use crate::util::ClientError; use crate::util::GenericError; use cached::proc_macro::cached; use cached::Cached; use instant::Instant; use js_sys::Promise; use keyring::Entry; use oauth2::basic::BasicErrorResponse; use oauth2::basic::BasicRevocationErrorResponse; use oauth2::basic::BasicTokenIntrospectionResponse; use oauth2::basic::BasicTokenType; use oauth2::reqwest::async_http_client; use oauth2::AuthType; use oauth2::AuthUrl; use oauth2::AuthorizationCode; use oauth2::Client; use oauth2::ClientId; use oauth2::ClientSecret; use oauth2::CsrfToken; use oauth2::DeviceAuthorizationResponse; use oauth2::DeviceAuthorizationUrl; use oauth2::ExtraDeviceAuthorizationFields; use oauth2::ExtraTokenFields; use oauth2::PkceCodeChallenge; use oauth2::RedirectUrl; use oauth2::RefreshToken; use oauth2::RevocationUrl; use oauth2::Scope; use oauth2::StandardRevocableToken; use oauth2::StandardTokenResponse; use oauth2::TokenResponse; use oauth2::TokenUrl; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Serialize; use std::io::BufRead; use std::io::BufReader; use std::io::Write; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::net::TcpListener; use std::time::Duration; use tracing::info; use tracing::trace; use tracing::warn; use url::Url; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::wasm_bindgen; const KEYRING_BROWSER_FLOW: &str = ""; const KEYRING_DEVICE_FLOW: &str = ""; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum TokenGenerator { #[cfg(feature = "rust")] /// Generate a URL to complete authentication in a browser. OAuth2BrowserFlow, /// Generate a code you can use to sign in on another device. Use this flow /// when the execution environment doesn't have good input methods. OAuth2DeviceCodeFlow, #[doc(hidden)] /// Use a constant authentication token. Constant(String), } #[derive(Clone)] struct GoogleAuthToken { token: GoogleTokenResponse, request_time: Instant, } impl GoogleAuthToken { fn expiration_time(&self) -> Instant { self.request_time + self.token.expires_in().unwrap_or(Duration::ZERO) } fn id_token(&self) -> Result { self.token .extra_fields() .id_token .clone() .ok_or(ClientError::GoogleOAuthNoIdToken.into()) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Serialize)] pub struct GoogleTokenFields { id_token: Option, } impl ExtraTokenFields for GoogleTokenFields {} impl ExtraDeviceAuthorizationFields for GoogleTokenFields {} type GoogleTokenResponse = StandardTokenResponse; type GoogleClient = Client< BasicErrorResponse, GoogleTokenResponse, BasicTokenType, BasicTokenIntrospectionResponse, StandardRevocableToken, BasicRevocationErrorResponse, >; impl TokenGenerator { pub async fn token(&self) -> Result { match self { TokenGenerator::Constant(s) => Ok(s.clone()), TokenGenerator::OAuth2DeviceCodeFlow => { self.device_flow().await.map_err(ClientError::from_string) } #[cfg(feature = "rust")] TokenGenerator::OAuth2BrowserFlow => { self.pkce_flow().await.map_err(ClientError::from_string) } } } async fn pkce_flow(&self) -> Result { let previous_token = { let mut cache = PKCE_FLOW.lock().await; cache.cache_get(&()).cloned() }; let token = 'token: { if let Some(previous_token) = previous_token.clone() { if previous_token.expiration_time() > Instant::now() { break 'token Ok(previous_token); } } let refresh_token = get_refresh_token(&previous_token, KEYRING_BROWSER_FLOW); pkce_flow(refresh_token).await }?; token.id_token() } async fn device_flow(&self) -> Result { let previous_token = { let mut cache = DEVICE_FLOW.lock().await; cache.cache_get(&()).cloned() }; let token = 'token: { if let Some(previous_token) = previous_token.clone() { if previous_token.expiration_time() > Instant::now() { break 'token Ok(previous_token); } } let refresh_token = get_refresh_token(&previous_token, KEYRING_DEVICE_FLOW); device_flow(refresh_token).await }?; token.id_token() } } fn get_refresh_token( previous_token: &Option, keyring_key: &str, ) -> Option { previous_token .as_ref() .and_then(|t| t.token.refresh_token()) .cloned() .or_else(|| { let entry = Entry::new(keyring_key, &whoami::username()); match entry.and_then(|e| e.get_password()) { Ok(refresh_token) => { trace!("Found saved refresh token, using it first"); Some(RefreshToken::new(refresh_token)) } Err(e) => { trace!("Failed to retrieve refresh token from keyring: {}", e); None } } }) } fn save_refresh_token(token_response: &GoogleTokenResponse, keyring_key: &str) { if let Some(refresh_token) = token_response.refresh_token() { let entry = Entry::new(keyring_key, &whoami::username()); if let Err(e) = entry.and_then(|e| e.set_password(refresh_token.secret())) { warn!("Failed to store refresh token in keyring: {}", e); } } } fn pkce_flow_client(redirect_address: SocketAddr) -> Result { let google_client_id = ClientId::new( "".to_string(), ); let google_client_secret = ClientSecret::new("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".to_string()); let auth_url = AuthUrl::new("".to_string())?; let token_url = TokenUrl::new("".to_string())?; let client = GoogleClient::new( google_client_id, Some(google_client_secret), auth_url, Some(token_url), ) .set_redirect_uri(RedirectUrl::new(format!("http://{}", redirect_address))?) .set_revocation_uri(RevocationUrl::new( "".to_string(), )?); Ok(client) } #[cached( size = 1, key = "()", convert = r#"{ () }"#, result = true, sync_writes = true )] async fn pkce_flow(previous_token: Option) -> Result { let listener = TcpListener::bind("localhost:0")?; let client = pkce_flow_client(listener.local_addr()?)?; if let Some(refresh_token) = previous_token.as_ref() { let request_time = Instant::now(); if let Ok(new_token) = client .exchange_refresh_token(refresh_token) .request_async(async_http_client) .await { return Ok(GoogleAuthToken { token: new_token, request_time, }); } } let (pkce_code_challenge, pkce_code_verifier) = PkceCodeChallenge::new_random_sha256(); let (authorize_url, csrf_state) = client .authorize_url(CsrfToken::new_random) .add_scope(Scope::new("email".to_string())) .set_pkce_challenge(pkce_code_challenge) .url(); warn!( r#" ############################################# ############# ############# ############################################# Authenticate in your browser: {} ############################################# ############################################# ############################################# "#, authorize_url.to_string() ); let (code, received_csrf) = create_pkce_listen_server(listener).await?; if csrf_state.secret() != received_csrf.secret() { return Err(ClientError::GoogleOAuthReceivedInvalidState { expected: csrf_state.secret().to_string(), received: received_csrf.secret().to_string(), } .into()); } let request_time = Instant::now(); let token_response = client .exchange_code(code) .set_pkce_verifier(pkce_code_verifier) .request_async(async_http_client) .await?; save_refresh_token(&token_response, KEYRING_BROWSER_FLOW); Ok(GoogleAuthToken { token: token_response, request_time, }) } fn device_code_flow_client() -> Result { let auth_url = AuthUrl::new("".to_string())?; let token_url = TokenUrl::new("".to_string())?; let device_auth_url = DeviceAuthorizationUrl::new("".to_string())?; Ok(GoogleClient::new( ClientId::new( "".to_string(), ), Some(ClientSecret::new( "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".to_string(), )), auth_url, Some(token_url), ) .set_device_authorization_url(device_auth_url) .set_auth_type(AuthType::RequestBody)) } #[cached( size = 1, key = "()", convert = r#"{ () }"#, result = true, sync_writes = true )] async fn device_flow( previous_token: Option, ) -> Result { let request_time = Instant::now(); let client = device_code_flow_client()?; if let Some(refresh_token) = previous_token.as_ref() { if let Ok(new_token) = client .exchange_refresh_token(refresh_token) .request_async(async_http_client) .await { return Ok(GoogleAuthToken { token: new_token, request_time, }); } } trace!("Making device code request"); let details: DeviceAuthorizationResponse = client .exchange_device_code()? .add_scope(Scope::new("email".to_string())) .request_async(async_http_client) .await?; warn!( r#" ############################################# ############# ############# ############################################# Authenticate in your browser: {} Enter this code: {} ############################################# ############################################# ############################################# "#, details.verification_uri().to_string(), details.user_code().secret().to_string() ); let response = client .exchange_device_access_token(&details) .request_async( async_http_client, #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] tokio::time::sleep, #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))] sleep, Some(Duration::from_secs(5 * 60)), ) .await?; save_refresh_token(&response, KEYRING_DEVICE_FLOW); warn!("Successfully exchanged device code for access token"); Ok(GoogleAuthToken { token: response, request_time, }) } #[cfg(feature = "wasm")] #[wasm_bindgen] extern "C" { #[wasm_bindgen(js_name = setTimeout)] fn set_timeout(resolve: js_sys::Function, duration: i32); } #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))] pub async fn sleep(duration: Duration) { let mut cb = |resolve: js_sys::Function, reject: js_sys::Function| { set_timeout(resolve, duration.as_millis() as i32); }; let p = js_sys::Promise::new(&mut cb); wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture::from(p).await.unwrap(); } async fn create_pkce_listen_server( listener: TcpListener, ) -> Result<(AuthorizationCode, CsrfToken), GenericError> { // TODO(doug): Clean this up for stream in listener.incoming() { if let Ok(mut stream) = stream { let code; let state; { let mut reader = BufReader::new(&stream); let mut request_line = String::new(); reader.read_line(&mut request_line).unwrap(); let redirect_url = request_line.split_whitespace().nth(1).unwrap(); let url = Url::parse(&("http://localhost".to_string() + redirect_url)).unwrap(); let code_pair = url .query_pairs() .find(|pair| { let &(ref key, _) = pair; key == "code" }) .unwrap(); let (_, value) = code_pair; code = AuthorizationCode::new(value.into_owned()); let state_pair = url .query_pairs() .find(|pair| { let &(ref key, _) = pair; key == "state" }) .unwrap(); let (_, value) = state_pair; state = CsrfToken::new(value.into_owned()); } let message = include_str!("sign_in_redirect.html"); let response = format!( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-length: {}\r\n\r\n{}", message.len(), message ); stream.write_all(response.as_bytes()).unwrap(); return Ok((code, state)); } } Err(ClientError::FailedToOpenPKCEServer.into()) }