use assert_cmd::prelude::*; use assert_fs::fixture::ChildPath; use assert_fs::prelude::*; use assert_fs::TempDir; use indoc::indoc; use predicates::prelude::*; use rexpect::session::PtyReplSession; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; pub struct Obx { pub cmd: std::process::Command, pub temp_dir: TempDir, } impl Obx { pub fn from_command(command_str: &str) -> Self { let temp_dir = create_fixtures(); let mut cmd = std::process::Command::cargo_bin("obx").expect("failed to construct obx command"); cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir); let args = command_str.split(" "); for arg in args { cmd.arg(arg); } let config_path = temp_dir.child("./config/obx/"); let initial_cfg_file = format!( indoc! { r#"current_vault: main vaults: - name: main path: {dir}/main-vault/ - name: secondary path: {dir}/another/path "#}, dir = temp_dir.display() ); cmd.env("OBX_CONFIG_DIR", config_path.display().to_string()); Obx { cmd, temp_dir } .with_editor("") .with_config_file(&*&initial_cfg_file) } pub fn spawn_interactive(self, timeout: Option) -> anyhow::Result { // Take our usual cmd but instead of asserting on it, convert it into // a string, then split it into the `cd $dir` and `cmd $args` parts let cmd_str = &format!("{:?}", self.cmd); let cmd_parts = cmd_str.split(" && ").collect::>(); let [cd_cmd, bin_cmd] = &cmd_parts[..] else { panic!("couldn't split cmd_parts") }; let mut p = rexpect::spawn_bash(timeout)?; p.send_line(&cd_cmd).unwrap(); p.send_line(&bin_cmd).unwrap(); Ok(p) } pub fn with_config_file(self, cfg_file: &str) -> Self { self.temp_dir .child("./config/obx/config.yml") .write_str(&cfg_file) .expect("should be able to write to config file"); self } pub fn with_editor(mut self, editor_script: S) -> Self where S: Into, { let mock_editor = create_editor_script(editor_script, &self.temp_dir); self.cmd .env("EDITOR", &mock_editor.path().to_str().unwrap()); self } pub fn env(&mut self, key: K, val: V) -> &mut Self where K: AsRef, V: AsRef, { self.cmd.env(key, val); self } pub fn assert_created

(mut self, file_path: P) -> Self where P: AsRef, { self.cmd.assert().success(); self.temp_dir .child(file_path) .assert(predicate::path::exists()); self } pub fn assert_content(mut self, file_path: P, file_content: S) -> Self where P: AsRef, S: Into, { self.cmd.assert().success(); self.temp_dir .child(file_path) .assert(predicate::path::exists()) .assert(predicate::str::diff(file_content.into())); self } pub fn assert_success(mut self) -> Self { self.cmd.assert().success(); self } pub fn assert_stdout(mut self, stdout_match: S) -> Self where S: Into, { self.cmd .assert() .success() .stdout(predicate::str::diff(stdout_match.into())); self } pub fn assert_stdout_contains(mut self, stdout_match: S) -> Self where S: Into, { self.cmd .assert() .success() .stdout(predicate::str::contains(stdout_match.into())); self } pub fn assert_stderr(mut self, stderr_match: S) -> Self where S: Into, { self.cmd .assert() .failure() .stderr(predicate::str::diff(stderr_match.into())); self } } /// Create a TempDir and clone our example vault into it pub fn create_fixtures() -> TempDir { let dir = TempDir::new().expect("failed to create new TempDir"); dir.copy_from("tests/fixtures", &["*.md"]).unwrap(); dir } pub fn create_editor_script(content: S, temp_dir: &TempDir) -> ChildPath where S: Into, { // Create a mock editor script, we can verify it's been called // because it will append to the file let mock_editor = temp_dir.child(""); let editor_content: String = format!("#!/bin/sh\n{}", content.into()); mock_editor.write_str(&editor_content).unwrap(); #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; fs::set_permissions(mock_editor.path(), fs::Permissions::from_mode(0o755)).unwrap(); } #[cfg(not(unix))] { todo!(); } mock_editor }