# async-sqlite A library to interact with sqlite from an async context. This library is tested on both [tokio](https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/) and [async_std](https://docs.rs/async-std/latest/async_std/), however it should be compatible with all async runtimes. ## Install Add `async-sqlite` to your "dependencies" in your Cargo.toml file. This can be done by running the command: ``` cargo add async-sqlite ``` ## Usage A `Client` represents a single background sqlite3 connection that can be called concurrently from any thread in your program. To create a sqlite client and run a query: ```rust use obeli_sk_deps_async_sqlite::{ClientBuilder, JournalMode}; let client = ClientBuilder::new() .path("/path/to/db.sqlite3") .journal_mode(JournalMode::Wal) .open() .await?; let value: String = client.conn(|conn| { conn.query_row("SELECT val FROM testing WHERE id=?", [1], |row| row.get(0)) }).await?; println!("Value is: {value}"); ``` A `Pool` represents a collection of background sqlite3 connections that can be called concurrently from any thread in your program. To create a sqlite pool and run a query: ```rust use obeli_sk_deps_async_sqlite::{JournalMode, PoolBuilder}; let pool = PoolBuilder::new() .path("/path/to/db.sqlite3") .journal_mode(JournalMode::Wal) .open() .await?; let value: String = pool.conn(|conn| { conn.query_row("SELECT val FROM testing WHERE id=?", [1], |row| row.get(0)) }).await?; println!("Value is: {value}"); ``` ## Cargo Features This library tries to export almost all features that the underlying [rusqlite](https://docs.rs/rusqlite/latest/rusqlite/) library contains. A notable difference is that the `bundled` feature is **enabled** by default, but can be disabled with the following line in your Cargo.toml: ```toml async-sqlite = { version = "*", default-features = false } ```