[package] name = "odata_client_codegen" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Toby Dimmick "] edition = "2018" description = "Strongly-typed OData client code generation" license = "Apache-2.0" documentation = "https://docs.rs/odata_client_codegen/" repository = "https://gitlab.com/tobz1000/odata_client_rs" [dependencies] serde = { version = "^1.0", features = ["derive"] } # Waiting on https://github.com/RReverser/serde-xml-rs/pull/143 to switch back to `serde-xml-rs` crate tobz1000-serde-xml-rs = { version = "^0.4.1-tobz1000-1" } xml-rs = "^0.8" uuid = { version = "^0.8", features = ["serde"] } regex = "^1.4" lazy_static = "^1.4" chrono = "0.4" anyhow = "1.0" bumpalo = "^3.5" base64 = "^0.13" derive_more = { version = "^0.99", features = ["try_into", "from"] } iso8601 = "^0.4" odata_client_util = { version = "^0.1", path = "../odata_client_util" } syn = "^1.0" proc-macro2 = "^1.0" quote = "^1.0" which = "^4.0" # Waiting on https://github.com/petgraph/petgraph/pull/386 to switch back to `petgraph` crate tobz1000-petgraph = { version = "0.5.1-tobz1000" }