception if we can't, thereby failing the test) ts = TimeSeries( Epoch("2020-06-01T12:00:00.000000"), Epoch("2020-06-01T13:00:00.000000"), step=Unit.Minute * 17 + Unit.Second * 13.8, inclusive=True, ) for epoch in ts: orbit = dc_orbit = sc_orbit = # Check params individually assert orbit.epoch == sc_orbit.epoch assert orbit.x_km == sc_orbit.x_km assert orbit.vx_km_s == sc_orbit.vx_km_s # Check the downcasted version assert dc_orbit.x_km == sc_orbit.x_km assert dc_orbit.vx_km_s == sc_orbit.vx_km_s assert dc_orbit == sc_orbit def test_two_body(): # Build a demo orbit cosm = Cosm.de438() eme2k = cosm.frame("EME2000") assert == 398600.435392 # SPICE data, not GMAT data (398600.4415) assert eme2k.is_geoid() assert eme2k.equatorial_radius() == 6378.1363 e = Epoch.system_now() orbit = Orbit.from_try_keplerian_altitude( 400, ecc=1e-4, inc_deg=30.5, raan_deg=35.0, aop_deg=65.0, ta_deg=590, epoch=e, frame=eme2k, ) orbits = generate_orbits( orbit, [ (StateParameter("SMA"), 0.05), (StateParameter.Eccentricity, 0.1), (StateParameter.Inclination, 0.1), ], 1000, kind="prct", ) # And propagate in parallel using a single duration proped_orbits = two_body(orbits, durations=[Unit.Day * 531.5]) assert len(proped_orbits) >= len(orbits) - 2 # And propagate in parallel using many epochs ts = TimeSeries(e, e + Unit.Day * 1000, step=Unit.Day * 1, inclusive=False) epochs = [e for e in ts] proped_orbits = two_body(orbits, new_epochs=epochs) # Allow up to two to fail assert len(proped_orbits) >= len(orbits) - 2 timing = timeit(lambda: two_body(orbits, new_epochs=epochs), number=1) print(f"two body propagation of {len(orbits)} orbits in {timing} s") def test_merge_traj(): # Initialize logging FORMAT = "%(levelname)s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d\t%(message)s" logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # Base path root = Path(__file__).joinpath("../../../").resolve() config_path = root.joinpath("./data/tests/config/") sc1 = Spacecraft.load(str(config_path.joinpath("spacecraft.yaml"))) dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics.load_named(str(config_path.joinpath("dynamics.yaml")))["lofi"] # Check loading from the YAML read from Python with open(config_path.joinpath("dynamics.yaml")) as fh: data = yaml.safe_load(fh) loaded = SpacecraftDynamics.loads(data["lofi"]) assert loaded == dynamics sc2, traj1 = propagate(sc1, dynamics, Unit.Day * 5) # And propagate again sc3, traj2 = propagate(sc2, dynamics, Unit.Day * 5) # Add the trajectories traj = traj1 + traj2 assert traj.last().epoch == sc3.epoch, f"{traj.last()} != {sc3}" # Convert into another frame and try to add them too. # We only check the epoch this time. traj1_moon = traj1.to_frame("Moon J2000") traj2_moon = traj2.to_frame("Moon J2000") traj_moon = traj1_moon + traj2_moon assert traj_moon.last().epoch == sc3.epoch print(traj_moon) if __name__ == "__main__": test_propagate() test_merge_traj()