use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::error::Error; use std::path::PathBuf; use ocrs::{ImageSource, OcrEngine, OcrEngineParams}; use rten::Model; #[allow(unused)] use rten_tensor::prelude::*; struct Args { image: String, } fn parse_args() -> Result { use lexopt::prelude::*; let mut values = VecDeque::new(); let mut parser = lexopt::Parser::from_env(); while let Some(arg) = { match arg { Value(val) => values.push_back(val.string()?), Long("help") => { println!( "Usage: {bin_name} ", bin_name = parser.bin_name().unwrap_or("hello_ocrs") ); std::process::exit(0); } _ => return Err(arg.unexpected()), } } let image = values.pop_front().ok_or("missing `image` arg")?; Ok(Args { image }) } /// Given a file path relative to the crate root, return the absolute path. fn file_path(path: &str) -> PathBuf { let mut abs_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); abs_path.push(path); abs_path } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let args = parse_args()?; // Use the `` script to download the models. let detection_model_path = file_path("examples/text-detection.rten"); let rec_model_path = file_path("examples/text-recognition.rten"); let detection_model = Model::load_file(detection_model_path)?; let recognition_model = Model::load_file(rec_model_path)?; let engine = OcrEngine::new(OcrEngineParams { detection_model: Some(detection_model), recognition_model: Some(recognition_model), ..Default::default() })?; // Read image using image-rs library, and convert to RGB if not already // in that format. let img = image::open(&args.image).map(|image| image.into_rgb8())?; // Apply standard image pre-processing expected by this library (convert // to greyscale, map range to [-0.5, 0.5]). let img_source = ImageSource::from_bytes(img.as_raw(), img.dimensions())?; let ocr_input = engine.prepare_input(img_source)?; // Detect and recognize text. If you only need the text and don't need any // layout information, you can also use `engine.get_text(&ocr_input)`, // which returns all the text in an image as a single string. // Get oriented bounding boxes of text words in input image. let word_rects = engine.detect_words(&ocr_input)?; // Group words into lines. Each line is represented by a list of word // bounding boxes. let line_rects = engine.find_text_lines(&ocr_input, &word_rects); // Recognize the characters in each line. let line_texts = engine.recognize_text(&ocr_input, &line_rects)?; for line in line_texts .iter() .flatten() // Filter likely spurious detections. With future model improvements // this should become unnecessary. .filter(|l| l.to_string().len() > 1) { println!("{}", line); } Ok(()) }