# Welcome to OasysDB 🎉 First of all, thank you for considering to use OasysDB! We hope that OasysDB will help you build your AI projects faster and more efficiently. Before you dive deep into OasysDB, these are a few things you should know about OasysDB and why you should or shouldn't use it. ## What is OasysDB? OasysDB is a hybrid vector database that allows you to have a vector index layer for similarity search with SQL database as your primary storage. For real-time and constantly changing data, this means you can use SQL databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQLite which offer ACID compliance and strong transactional support as your primary storage layer and only use OasysDB for similarity search. ![OasysDB Use Case](https://odb-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/banners/0.7.0.png) ## Features
- **SQL Storage Layer** OasysDB allows you to consolidate your vector data with other operational data in a single SQL database without impacting the performance of your SQL database. - **Flexible Indexing** You can pick your own poison by choosing indexing algorithms that fit your use case like Flat (Brute Force) or IVFPQ. You can also configure the index to fit your performance requirements. - **Multi-index Support** Depending on your use case and setup, you can create multiple vector indices for different vector columns from the same table to improve your search performance. - **Pre-filtering** In addition to post-filtering, OasysDB supports pre-filtering allowing you to create an index for a subset of your data to narrow down the search space before performing the ANN search.
## Why not OasysDB? - **Fully In-memory**: OasysDB stores the entire index in memory which means that the size of your index is limited by the memory available on your machine. If you have a large dataset over 10M vectors, you may want to consider using a disk-based indexing algorithm. - **Hybrid Solution**: OasysDB is a hybrid of SQL database and vector indexing layer. This means that you need to use a SQL database as your primary storage layer for OasysDB to be optimal. OasysDB, or any other vector databases for that matter, won't be able to replace a transactional database.