use glam::*; use obvhs::{ cwbvh::builder::build_cwbvh_from_tris, ray::{Ray, RayHit}, test_util::geometry::{icosphere, PLANE}, triangle::Triangle, BvhBuildParams, }; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { // Build a scene with an icosphere and a plane // BVH primitives do not need to be triangles, the BVH builder is only concerned with AABBs. // (With the exception of optional precise triangle aabb splitting) let mut tris: Vec = Vec::new(); tris.extend(icosphere(1)); tris.extend(PLANE); // Build the BVH. // build_cwbvh_from_tris is just a helper that can build from BvhBuildParams and the // respective presets. Feel free to copy the contents of build_cwbvh_from_tris or // build_cwbvh. They are very straightforward. If you don't want to use Triangles as the // primitive, use build_cwbvh instead. build_cwbvh_from_tris just adds support for // splitting tris. let bvh = build_cwbvh_from_tris( &tris, BvhBuildParams::medium_build(), &mut Duration::default(), ); // Create a new ray let ray = Ray::new_inf(vec3a(0.1, 0.1, 4.0), vec3a(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)); // Traverse the BVH, finding the closest hit. let mut ray_hit = RayHit::none(); if bvh.ray_traverse(ray, &mut ray_hit, |ray, id| { // Use primitive_indices to look up the original primitive id. // (Could reorder tris per bvh.primitive_indices to avoid this lookup, see // cornell_box_cwbvh example) tris[bvh.primitive_indices[id] as usize].intersect(ray) }) { println!( "Hit Triangle {}", bvh.primitive_indices[ray_hit.primitive_id as usize] ); println!("Distance to hit: {}", ray_hit.t); } else { println!("Miss"); } }