listen_address = "" metric_address = "" log_level = "info" # random, round_robin, least_loaded_time,uri_hash, frist balance = "frist" # balance = "roundrobin" [backends] # local server 1 [backends.local1] protocol = "http2" # cafile for client auth address = "localhost:8443" # retry timeout when the backend fail to connect remote server retry_timeout = 3 # 0 is no max retries max_retries = 0 cacert = "../certs_server/ca.crt" client_key = "../certs_client/client.key" client_cert = "../certs_client/client.crt" http2 = { keep_alive_interval = 1, keep_alive_timeout = 1, keep_alive_while_idle = true } # keep_alive_interval # Sets an interval for HTTP2 Ping frames should be sent to keep a connection alive. # keep_alive_timeout # Sets a timeout for receiving an acknowledgement of the keep-alive ping. # If the ping is not acknowledged within the timeout, the connection will be closed # keep_alive_while_idle # Sets whether HTTP2 keep-alive should apply while the connection is idle. # If disabled, keep-alive pings are only sent while there are open request/responses streams. # If enabled, pings are also sent when no streams are active. # bbr, cubic quic = { max_idle_timeout = 200, keep_alive_interval = 0, ipv4_only = true, expected_rtt = 300, max_stream_bandwidth = 2097152, congestion = "bbr" } # server 2 [backends.remote1] status = "force_closed" protocol = "quic" # cafile for client auth address = "localhost:8444" # retry timeout when the backend fail to connect remote server retry_timeout = 30 cacert = "../certs_server/ca.crt" client_key = "../certs_client/client.key" client_cert = "../certs_client/client.crt"