# Octicons in Rust This is a library that will let you easily include svg [octicons][octicons] in your rust server side templates. The icons and their path data are exposed as static variables. Clone the statics and use the builder functions to configure the icon's attributes. ## Install 1. Add this to your `Cargo.toml` ```toml octicons = "0.1" ``` 2. Add the crate to your `main.rs` or `lib.rs` ```rust extern crate octicons; ``` 3. Use the static structs in your server side templates ```rust format!("{}", octicons::ARROW_DOWN.clone() .xmlns(Some("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg")) .width(32) .height(32) .fill(Some("#ff0")) .aria_label(Some("hi")) .class(Some("right left")) ); ``` ## Documentation Crate documentation can be found at [docs.rs/octicons/](https://docs.rs/octicons) ## Publishing If you have access to publish this repository, these are the steps to publishing. If you need access, contact [#design-systems](https://github.slack.com/archives/design-systems). **Before publishing** This package relies on the data from [octicons](https://github.com/primer/octicons). To update to the most recent version, you'll need to run `make prepare` 1. Update the [CHANGELOG.md](../../CHANGELOG.md) with relevant version number and any updates made to the repository. 2. Update the version in [Cargo.toml]() using the relevant version. The versioning is [semver](http://semver.org/), so version appropriately based on what has changed. 3. `cargo package --allow-dirty` Allow including the svg files needed by the build.rs 4. `cargo publish` This will build the crate and publish it to crate.io. 5. `git push && git push --tags` Push all these changes to origin. ## License (c) 2012-2017 GitHub, Inc. When using the GitHub logos, be sure to follow the [GitHub logo guidelines](https://github.com/logos). _Font License:_ [SIL OFL 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/OFL) Applies to all font files and SVG files _Code License:_ [MIT](./LICENSE) Applies to all other files [octicons]: https://github.com/primer/octicons [octicons-docs]: https://octicons.github.com/