#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Build images from the instructions in `ci/custom/Dockerfile.*` files. # # A local registry is started to published the new images. set -euo pipefail : "${REGISTRY_PORT:=5000}" REGISTRY_URL=$REGISTRY_PORT SELF=$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")") run() { ( set -x ; "$@" ) } # Move the current stdout to another file descriptor, and # replace it with stderr. # # Thus, the output from the build commands will not be mixed # with image references. exec {OUTPUT}<&1- exec 1>&2 # Launch a Docker registry if it is not ready. if ! curl --silent --max-time 5 "$REGISTRY_URL" then docker run --detach --publish 5000:5000 registry for n in {1..20} do sleep "$n" if curl --silent --max-time 5 "$REGISTRY_URL" then break fi done fi for dockerfile in "$SELF"/custom/Dockerfile.* do id=$(sha256sum "$dockerfile" | head -c 12) reference=$REGISTRY_URL/$id.${dockerfile//*.}:latest run buildah build --layers=true --tag "$reference" --file "$dockerfile" "$SELF/custom" run buildah push --tls-verify=false "$reference" echo "$reference" >&$OUTPUT done