mod common; mod connection_strings; use stdext::function_name; use sys::{CDataType, Numeric, Pointer, SqlDataType, Timestamp, NULL_DATA}; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; use test_case::test_case; use common::{cursor_to_string, Given, Profile, SingleColumnRowSetBuffer}; use connection_strings::{ MARIADB_CONNECTION, MSSQL_CONNECTION, POSTGRES_CONNECTION, SQLITE_3_CONNECTION, }; #[cfg(feature = "derive")] use odbc_api::Fetch; use odbc_api::{ buffers::{ BufferDesc, ColumnarAnyBuffer, ColumnarBuffer, Indicator, Item, RowVec, TextColumn, TextRowSet, }, decimal_text_to_i128, environment, handles::{CData, CDataMut, OutputStringBuffer, ParameterDescription, Statement}, parameter::{ Blob, BlobRead, BlobSlice, InputParameter, VarBinaryArray, VarCharArray, VarCharSlice, VarCharSliceMut, VarWCharArray, WithDataType, }, sys, Bit, ColumnDescription, ConcurrentBlockCursor, Connection, ConnectionOptions, Cursor, DataType, Error, InOut, IntoParameter, Narrow, Nullability, Nullable, Out, Preallocated, ResultSetMetadata, RowSetBuffer, TruncationInfo, U16Str, U16String, }; use std::{ ffi::CString, io::{self, Write}, iter, num::NonZeroUsize, ptr::null_mut, str, thread, time::Duration, }; const MSSQL: &Profile = &Profile { connection_string: MSSQL_CONNECTION, index_type: "int IDENTITY(1,1)", blob_type: "Image", }; const SQLITE_3: &Profile = &Profile { connection_string: SQLITE_3_CONNECTION, index_type: "int IDENTITY(1,1)", blob_type: "BLOB", }; const MARIADB: &Profile = &Profile { connection_string: MARIADB_CONNECTION, index_type: "INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY", blob_type: "BLOB", }; const POSTGRES: &Profile = &Profile { connection_string: POSTGRES_CONNECTION, index_type: "SERIAL PRIMARY KEY", blob_type: "BYTEA", }; macro_rules! table_name { () => { // Make function name a valid table name function_name!() .replace("::", "_") .replace(r#"_{{closure}}"#, "") }; } #[test] fn bogus_connection_string() { // When let result = environment() .unwrap() .connect_with_connection_string("foobar", ConnectionOptions::default()); // Then // We expect an error, since "foobar" is obviously not a connection string we can use to connect // to any datasource (for starters it does not specify a driver). assert!(result.is_err()); // We also want to be sure our error messages do not contain any Nul. let error = result.err().unwrap(); if let Error::Diagnostics { record, function } = error { assert_eq!("SQLDriverConnect", function); // Make sure we remove any Nuls from the message, trailing or otherwise. assert!(!record.message.contains(&0)); } else { panic!("Expected Error::Diagnostics") }; } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn connect_to_db(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); assert!(!conn.is_dead().unwrap()) } #[test_case(MSSQL, 4096; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, 8192; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, 16384; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, 4096; "PostgreSQL")] fn default_packet_size(profile: &Profile, expected_packet_size: u32) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); let actual_packet_size = conn.packet_size().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_packet_size, actual_packet_size) } #[test_case(MSSQL, 8000; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, 8192; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, 16384; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, 4096; "PostgreSQL")] fn set_packet_size(profile: &Profile, expected_packet_size: u32) { let desired_packet_size = 8192; let conn = environment() .unwrap() .connect_with_connection_string( profile.connection_string, ConnectionOptions { packet_size: Some(desired_packet_size), ..Default::default() }, ) .unwrap(); let actual_packet_size = conn.packet_size().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_packet_size, actual_packet_size) } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] fn describe_columns(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&[ "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL", "INTEGER", "BINARY(12)", "VARBINARY(100)", "NCHAR(10)", "NUMERIC(3,2)", "DATETIME2", "TIME", "text", "Image", "DOUBLE PRECISION", ]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let mut cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(cursor.num_result_cols().unwrap(), 11); let mut actual = ColumnDescription::default(); let kind = DataType::Varchar { length: NonZeroUsize::new(255), }; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("a", kind, Nullability::NoNulls); cursor.describe_col(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(1).unwrap()); let kind = DataType::Integer; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("b", kind, Nullability::Nullable); cursor.describe_col(2, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(2).unwrap()); let kind = DataType::Binary { length: NonZeroUsize::new(12), }; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("c", kind, Nullability::Nullable); cursor.describe_col(3, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(3).unwrap()); let kind = DataType::Varbinary { length: NonZeroUsize::new(100), }; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("d", kind, Nullability::Nullable); cursor.describe_col(4, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(4).unwrap()); let kind = DataType::WChar { length: NonZeroUsize::new(10), }; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("e", kind, Nullability::Nullable); cursor.describe_col(5, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(5).unwrap()); let kind = DataType::Numeric { precision: 3, scale: 2, }; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("f", kind, Nullability::Nullable); cursor.describe_col(6, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(6).unwrap()); let kind = DataType::Timestamp { precision: 7 }; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("g", kind, Nullability::Nullable); cursor.describe_col(7, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(7).unwrap()); let kind = DataType::Other { data_type: SqlDataType(-154), column_size: NonZeroUsize::new(16), decimal_digits: 7, }; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("h", kind, Nullability::Nullable); cursor.describe_col(8, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(8).unwrap()); let kind = DataType::LongVarchar { length: NonZeroUsize::new(2147483647), }; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("i", kind, Nullability::Nullable); cursor.describe_col(9, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(9).unwrap()); let kind = DataType::LongVarbinary { length: NonZeroUsize::new(2147483647), }; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("j", kind, Nullability::Nullable); cursor.describe_col(10, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(10).unwrap()); let kind = DataType::Float { precision: 53 }; let expected = ColumnDescription::new("k", kind, Nullability::Nullable); cursor.describe_col(11, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); assert_eq!(kind, cursor.col_data_type(11).unwrap()); } /// Fetch text from data source using the TextBuffer type #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bulk_fetch_text(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(255)", "INT"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // Insert data let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a,b) VALUES (?,?), (?,?),(?,?)"); conn.execute( &insert, ( &"Interstellar".into_parameter(), &None::.into_parameter(), &"2001: A Space Odyssey".into_parameter(), &1968, &"Jurassic Park".into_parameter(), &1993, ), ) .unwrap(); let query = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let cursor = conn.execute(&query, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); // Cursor to string helper utilizes the text buffer let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "Interstellar,NULL\n2001: A Space Odyssey,1968\nJurassic Park,1993"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } /// Into cursor should enable users to open a connection within a function and return a cursor. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn into_cursor(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(255)", "INT"]) .values_by_column(&[ &[ Some("Interstellar"), Some("2001: A Space Odyssey"), Some("Jurassic Park"), ], &[None, Some("1968"), Some("1993")], ]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let make_cursor = || { let query = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); conn.into_cursor(&query, ()).unwrap().unwrap() }; let cursor = make_cursor(); // Cursor to string helper utilizes the text buffer let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "Interstellar,NULL\n2001: A Space Odyssey,1968\nJurassic Park,1993"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } /// Strong exception safety for `into_cursor`. Our first query will fail, because it will query a /// non-existing table, but our second one using the same connection will succeed. This is one /// scenario in which it is useful not to "swallow" the connection in case of an error. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn into_cursor_reuse_connection_on_failure(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(255)", "INT"]) .values_by_column(&[ &[ Some("Interstellar"), Some("2001: A Space Odyssey"), Some("Jurassic Park"), ], &[None, Some("1968"), Some("1993")], ]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // When our first call to `.into_cursor` fails let result = conn.into_cursor("Non-existing-table", ()); // Then we can extract a valid connection from the error type let error =|_| ()).unwrap_err(); let conn = error.connection; // Extra verification to prove connection is indeed valid let query = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let cursor = conn.into_cursor(&query, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "Interstellar,NULL\n2001: A Space Odyssey,1968\nJurassic Park,1993"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } /// Implementing `std::error::Error` allows using the question mark operator in functions using /// anyhow's error type, among other things. #[test] fn connection_and_error_implements_std_error() { // Given any connection, we do not care which database let conn = SQLITE_3.connection().unwrap(); // When we catch the error returned by `into_cursor` let result = conn.into_cursor("Non-existing-table", ()).map(|_| ()); let connection_and_error = result.unwrap_err(); let plain_error = connection_and_error.error; let result = connection_and_error .connection .into_cursor("Non-existing-table", ()) .map(|_| ()); let std_error: Box = Box::new(result.unwrap_err().error); // Then we can extract a valid connection from the error type assert_eq!(std_error.to_string(), plain_error.to_string()); assert!(std_error.source().is_none()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn column_name(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(255)", "INT"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a, b FROM {table_name};"); let mut cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let name = cursor.col_name(1).unwrap(); assert_eq!("a", name); let name = cursor.col_name(2).unwrap(); assert_eq!("b", name); // Test the same using column descriptions let mut desc = ColumnDescription::default(); cursor.describe_col(1, &mut desc).unwrap(); assert_eq!("a", desc.name_to_string().unwrap()); cursor.describe_col(2, &mut desc).unwrap(); assert_eq!("b", desc.name_to_string().unwrap()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_wide_column_to_char(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["CHAR(5)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &"Hello".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut buf = ColumnarBuffer::new(vec![(1, TextColumn::::new(1, 5))]); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(&mut buf).unwrap(); row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap(); drop(row_set_cursor); assert_eq!( Some(U16String::from_str("Hello").as_ustr()), buf.column(0).get(0).map(U16Str::from_slice) ); } /// Bind a BIT column to a Bit buffer. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_bit(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["BIT"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?),(?);"); conn.execute(&insert_sql, (&Bit::from_bool(false), &Bit::from_bool(true))) .unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name};"); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut buf = ColumnarBuffer::new(vec![(1, vec![Bit(0); 3])]); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(&mut buf).unwrap(); let batch = row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); assert!(!batch.column(0)[0].as_bool()); assert!(batch.column(0)[1].as_bool()); } /// Binds a buffer which is too short to a fixed sized character type. This provokes an indicator of /// `NO_TOTAL` on MSSQL. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn truncate_fixed_sized(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["CHAR(5)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &"Hello".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut buf = ColumnarBuffer::new(vec![(1, TextColumn::new(1, 3))]); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(&mut buf).unwrap(); let batch = row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(Some(&b"Hel"[..]), batch.column(0).get(0)); } /// Bind a VARCHAR column to a char buffer. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_varchar(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(100)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES ('Hello, World!');"); conn.execute(&insert_sql, ()).unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name};"); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut buf = TextRowSet::from_max_str_lens(1, [100]).unwrap(); // let mut buf = SingleColumnRowSetBuffer::with_text_column(1, 100); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(&mut buf).unwrap(); row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap(); drop(row_set_cursor); assert_eq!(Some(&b"Hello, World!"[..]), buf.column(0).get(0)); } /// Bind a VARCHAR column to a wchar buffer #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_varchar_to_wchar(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(100)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &"Hello, World!".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut buf = ColumnarBuffer::new(vec![(1, TextColumn::::new(1, 100))]); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(&mut buf).unwrap(); let batch = row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!( U16String::from_str("Hello, World!").as_ustr(), U16Str::from_slice(batch.column(0).get(0).unwrap()) ); } /// utf16 to utf8 conversion with one character those utf-16 representation is smaller than its utf8 /// representation #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] //Doesn't work on Linux #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] // Windows does not use UTF-8 locale by default fn nvarchar_to_text(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["NVARCHAR(1)"]) .unwrap(); // Trade mark sign (`™`) is longer in utf-8 (3 Bytes) than in utf-16 (2 Bytes). let insert_sql = format!("INSERT INTO {} (a) VALUES (?);", table_name); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &"™".into_parameter()).unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {};", table_name); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let text = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("™", text); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_numeric_to_float(profile: &Profile) { // Setup table let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["NUMERIC(3,2)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?);"); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &1.23).unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let buf: SingleColumnRowSetBuffer> = SingleColumnRowSetBuffer::new(1); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buf).unwrap(); let actual = row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap().get(); assert_eq!(1, actual.len()); assert!((1.23f64 - actual[0]).abs() < f64::EPSILON); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] SQLLITE does not do this kind of precision #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn fetch_double_precision_as_f64(profile: &Profile) { // Setup table let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["DOUBLE PRECISION"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &123456789.12345678f64) .unwrap(); let query = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let cursor = conn.execute(&query, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let buf: SingleColumnRowSetBuffer> = SingleColumnRowSetBuffer::new(1); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buf).unwrap(); let actual = row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap().get(); assert_eq!(1, actual.len()); assert!((123456789.12345678f64 - actual[0]).abs() < f64::EPSILON); } /// What relational types do different dbs report for "Double precision" #[test_case(MSSQL, DataType::Float { precision: 53 }; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, DataType::Double; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, DataType::Double; "SQLite 3")] // Yeah, `0` this seems like a bug in PG #[test_case(POSTGRES, DataType::Float { precision: 0 }; "PostgreSQL")] fn data_type_reported_for_double_precision(profile: &Profile, expected_data_type: DataType) { // Given a cursor with metadata about double precision let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["DOUBLE PRECISION"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual_data_type = cursor.col_data_type(1).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_data_type, actual_data_type); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_numeric_to_i64(profile: &Profile) { // Setup table let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["NUMERIC(10,0)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?);"); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &1234567890i64).unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let buf: SingleColumnRowSetBuffer> = SingleColumnRowSetBuffer::new(1); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buf).unwrap(); let actual = row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap().get(); assert_eq!(1, actual.len()); assert_eq!(1234567890, actual[0]); } /// Bind a columnar buffer to a VARBINARY(10) column and fetch data. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // Convert syntax is different // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] fn columnar_fetch_varbinary(profile: &Profile) { // Setup let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARBINARY(10)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = format!( "INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) Values \ (CONVERT(Varbinary(10), 'Hello')),\ (CONVERT(Varbinary(10), 'World')),\ (NULL)" ); conn.execute(&insert_sql, ()).unwrap(); // Retrieve values let mut cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let data_type = cursor.col_data_type(1).unwrap(); assert_eq!( DataType::Varbinary { length: NonZeroUsize::new(10) }, data_type ); let buffer_desc = BufferDesc::from_data_type(data_type, true).unwrap(); assert_eq!(BufferDesc::Binary { length: 10 }, buffer_desc); let row_set_buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs(10, iter::once(buffer_desc)).unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut col_it = batch.column(0).as_bin_view().unwrap().iter(); assert_eq!(Some(&b"Hello"[..]),; assert_eq!(Some(&b"World"[..]),; assert_eq!(Some(None),; // Expecting NULL assert_eq!(None,; // Expecting iterator end. } #[test_case(MSSQL, "VARCHAR(max)"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "TEXT"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, "TEXT"; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, "TEXT"; "PostgreSQL")] fn upper_limit_for_varchar_max(profile: &Profile, large_text_type: &'static str) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let types = [large_text_type]; let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&types) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"Hello, World!".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); // When let mut cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let text_buffer = TextRowSet::for_cursor(10, &mut cursor, Some(50)).unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(text_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!( "Hello, World!", str::from_utf8(batch.column(0).get(0).unwrap()).unwrap() ); } /// Bind a columnar buffer to a BINARY(5) column and fetch data. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // different convert syntax // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] fn columnar_fetch_binary(profile: &Profile) { // Setup let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["BINARY(5)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!( "INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) Values \ (CONVERT(Binary(5), 'Hello')),\ (CONVERT(Binary(5), 'World')),\ (NULL)" ), (), ) .unwrap(); // Retrieve values let mut cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let data_type = cursor.col_data_type(1).unwrap(); assert_eq!( DataType::Binary { length: NonZeroUsize::new(5) }, data_type ); let buffer_desc = BufferDesc::from_data_type(data_type, true).unwrap(); assert_eq!(BufferDesc::Binary { length: 5 }, buffer_desc); let row_set_buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs(10, iter::once(buffer_desc)).unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut col_it = batch.column(0).as_bin_view().unwrap().iter(); assert_eq!(Some(&b"Hello"[..]),; assert_eq!(Some(&b"World"[..]),; assert_eq!(Some(None),; // Expecting NULL assert_eq!(None,; // Expecting iterator end. } /// Bind a columnar buffer to a DATETIME2 column and fetch data. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] No DATEIME2 type #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] fn columnar_fetch_timestamp(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["DATETIME2(3)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!( "INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) Values \ ({{ ts '2021-03-20 15:24:12.12' }}),\ ({{ ts '2020-03-20 15:24:12' }}),\ ({{ ts '1970-01-01 00:00:00' }}),\ (NULL)" ), (), ) .unwrap(); // Retrieve values let mut cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY Id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let data_type = cursor.col_data_type(1).unwrap(); assert_eq!(DataType::Timestamp { precision: 3 }, data_type); let buffer_desc = BufferDesc::from_data_type(data_type, true).unwrap(); assert_eq!(BufferDesc::Timestamp { nullable: true }, buffer_desc); let row_set_buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs(10, iter::once(buffer_desc)).unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut col_it = batch.column(0).as_nullable_slice().unwrap(); assert_eq!( Some(&Timestamp { year: 2021, month: 3, day: 20, hour: 15, minute: 24, second: 12, fraction: 120_000_000, }), ); assert_eq!( Some(&Timestamp { year: 2020, month: 3, day: 20, hour: 15, minute: 24, second: 12, fraction: 0, }), ); assert_eq!( Some(&Timestamp { year: 1970, month: 1, day: 1, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, fraction: 0, }), ); assert_eq!(Some(None),; // Expecting NULL assert_eq!(None,; // Expecting iterator end. } /// Insert values into a DATETIME2 column using a columnar buffer #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] No DATEIME2 type // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] default precision of 3 instead 7 fn columnar_insert_timestamp(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); // Setup let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["DATETIME2"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // Fill buffer with values let desc = BufferDesc::Timestamp { nullable: true }; let prepared = conn.prepare(&table.sql_insert()).unwrap(); let mut prebound = prepared.into_column_inserter(10, [desc]).unwrap(); // Input values to insert. Note that the last element has > 5 chars and is going to trigger a // reallocation of the underlying buffer. let input = [ Some(Timestamp { year: 2020, month: 3, day: 20, hour: 16, minute: 13, second: 54, fraction: 0, }), Some(Timestamp { year: 2021, month: 3, day: 20, hour: 16, minute: 13, second: 54, fraction: 123456700, }), None, ]; prebound.set_num_rows(input.len()); let column = prebound.column_mut(0); let mut writer = Timestamp::as_nullable_slice_mut(column).unwrap(); writer.write(input.iter().copied()); // Bind buffer and insert values. prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Query values and compare with expectation let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); let expected = "2020-03-20 16:13:54.0000000\n2021-03-20 16:13:54.1234567\nNULL"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } /// Insert values into a i32 column using a columnar buffer's raw values #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn columnar_insert_int_raw(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); // Setup let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // Fill buffer with values let desc = BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: true }; let prepared = conn.prepare(&table.sql_insert()).unwrap(); let mut prebound = prepared.into_column_inserter(10, [desc]).unwrap(); // Input values to insert. let input_values = [1, 0, 3]; let mask = [true, false, true]; prebound.set_num_rows(input_values.len()); let mut writer = prebound.column_mut(0).as_nullable_slice::().unwrap(); let (values, indicators) = writer.raw_values(); values[..input_values.len()].copy_from_slice(&input_values); indicators .iter_mut() .zip(mask.iter()) .for_each(|(indicator, &mask)| *indicator = if mask { 0 } else { NULL_DATA }); // Bind buffer and insert values. prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Query values and compare with expectation let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); let expected = "1\nNULL\n3"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } /// Insert values into a DATETIME2(3) column using a columnar buffer. Milliseconds precision is /// different from the default precision 7 (100ns). #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] No DATEIME2 type #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] fn columnar_insert_timestamp_ms(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["DATETIME2(3)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let prepared = conn .prepare(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)")) .unwrap(); // Fill buffer with values let desc = BufferDesc::Timestamp { nullable: true }; let mut prebound = prepared.into_column_inserter(10, [desc]).unwrap(); // Input values to insert. Note that the last element has > 5 chars and is going to trigger a // reallocation of the underlying buffer. let input = [ Some(Timestamp { year: 2020, month: 3, day: 20, hour: 16, minute: 13, second: 54, fraction: 0, }), Some(Timestamp { year: 2021, month: 3, day: 20, hour: 16, minute: 13, second: 54, fraction: 123456700, }), None, ]; prebound.set_num_rows(input.len()); let mut writer = prebound.column_mut(0).as_nullable_slice().unwrap(); writer.write(input.iter().copied()); prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Query values and compare with expectation let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY Id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "2020-03-20 16:13:54.000\n2021-03-20 16:13:54.123\nNULL"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } /// Insert values into a varbinary column using a columnar buffer #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] different binary text representation // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] different binary text representation fn columnar_insert_varbinary(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARBINARY(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let prepared = conn.prepare(&table.sql_insert()).unwrap(); // Fill buffer with values let desc = BufferDesc::Binary { length: 5 }; let mut prebound = prepared.into_column_inserter(4, [desc]).unwrap(); // Input values to insert. Note that the last element has > 5 chars and is going to trigger a // reallocation of the underlying buffer. let input = [ Some(&b"Hello"[..]), Some(&b"World"[..]), None, Some(&b"Hello, World!"[..]), ]; prebound.set_num_rows(input.len()); let mut writer = prebound.column_mut(0).as_bin_view().unwrap(); // Reset length to make room for `Hello, World!`. writer.ensure_max_element_length(13, 0).unwrap(); writer.set_cell(0, Some("Hello".as_bytes())); writer.set_cell(1, Some("World".as_bytes())); writer.set_cell(2, None); writer.set_cell(3, Some("Hello, World!".as_bytes())); // Bind buffer and insert values. prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Query values and compare with expectation let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "48656C6C6F\n576F726C64\nNULL\n48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn columnar_insert_varchar(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let prepared = conn .prepare(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)")) .unwrap(); let desc = BufferDesc::Text { // Buffer size purposefully chosen too small, so we would get a panic if `set_max_len` would // not work. max_str_len: 5, }; let mut prebound = prepared.into_column_inserter(4, [desc]).unwrap(); // Fill buffer with values // Input values to insert. Note that the last element has > 5 chars and is going to trigger a // reallocation of the underlying buffer. let input = [ Some(&b"Hello"[..]), Some(&b"World"[..]), None, Some(&b"Hello, World!"[..]), ]; prebound.set_num_rows(input.len()); let mut col_view = prebound.column_mut(0).as_text_view().unwrap(); // Reset length to make room for `Hello, World!`. col_view.ensure_max_element_length(13, 0).unwrap(); col_view.set_cell(0, Some("Hello".as_bytes())); col_view.set_cell(1, Some("World".as_bytes())); col_view.set_cell(2, None); col_view.set_cell(3, Some("Hello, World!".as_bytes())); // Bind buffer and insert values. prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Query values and compare with expectation let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY Id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "Hello\nWorld\nNULL\nHello, World!"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn columnar_insert_text_as_sql_integer(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let prepared = conn.prepare(&table.sql_insert()).unwrap(); let parameter_buffers = vec![WithDataType { value: TextColumn::try_new(4, 5).unwrap(), data_type: DataType::Integer, }]; // Safety: all values in the buffer are safe for insertion let mut prebound = unsafe { prepared.unchecked_bind_columnar_array_parameters(parameter_buffers) }.unwrap(); prebound.set_num_rows(4); let mut writer = prebound.column_mut(0); writer.set_cell(0, Some("1".as_bytes())); writer.set_cell(1, Some("2".as_bytes())); writer.set_cell(2, None); writer.set_cell(3, Some("4".as_bytes())); // Bind buffer and insert values. prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Query values and compare with expectation let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); let expected = "1\n2\nNULL\n4"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn insert_str_as_sql_integer(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); let parameter = WithDataType { value: "42".into_parameter(), data_type: DataType::Integer, }; conn.execute(&insert_sql, ¶meter).unwrap(); // Bind buffer and insert values. let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); let expected = "42"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } /// Frankly more about testing edge cases in the API than a real use case. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] fn var_char_slice_mut_as_input_output_parameter(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); conn.execute( r#" IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'TestInOutText') DROP PROCEDURE TestInOutText "#, (), ) .unwrap(); conn.execute( r#"CREATE PROCEDURE TestInOutText @OutParm VARCHAR(15) OUTPUT AS SELECT @OutParm = 'Hello, World!' RETURN 99 "#, (), ) .unwrap(); let mut buffer = [b'a'; 15]; let indicator = Indicator::Length(buffer.len()); let mut param = VarCharSliceMut::from_buffer(&mut buffer, indicator); // This is akward! Maybe we can do something so we do not need to wrap it in (InOut, ) in order // to bind it as an input output parameter. conn.execute("{call TestInOutText(?)}", (InOut(&mut param),)) .unwrap(); let actual = str::from_utf8(&buffer).unwrap(); let expected = "Hello, World!\0a"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } /// Inserts a Vector of integers using a generic implementation #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn insert_vec_column_using_generic_code(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); fn insert_tuple2_vec( conn: &Connection<'_>, insert_sql: &str, source: &[(A, B)], ) { let mut prepared = conn.prepare(insert_sql).unwrap(); // Number of rows submitted in one round trip let capacity = source.len(); // We do not need a nullable buffer since elements of source are not optional let descriptions = [A::buffer_desc(false), B::buffer_desc(false)]; let mut inserter = prepared.column_inserter(capacity, descriptions).unwrap(); // We send everything in one go. inserter.set_num_rows(source.len()); // Now let's copy the row based tuple into the columnar structure for (index, (a, b)) in source.iter().enumerate() { inserter.column_mut(0).as_slice::().unwrap()[index] = *a; inserter.column_mut(1).as_slice::().unwrap()[index] = *b; } inserter.execute().unwrap(); } insert_tuple2_vec(&conn, &insert_sql, &[(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); assert_eq!("1,2\n3,4\n5,6", actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn adaptive_columnar_insert_varchar(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // Fill buffer with values let desc = BufferDesc::Text { // Buffer size purposefully chosen too small, so we need to increase the buffer size if we // encounter larger inputs. max_str_len: 1, }; let prepared = conn .prepare(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)")) .unwrap(); // Input values to insert. let input = [ Some(&b"Hi"[..]), Some(&b"Hello"[..]), Some(&b"World"[..]), None, Some(&b"Hello, World!"[..]), ]; let mut prebound = prepared.into_column_inserter(input.len(), [desc]).unwrap(); prebound.set_num_rows(input.len()); let mut col_view = prebound.column_mut(0).as_text_view().unwrap(); for (index, &text) in input.iter().enumerate() { col_view .ensure_max_element_length(input[index].map(|s| s.len()).unwrap_or(0), index) .unwrap(); col_view.set_cell(index, text) } // Bind buffer and insert values. prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Query values and compare with expectation let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY Id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "Hi\nHello\nWorld\nNULL\nHello, World!"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] fn adaptive_columnar_insert_varbin(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARBINARY(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // Fill buffer with values let desc = BufferDesc::Binary { // Buffer size purposefully chosen too small, so we need to increase the buffer size if we // encounter larger inputs. length: 1, }; // Input values to insert. let input = [ Some(&b"Hi"[..]), Some(&b"Hello"[..]), Some(&b"World"[..]), None, Some(&b"Hello, World!"[..]), ]; // Bind buffer and insert values. let prepared = conn .prepare(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)")) .unwrap(); let mut prebound = prepared.into_column_inserter(input.len(), [desc]).unwrap(); prebound.set_num_rows(input.len()); let mut writer = prebound.column_mut(0).as_bin_view().unwrap(); for (row_index, &bytes) in input.iter().enumerate() { // Resize and rebind the buffer if it turns out to be to small. writer .ensure_max_element_length(|b| b.len()).unwrap_or(0), row_index) .unwrap(); writer.set_cell(row_index, bytes) } prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Query values and compare with expectation let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY Id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "4869\n48656C6C6F\n576F726C64\nNULL\n48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] Type NVARCHAR does not exist fn columnar_insert_wide_varchar(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["NVARCHAR(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let prepared = conn .prepare(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)")) .unwrap(); let input = [ Some(U16String::from_str("Hello")), Some(U16String::from_str("World")), None, Some(U16String::from_str("Hello, World!")), ]; // Fill buffer with values let desc = BufferDesc::WText { max_str_len: 20 }; let mut prebound = prepared.into_column_inserter(input.len(), [desc]).unwrap(); prebound.set_num_rows(input.len()); let mut writer = prebound.column_mut(0).as_w_text_view().unwrap(); for (row_index, value) in input .iter() .map(|opt| opt.as_ref().map(|ustring| ustring.as_slice())) .enumerate() { writer.set_cell(row_index, value) } prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Query values and compare with expectation let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY Id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "Hello\nWorld\nNULL\nHello, World!"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_integer_parameter(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a,b) VALUES (1,1), (2,2);"); conn.execute(&insert, ()).unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} where b=?;"); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, &1).unwrap().unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("1", actual); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, &2).unwrap().unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("2", actual); } /// Learning test. Insert a string ending with \0. Not a terminating zero, but the payload ending /// itself having zero as the last element. #[test_case(MSSQL, "Hell\0"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "Hell\0"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, "Hell"; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, "Hell"; "PostgreSQL")] fn insert_string_ending_with_nul(profile: &Profile, expected: &str) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(10)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_insert(); let param = "Hell\0"; conn.execute(&sql, ¶m.into_parameter()).unwrap(); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn prepared_statement(profile: &Profile) { // Setup let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(13)", "INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a,b) VALUES ('First', 1), ('Second', 2);"); conn.execute(&insert, ()).unwrap(); // Prepare the statement once let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} where b=?;"); let mut prepared = conn.prepare(&sql).unwrap(); // Execute it two times with different parameters { let cursor = prepared.execute(&1).unwrap().unwrap(); let title = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("First", title); } { let cursor = prepared.execute(&2).unwrap().unwrap(); let title = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("Second", title); } } /// Reuse a preallocated handle, two times in a row. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn preallocated(profile: &Profile) { // Prepare the statement once let (conn, _table) = Given::new("Preallocated") .column_types(&["VARCHAR(10)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let mut prealloc = conn.preallocate().unwrap(); // Execute it two statements in a row. One INSERT, one SELECT. { let res = prealloc .execute("INSERT INTO Preallocated (a) VALUES ('Hello')", ()) .unwrap(); assert!(res.is_none()); } { let cursor = prealloc .execute("SELECT a FROM Preallocated ORDER BY id", ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "Hello"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } } /// Reuse a preallocated handle. Verify that columns bound to the statement during a previous /// execution are not dereferenced during a second one. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn preallocation_soundness(profile: &Profile) { // Prepare the statement once let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(10)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let mut prealloc = conn.preallocate().unwrap(); { let res = prealloc .execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"Hello".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); assert!(res.is_none()); } { let cursor = prealloc .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "Hello"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } { let mut cursor = prealloc .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // Fetch without binding buffers. If columns would still be bound we might see an invalid // memory access. let _row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); assert!(cursor.next_row().unwrap().is_none()); } } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn integer_parameter_as_string(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a,b) VALUES (1,1), (2,2);"); conn.execute(&insert, ()).unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} where b=?;"); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, &"2".into_parameter()).unwrap().unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("2", actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_optional_integer_parameter(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a,b) VALUES (1,1), (2,2);"); conn.execute(&insert, ()).unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} where b=?;"); let cursor = conn .execute(&sql, &Some(2).into_parameter()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("2", actual); let cursor = conn .execute(&sql, &None::.into_parameter()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("", actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] SQLite will work only if increasing length to VARCHAR(2). #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] // Windows does not use UTF-8 locale by default fn non_ascii_char(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["VARCHAR(1)"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {} (a) VALUES (?), (?);", table_name), (&"A".into_parameter(), &"Ü".into_parameter()), ) .unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {} ORDER BY id;", table_name); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let output = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("A\nÜ", output); } // This test will not work in CI on windows, due to non UTF local // #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] NVARCHAR does not exist fn wchar(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["NVARCHAR(1)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?), (?);"), (&"A".into_parameter(), &"Ü".into_parameter()), ) .unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id;"); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let desc = BufferDesc::WText { max_str_len: 1 }; let row_set_buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs(2, iter::once(desc)).unwrap(); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let col = batch.column(0); let wtext_col = col.as_w_text_view().unwrap(); assert_eq!(2, wtext_col.len()); assert_eq!( &U16String::from_str("A"), &U16Str::from_slice(wtext_col.get(0).unwrap()) ); assert_eq!( &U16String::from_str("Ü"), &U16Str::from_slice(wtext_col.get(1).unwrap()) ); assert!(row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap().is_none()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] // Windows does not use UTF-8 locale by default fn wchar_as_char(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["NVARCHAR(1)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // With the wide character ODBC function calls passing the arguments as literals worked but with // the narrow version "INSERT INTO WCharAsChar (a) VALUES ('A'), ('Ü');" fails. It erroneously // assumes the data wouldn't fit into the column, probably because the binary length is 2. As // such confusing character and binary length. conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?), (?);"), (&"A".into_parameter(), &"Ü".into_parameter()), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!("A\nÜ", table.content_as_string(&conn)); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_str_parameter_to_char(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["CHAR(5)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &"Hello".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); assert_eq!("Hello", actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_narrow_parameter_to_varchar(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(10)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); // String Slice conn.execute(&insert_sql, &Narrow("Hello").into_parameter()) .unwrap(); // Option slice conn.execute(&insert_sql, &Narrow(Some("Hello")).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &Narrow(None::<&str>).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &Some(Narrow("Hello")).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &None::>.into_parameter()) .unwrap(); // String conn.execute(&insert_sql, &Narrow("Hello".to_string()).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); // Option String conn.execute( &insert_sql, &Narrow(Some("Hello".to_string())).into_parameter(), ) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &Narrow(None::).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &insert_sql, &Some(Narrow("Hello".to_string())).into_parameter(), ) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &None::>.into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); assert_eq!( "Hello\nHello\nNULL\nHello\nNULL\nHello\nHello\nNULL\nHello\nNULL", actual ); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_u16_str_parameter_to_char(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["CHAR(5)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); let hello = U16String::from_str("Hello"); let hello = hello.as_ustr(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &hello.into_parameter()).unwrap(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &Some(hello).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &None::<&U16Str>.into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); assert_eq!("Hello\nHello\nNULL", &actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bind_u16_string_parameter_to_char(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["CHAR(5)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); // Usecase: Create an owned parameter from a UTF-16 string let hello = U16String::from_str("Hello"); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &hello.clone().into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &Some(hello).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &None::.into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); assert_eq!("Hello\nHello\nNULL", &actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn two_parameters_in_tuple(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4);"); conn.execute(&insert, ()).unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} where ? < a AND a < ? ORDER BY id;"); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, (&1, &4)).unwrap().unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("2\n3", actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn heterogenous_parameters_in_array(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "VARCHAR(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = format!( "INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b) VALUES (1, 'Hello'), (2, 'Hello'), (3, 'Hello'), (3, 'Hallo')" ); conn.execute(&insert_sql, ()).unwrap(); // Execute test let query = format!("SELECT a,b FROM {table_name} where a > ? AND b = ?;"); let params: [Box; 2] = [Box::new(2), Box::new("Hello".into_parameter())]; let cursor = conn.execute(&query, ¶ms[..]).unwrap().unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("3,Hello", actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn column_names_iterator(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "VARCHAR(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let mut cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let names: Vec<_> = cursor .column_names() .unwrap() .collect::>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(&["a", "b"], names.as_slice()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn column_names_from_prepared_query(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "VARCHAR(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let mut prepared = conn.prepare(&sql).unwrap(); let names: Vec<_> = prepared .column_names() .unwrap() .collect::>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(&["a", "b"], names.as_slice()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn metadata_from_prepared_insert_query(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "VARCHAR(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_insert(); let mut prepared = conn.prepare(&sql).unwrap(); assert_eq!(0, prepared.num_result_cols().unwrap()); } #[test_case(MSSQL, &[ ParameterDescription {data_type: DataType::Integer, nullability: Nullability::Nullable}, ParameterDescription { data_type: DataType::Varchar { length: NonZeroUsize::new(13) }, nullability: Nullability::Nullable } ]; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, &[ ParameterDescription { data_type: DataType::Varchar { length: NonZeroUsize::new(25165824) }, nullability: Nullability::Unknown }, ParameterDescription { data_type: DataType::Varchar { length: NonZeroUsize::new(25165824) }, nullability: Nullability::Unknown } ]; "Maria DB")] // PostgrelSQL and SQLite 3 expose different behaviours with various platforms and drivers fn describe_parameters_of_prepared_statement( profile: &Profile, expected: &[ParameterDescription; 2], ) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "VARCHAR(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a, b FROM {table_name} WHERE a=? AND b=?;"); let mut prepared = conn.prepare(&sql).unwrap(); let parameter_descriptions = prepared .parameter_descriptions() .unwrap() .collect::, _>>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected.as_slice(), parameter_descriptions); assert_eq!(2, prepared.num_params().unwrap()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bulk_insert_with_text_buffer(profile: &Profile) { // Given let conn = profile .setup_empty_table("BulkInsertWithTextBuffer", &["VARCHAR(50)"]) .unwrap(); // When // Fill a text buffer with three rows, and insert them into the database. let prepared = conn .prepare("INSERT INTO BulkInsertWithTextBuffer (a) Values (?)") .unwrap(); let mut prebound = prepared .into_text_inserter(5, [50].iter().copied()) .unwrap(); prebound .append(["England"].iter().map(|s| Some(s.as_bytes()))) .unwrap(); prebound .append(["France"].iter().map(|s| Some(s.as_bytes()))) .unwrap(); prebound .append(["Germany"].iter().map(|s| Some(s.as_bytes()))) .unwrap(); prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Then // Assert that the table contains the rows that have just been inserted. let expected = "England\nFrance\nGermany"; let cursor = conn .execute("SELECT a FROM BulkInsertWithTextBuffer ORDER BY id;", ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bulk_insert_with_columnar_buffer(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile .setup_empty_table("BulkInsertWithColumnarBuffer", &["VARCHAR(50)", "INTEGER"]) .unwrap(); // Fill a text buffer with three rows, and insert them into the database. let prepared = conn .prepare("INSERT INTO BulkInsertWithColumnarBuffer (a,b) Values (?,?)") .unwrap(); let description = [ BufferDesc::Text { max_str_len: 50 }, BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: true }, ]; let mut prebound = prepared.into_column_inserter(5, description).unwrap(); prebound.set_num_rows(3); // Fill first column with text let mut col_view = prebound.column_mut(0).as_text_view().unwrap(); col_view.set_cell(0, Some("England".as_bytes())); col_view.set_cell(1, Some("France".as_bytes())); col_view.set_cell(2, Some("Germany".as_bytes())); // Fill second column with integers let input = [1, 2, 3]; let mut col = prebound.column_mut(1).as_nullable_slice::().unwrap(); col.write(input.iter().map(|&i| Some(i))); prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Assert that the table contains the rows that have just been inserted. let expected = "England,1\nFrance,2\nGermany,3"; let cursor = conn .execute( "SELECT a,b FROM BulkInsertWithColumnarBuffer ORDER BY id;", (), ) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bulk_insert_with_multiple_batches(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["VARCHAR(50)", "INTEGER"]) .unwrap(); // When // First batch // Fill a buffer with three rows, and insert them into the database. let prepared = conn .prepare(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a,b) Values (?,?)")) .unwrap(); let description = [ BufferDesc::Text { max_str_len: 50 }, BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: true }, ]; let mut prebound = prepared.into_column_inserter(5, description).unwrap(); prebound.set_num_rows(3); // Fill first column with text let mut col_view = prebound.column_mut(0).as_text_view().unwrap(); col_view.set_cell(0, Some("England".as_bytes())); col_view.set_cell(1, Some("France".as_bytes())); col_view.set_cell(2, Some("Germany".as_bytes())); // Fill second column with integers let input = [1, 2, 3]; let mut col = prebound.column_mut(1).as_nullable_slice::().unwrap(); col.write(input.iter().map(|&i| Some(i))); prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Second Batch // Fill a buffer with one row, and insert them into the database. prebound.set_num_rows(1); // Fill first column with text let mut col_view = prebound.column_mut(0).as_text_view().unwrap(); col_view.set_cell(0, Some("Spain".as_bytes())); // Fill second column with integers let input = [4]; let mut col = prebound.column_mut(1).as_nullable_slice::().unwrap(); col.write(input.iter().map(|&i| Some(i))); prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Then // Assert that the table contains the rows that have just been inserted. let expected = "England,1\nFrance,2\nGermany,3\nSpain,4"; let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a,b FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id;"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn send_connection(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // Insert in one thread, query in another, using the same connection. let insert_sql = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (1),(2),(3)"); conn.execute(&insert_sql, ()).unwrap(); let actual = thread::scope(|s| { let handle = s.spawn(|| move || table.content_as_string(&conn)); handle.join().unwrap()() }); assert_eq!("1\n2\n3", actual) } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn parameter_option_strings(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile .setup_empty_table("ParameterOptionStr", &["VARCHAR(50)"]) .unwrap(); let sql = "INSERT INTO ParameterOptionStr (a) VALUES (?);"; let mut prepared = conn.prepare(sql).unwrap(); prepared.execute(&None::<&str>.into_parameter()).unwrap(); prepared.execute(&Some("Bernd").into_parameter()).unwrap(); prepared.execute(&None::.into_parameter()).unwrap(); prepared .execute(&Some("Hello".to_string()).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute("SELECT a FROM ParameterOptionStr ORDER BY id", ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "NULL\nBernd\nNULL\nHello"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] Different string representation of binary data // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] Different string representation of binary data // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] Varbinary does not exist fn parameter_option_bytes(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["VARBINARY(50)"]) .unwrap(); let sql = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?);"); let mut prepared = conn.prepare(&sql).unwrap(); prepared.execute(&None::<&[u8]>.into_parameter()).unwrap(); prepared .execute(&Some(&[1, 2, 3][..]).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); prepared.execute(&None::>.into_parameter()).unwrap(); prepared .execute(&Some(vec![1, 2, 3]).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); let expected = "NULL\n010203\nNULL\n010203"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn parameter_varchar_512(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_insert(); let mut prepared = conn.prepare(&sql).unwrap(); prepared.execute(&VarCharArray::<512>::NULL).unwrap(); prepared .execute(&VarCharArray::<512>::new(b"Bernd")) .unwrap(); // Then let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); let expected = "NULL\nBernd"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] Different string representation of binary data // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] Different string representation of binary data // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] Varbinary does not exist fn parameter_varbinary_512(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARBINARY(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_insert(); let mut prepared = conn.prepare(&sql).unwrap(); prepared.execute(&VarBinaryArray::<512>::NULL).unwrap(); prepared .execute(&VarBinaryArray::<512>::new(&[1, 2, 3])) .unwrap(); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); let expected = "NULL\n010203"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn parameter_cstr(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_insert(); let mut prepared = conn.prepare(&sql).unwrap(); let param = CString::new("Hello, World!").unwrap(); prepared.execute(¶m).unwrap(); prepared.execute(param.as_c_str()).unwrap(); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); let expected = "Hello, World!\nHello, World!"; assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn read_into_columnar_buffer(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile .setup_empty_table("ReadIntoColumnarBuffer", &["INTEGER", "VARCHAR(20)"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( "INSERT INTO ReadIntoColumnarBuffer (a, b) VALUES (42, 'Hello, World!')", (), ) .unwrap(); // Get cursor querying table let cursor = conn .execute("SELECT a,b FROM ReadIntoColumnarBuffer ORDER BY id", ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let buffer_description = [ BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: true }, BufferDesc::Text { max_str_len: 20 }, ]; let buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs(20, buffer_description.iter().copied()).unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); // Assert existence of first batch let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut col = i32::as_nullable_slice(batch.column(0)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(Some(&42),; assert_eq!( Some(&b"Hello, World!"[..]), batch.column(1).as_text_view().unwrap().get(0) ); // Assert that there is no second batch. assert!(cursor.fetch().unwrap().is_none()); } /// In use cases there the user supplies the query it may be necessary to ignore one column then /// binding the buffers. This test constructs a result set with 3 columns and ignores the second #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn ignore_output_column(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile .setup_empty_table("IgnoreOutputColumn", &["INTEGER", "INTEGER", "INTEGER"]) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute("SELECT a, b, c FROM IgnoreOutputColumn", ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let bd = BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: true }; let buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs_and_indices(20, [(1, bd), (3, bd)].iter().copied()); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); // Assert that there is no batch. assert!(cursor.fetch().unwrap().is_none()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] fn output_parameter(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); conn.execute( r#" IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'TestOutputParam') DROP PROCEDURE TestOutputParam "#, (), ) .unwrap(); conn.execute( r#"CREATE PROCEDURE TestOutputParam @OutParm int OUTPUT AS SELECT @OutParm = @OutParm + 5 RETURN 99 "#, (), ) .unwrap(); let mut ret = Nullable::::null(); let mut param = Nullable::::new(7); conn.execute( "{? = call TestOutputParam(?)}", (Out(&mut ret), InOut(&mut param)), ) .unwrap(); // See magic numbers hardcoded in setup.sql assert_eq!(Some(99), ret.into_opt()); assert_eq!(Some(7 + 5), param.into_opt()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] fn manual_commit_mode(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile .setup_empty_table("ManualCommitMode", &["INTEGER"]) .unwrap(); // Manual commit mode needs to be explicitly enabled, since autocommit mode is default. conn.set_autocommit(false).unwrap(); // Insert a value into the table. conn.execute("INSERT INTO ManualCommitMode (a) VALUES (5);", ()) .unwrap(); // But rollback the transaction immediately. conn.rollback().unwrap(); // Check that the table is still empty. let cursor = conn .execute("SELECT a FROM ManualCommitMode", ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!(actual, ""); // Insert a value into the table. conn.execute("INSERT INTO ManualCommitMode (a) VALUES (42);", ()) .unwrap(); // This time we commit the transaction, though. conn.commit().unwrap(); // Check that the table contains the value. let cursor = conn .execute("SELECT a FROM ManualCommitMode", ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!(actual, "42"); // Close transaction opened by SELECT Statement conn.commit().unwrap(); } /// This test checks the behaviour if a connections goes out of scope with a transaction still /// open. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn unfinished_transaction(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile .setup_empty_table("UnfinishedTransaction", &["INTEGER"]) .unwrap(); // Manual commit mode needs to be explicitly enabled, since autocommit mode is default. conn.set_autocommit(false).unwrap(); // Insert a value into the table. conn.execute("INSERT INTO UnfinishedTransaction (a) VALUES (5);", ()) .unwrap(); } /// Test behavior of strings with interior nul #[test_case(MSSQL, "a\0b"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "a\0b"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, "a"; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, "a"; "PostgreSQL")] fn interior_nul(profile: &Profile, expected: &str) { let conn = profile .setup_empty_table("InteriorNul", &["VARCHAR(10)"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( "INSERT INTO InteriorNul (a) VALUES (?);", &"a\0b".into_parameter(), ) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute("SELECT A FROM InteriorNul;", ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } /// Use get_data to retrieve an integer #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn get_data_int(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (42),(NULL)"), (), ) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let mut cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut actual = Nullable::::null(); // First value is 42 let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); row.get_data(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(Some(42), actual.into_opt()); // Second row contains a NULL row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); row.get_data(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(None, actual.into_opt()); // Cursor has reached its end assert!(cursor.next_row().unwrap().is_none()) } #[test_case(MSSQL, "DATETIME2"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn get_data_timestamp(profile: &Profile, timestamp_type: &str) { let table_name = table_name!(); let types = [timestamp_type]; let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&types) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"2022-11-09 06:17:00".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let mut cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut actual = Timestamp::default(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); row.get_data(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!( Timestamp { year: 2022, month: 11, day: 9, hour: 6, minute: 17, second: 0, fraction: 0 }, actual ); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // SQLITE has a bug. It does not return an error but simply fills the integer with `0`. At least on // windows this is the case. // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] Return generic error HY000 instead fn get_data_int_null(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &None::.into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let sql = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); let mut cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut actual = 0i32; // Second row contains a NULL let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); // Failure due to the value being NULL, but i32 not being NULLABLE let result = row.get_data(1, &mut actual); assert!(result.is_err()); let error = result.unwrap_err(); assert!(matches!(error, Error::UnableToRepresentNull(_))); // Cursor has reached its end assert!(cursor.next_row().unwrap().is_none()) } /// Use get_data to retrieve a string #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn get_data_string(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["Varchar(50)"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES ('Hello, World!'), (NULL)"), (), ) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut actual = VarCharArray::<32>::NULL; row.get_data(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(Some("Hello, World!"), actual.as_str().unwrap()); // second row row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); row.get_data(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert!(actual.as_bytes().is_none()); // Cursor has reached its end assert!(cursor.next_row().unwrap().is_none()) } /// Use get_text to retrieve a string. Use a buffer which is one terminating zero short to get the /// entire value. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn get_text(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["Varchar(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"Hello, World!".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); // We want to hit an edge case there there has been a sign error then calculating buffer size // with terminating zero. let mut actual = Vec::with_capacity("Hello, World!".len() - 1); let is_not_null = row.get_text(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert!(is_not_null); assert_eq!(&b"Hello, World!"[..], &actual); } /// Use get_text to retrieve a string. Use a buffer which is one terminating zero short to get the /// entire value. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn get_wide_text(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["Varchar(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"Hello, World!".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); // We want to hit an edge case there there has been a sign error then calculating buffer size // with terminating zero. let mut actual = Vec::with_capacity("Hello, World!".len() - 1); let is_not_null = row.get_wide_text(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); let actual = U16String::from_vec(actual).to_string().unwrap(); assert!(is_not_null); assert_eq!("Hello, World!", &actual); } /// Use get_data to retrieve a binary data #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] Varbinary does not exist fn get_data_binary(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["Varbinary(50)"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?), (NULL)"), &[1u8, 2, 3].into_parameter(), ) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut actual = VarBinaryArray::<32>::NULL; row.get_data(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(Some(&[1u8, 2, 3][..]), actual.as_bytes()); // second row row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); row.get_data(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert!(actual.as_bytes().is_none()); // Cursor has reached its end assert!(cursor.next_row().unwrap().is_none()) } /// Test insertion and retrieving of large string values using get_data. Try to provoke /// `SQL_NO_TOTAL` as a return value in the indicator buffer. #[test_case(MSSQL, "Varchar(max)"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "Text"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, "Text"; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, "Text"; "PostgreSQL")] fn large_strings(profile: &Profile, column_type: &str) { let table_name = table_name!(); let column_types = [column_type]; let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&column_types) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let input = String::from_utf8(vec![b'a'; 2000]).unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &input.as_str().into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut buf = VarCharArray::<32>::NULL; let mut actual = String::new(); loop { row.get_data(1, &mut buf).unwrap(); actual += buf.as_str().unwrap().unwrap(); if buf.is_complete() { break; } } assert_eq!(input, actual); } /// Test insertion and retrieving of large binary values using get_text. Try to provoke /// `SQL_NO_TOTAL` as a return value in the indicator buffer. #[test_case(POSTGRES, "BYTEA"; "PostgreSQL")] fn large_binary_get_text(profile: &Profile, column_type: &str) { let table_name = table_name!(); let column_types = [column_type]; let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&column_types) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let input = String::from_utf8(vec![b'a'; 2000]).unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &input.as_str().into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut actual = Vec::new(); row.get_text(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); let expected = "61".repeat(2000); assert_eq!(expected, String::from_utf8(actual).unwrap()); } /// Test insertion and retrieving of large string values using get_text. Try to provoke /// `SQL_NO_TOTAL` as a return value in the indicator buffer. #[test_case(MSSQL, "Varchar(max)"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "Text"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, "Text"; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, "Text"; "PostgreSQL")] fn large_strings_get_text(profile: &Profile, column_type: &str) { let table_name = table_name!(); let column_types = [column_type]; let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&column_types) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let input = String::from_utf8(vec![b'a'; 2000]).unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &input.as_str().into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut actual = Vec::new(); row.get_text(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(input, String::from_utf8(actual).unwrap()); } /// Retrieving of fixed size string values using get_text. Try to provoke `SQL_NO_TOTAL` as a return /// value in the indicator buffer. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn fixed_strings_get_text(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["Char(10)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"1234567890".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut actual = vec![0; 1]; // Initial buffer too small. row.get_text(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!("1234567890", String::from_utf8(actual).unwrap()); } /// Retrieving of short string values using get_data. This also helps to assert that we correctly /// shorten the vectors length if the capacity of the originally passed in vector had been larger /// than the retrieved string. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn short_strings_get_text(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile .setup_empty_table("ShortStringsGetText", &["Varchar(15)"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( "INSERT INTO ShortStringsGetText (a) VALUES ('Hello, World!')", (), ) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute("SELECT a FROM ShortStringsGetText ORDER BY id", ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); // Make initial buffer larger than the string we want to fetch. let mut actual = Vec::with_capacity(100); row.get_text(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!("Hello, World!", std::str::from_utf8(&actual).unwrap()); } /// Retrieving of short binary values using get_data. This also helps to assert that we correctly /// shorten the vectors length if the capacity of the originally passed in vector had been larger /// than the retrieved payload. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] Does not support Varbinary syntax fn short_get_binary(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["Varbinary(15)"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)"), &[1u8, 2, 3].into_parameter(), ) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); // Make initial buffer larger than the string we want to fetch. let mut actual = Vec::with_capacity(100); row.get_binary(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&[1u8, 2, 3][..], &actual); } /// Test insertion and retrieving of values larger than the initially provided buffer using /// get_binary. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] Does not support Varbinary(max) syntax // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] Does not support Varbinary(max) syntax // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] Does not support Varbinary(max) syntax fn large_get_binary(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["Varbinary(max)"]) .unwrap(); let input = vec![42; 2000]; conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)"), &input.as_slice().into_parameter(), ) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut actual = Vec::new(); row.get_binary(1, &mut actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!(input, actual); } /// Demonstrates applying an upper limit to a text buffer and detecting truncation. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn capped_text_buffer(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); // Prepare table content let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["VARCHAR(13)"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES ('Hello, World!');"), (), ) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let row_set_buffer = TextRowSet::for_cursor(1, &mut cursor, Some(5)).unwrap(); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = row_set_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let field = batch.at_as_str(0, 0).unwrap().unwrap(); // Only 'Hello' from 'Hello, World!' remains due to upper limit. assert_eq!("Hello", field); // Indicator reports actual length of the field on the database. assert_eq!(Indicator::Length(13), batch.indicator_at(0, 0)); // Assert that maximum length is reported correctly. assert_eq!(5, batch.max_len(0)); } /// Use a truncated varchar output as input. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn use_truncated_output_as_input(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); // Prepare table content let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(13)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES ('Hello, World!');"), (), ) .unwrap(); // Query 'Hello, World!' From the DB in a buffer with size 5. This should give us a Hello minus // the letter 'o' since we also need space for a terminating zero. => 'Hell'. let mut buf = VarCharArray::<5>::NULL; let query = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"); let mut cursor = conn.execute(&query, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); row.get_data(1, &mut buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!("Hell", buf.as_str().unwrap().unwrap()); assert!(!buf.is_complete()); drop(cursor); let insert = table.sql_insert(); buf.hide_truncation(); conn.execute(&insert, &buf).unwrap(); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); assert_eq!("Hello, World!\nHell", actual); } /// Assert that we prevent binding `VarCharSlice` buffers with truncated values as input parameters #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] #[should_panic(expected = "Truncated values must not be used be bound as input parameters.")] fn insert_truncated_value(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let memory = "Hello\0INVALID MEMORY\0"; // Contains hello plus terminating zero. let valid = &memory.as_bytes()[..6]; // Truncated value. let parameter = VarCharSlice::from_buffer(valid, Indicator::Length(memory.len())); let result = conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), ¶meter); match result { Err(e) => { // Failing is fine, especially with an error indicating truncation. eprintln!("{e}") } Ok(None) => { // If this was successful we should make sure we did not insert 'INVALID MEMORY' into // the database. The better database drivers do not do this, and this could be seen as // wrong, but we are only interested in unsafe behaviour. assert_eq!("Hello", table.content_as_string(&conn)) } _ => panic!("Unexpected cursor"), } } /// Assert that we prevent binding `VarCharArray` buffers with truncated values as input parameters #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] #[should_panic(expected = "Truncated values must not be used be bound as input parameters.")] fn insert_truncated_var_char_array(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); // Prepare table content let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let memory = "Hello, World!"; // Truncated value. Buffer can only hold 'Hello' let parameter = VarCharArray::<5>::new(memory.as_bytes()); let _ = conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), ¶meter); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn arbitrary_input_parameters(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(20)", "INT"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_statement = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a, b) VALUES (?, ?);"); let param_a: Box = Box::new("Hello, World!".to_string().into_parameter()); let param_b: Box = Box::new(42.into_parameter()); let parameters = vec![param_a, param_b]; conn.execute(&insert_statement, parameters.as_slice()) .unwrap(); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); assert_eq!("Hello, World!,42", actual) } /// Ensures access to driver and data source info is synchronized correctly when multiple threads /// attempt to query it at the same time. First, we query the list of the known drivers and data /// sources on the main thread. Then we spawn multiple threads that attempt to query these lists in /// parallel. Finally we compare the lists to ensure they match the list we found on the main /// thread. #[test] fn synchronized_access_to_driver_and_data_source_info() { let expected_drivers = environment().unwrap().drivers().unwrap(); let expected_data_sources = environment().unwrap().data_sources().unwrap(); const NUM_THREADS: usize = 5; let threads = iter::repeat(()) .take(NUM_THREADS) .map(|_| { let expected_drivers = expected_drivers.clone(); let expected_data_sources = expected_data_sources.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { let drivers = environment().unwrap().drivers().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_drivers, drivers); let data_sources_for_thread = environment().unwrap().data_sources().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_data_sources, data_sources_for_thread); }) }) .collect::>(); for handle in threads { handle.join().unwrap(); } } // #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] Linux driver allocates 42 GiB #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn insert_large_texts(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["Text"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)"); // Large data with 8000 characters. let data = String::from_utf8(vec![b'a'; 8000]).unwrap(); conn.execute(&insert, &data.as_str().into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); assert_eq!(data.len(), actual.len()); assert!(data == actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn send_long_data_binary_vec(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &[profile.blob_type]) .unwrap(); // Large vector with successive numbers. It's too large to send to the database in one go. let input: Vec<_> = (0..12000).map(|i| (i % 256) as u8).collect(); let mut blob = BlobSlice::from_byte_slice(&input); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)"); conn.execute(&insert, &mut blob.as_blob_param()).unwrap(); // Query value just streamed into the DB and compare it with the input. let select = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"); let mut result = conn.execute(&select, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut row = result.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut output = Vec::new(); row.get_binary(1, &mut output).unwrap(); assert_eq!(input, output); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn send_blob_as_part_of_tuplebinary_vec(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["INTEGER", profile.blob_type]) .unwrap(); // Large vector with successive numbers. It's too large to send to the database in one go. let input: Vec<_> = (0..12000).map(|i| (i % 256) as u8).collect(); // When let mut blob = BlobSlice::from_byte_slice(&input); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a,b) VALUES (?,?)"); conn.execute(&insert, (&42i32, &mut blob.as_blob_param())) .unwrap(); // Then // Query value just streamed into the DB and compare it with the input. let select = format!("SELECT a,b FROM {table_name}"); let mut result = conn.execute(&select, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut row = result.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut output_a: i32 = 0; let mut output_b = Vec::new(); row.get_data(1, &mut output_a).unwrap(); row.get_binary(2, &mut output_b).unwrap(); assert_eq!(42, output_a); assert_eq!(input, output_b); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn send_long_data_string(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile.setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["Text"]).unwrap(); // Large vector with successive numbers. It's too large to send to the database in one go. let input: String = (0..1200).map(|_| "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz").collect(); let mut blob = BlobSlice::from_text(&input); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)"); conn.execute(&insert, &mut blob.as_blob_param()).unwrap(); // Query value just streamed into the DB and compare it with the input. let select = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"); let mut result = conn.execute(&select, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut row = result.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut output = Vec::new(); row.get_text(1, &mut output).unwrap(); let output = String::from_utf8(output).unwrap(); assert_eq!(input, output); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] SQLite does not write anything to the database if there is no // size hint given #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn send_long_data_binary_read(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &[profile.blob_type]) .unwrap(); // Large vector with successive numbers. It's too large to send to the database in one go. let input: Vec<_> = (0..12000).map(|i| (i % 256) as u8).collect(); let read = io::Cursor::new(&input); let mut blob = BlobRead::with_upper_bound(read, 14000); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)"); conn.execute(&insert, &mut blob.as_blob_param()).unwrap(); // Query value just streamed into the DB and compare it with the input. let select = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"); let mut result = conn.execute(&select, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut row = result.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut output = Vec::new(); row.get_binary(1, &mut output).unwrap(); assert_eq!(input, output); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn send_long_data_binary_file(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &[profile.blob_type]) .unwrap(); // Large vector with successive numbers. It's too large to send to the database in one go. let input: Vec<_> = (0..12000).map(|i| (i % 256) as u8).collect(); let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); file.write_all(&input).unwrap(); let path = file.into_temp_path(); let mut blob = BlobRead::from_path(&path).unwrap(); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)"); conn.execute(&insert, &mut blob.as_blob_param()).unwrap(); // Query value just streamed into the DB and compare it with the input. let select = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"); let mut result = conn.execute(&select, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut row = result.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut output = Vec::new(); row.get_binary(1, &mut output).unwrap(); assert_eq!(input, output); } /// Demonstrate how to strip abstractions and access raw functionality as exposed by `odbc-sys`. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn escape_hatch(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let preallocated = conn.preallocate().unwrap(); let mut statement = preallocated.into_statement(); statement.reset_parameters().unwrap(); unsafe { let select_utf8 = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); // TableName does not exist, but we won't execute the query anyway let select = U16String::from_str(&select_utf8); let ret = sys::SQLPrepareW( statement.as_sys(), select.as_ptr(), select.len().try_into().unwrap(), ); assert_eq!(ret, sys::SqlReturn::SUCCESS); } // If we use `.into_sys` we need to drop the handle manually let hstmt = statement.into_sys(); unsafe { let ret = sys::SQLFreeHandle(sys::HandleType::Stmt, hstmt as sys::Handle); assert_eq!(ret, sys::SqlReturn::SUCCESS); } } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn varchar_null(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(10)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)"); conn.execute(&insert, &VarCharSlice::NULL).unwrap(); assert_eq!("NULL", table.content_as_string(&conn)) } /// Connect to database with connection string, and check the output connection string with /// attributes complemented by the driver. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn get_full_connection_string(profile: &Profile) { let mut completed_connection_string = OutputStringBuffer::with_buffer_size(1024); environment() .unwrap() .driver_connect( profile.connection_string, &mut completed_connection_string, odbc_api::DriverCompleteOption::NoPrompt, ) .unwrap(); assert!(!completed_connection_string.is_truncated()); let completed_connection_string = completed_connection_string.to_utf8(); eprintln!("Completed Connection String: {completed_connection_string}"); // Additional attributes should make the string larger. assert!(profile.connection_string.len() <= completed_connection_string.len()); } /// We must be able to detect truncation in case we provide a buffer too small to hold the output /// connection string #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] Does not write truncated connection string at all #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn get_full_connection_string_truncated(profile: &Profile) { let mut completed_connection_string = OutputStringBuffer::with_buffer_size(2); environment() .unwrap() .driver_connect( profile.connection_string, &mut completed_connection_string, odbc_api::DriverCompleteOption::NoPrompt, ) .unwrap(); eprintln!( "Output connection string: {}", completed_connection_string.to_utf8() ); assert!(completed_connection_string.is_truncated()); } /// We must be able to detect truncation in case we provide a buffer too small to hold the output /// connection string #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn driver_connect_with_empty_out_connection_sring(profile: &Profile) { let mut completed_connection_string = OutputStringBuffer::empty(); environment() .unwrap() .driver_connect( profile.connection_string, &mut completed_connection_string, odbc_api::DriverCompleteOption::NoPrompt, ) .unwrap(); assert!(completed_connection_string.is_truncated()); assert!(completed_connection_string.to_utf8().is_empty()); } #[test_case(MSSQL, "Microsoft SQL Server"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "MariaDB"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, "SQLite"; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, "PostgreSQL"; "PostgreSQL")] fn database_management_system_name(profile: &Profile, expected_name: &'static str) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); let actual_name = conn.database_management_system_name().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_name, actual_name); } // Check the max name length for the catalogs, schemas, tables, and columns. #[test_case(MSSQL, 128, 128, 128, 128; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, 256, 0, 256, 255; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, 255, 255, 255, 255; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, 0, 63, 63, 63; "PostgreSQL")] fn name_limits( profile: &Profile, expected_max_catalog_name_len: u16, expected_max_schema_name_len: u16, expected_max_table_name_len: u16, expected_max_column_name_len: u16, ) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); assert_eq!( conn.max_catalog_name_len().unwrap(), expected_max_catalog_name_len ); assert_eq!( conn.max_schema_name_len().unwrap(), expected_max_schema_name_len ); assert_eq!( conn.max_table_name_len().unwrap(), expected_max_table_name_len ); assert_eq!( conn.max_column_name_len().unwrap(), expected_max_column_name_len ); } // Check the current catalog being used by the connection. #[test_case(MSSQL, "master"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "test_db"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, ""; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, "test"; "PostgreSQL")] fn current_catalog(profile: &Profile, expected_catalog: &str) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(conn.current_catalog().unwrap(), expected_catalog); } #[test_case(MSSQL, "dbo"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, ""; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, "dbo"; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES, "test"; "PostgreSQL")] Errors out in linux fn columns_query(profile: &Profile, schema: &str) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["VARCHAR(10)"]) .unwrap(); let row_set_buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs(2, conn.columns_buffer_descs(255, 255, 255).unwrap()) .unwrap(); // Mariadb does not support schemas let columns = conn .columns(&conn.current_catalog().unwrap(), schema, &table_name, "a") .unwrap(); let mut cursor = columns.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); const COLUMN_NAME_INDEX: usize = 3; let column_names = batch.column(COLUMN_NAME_INDEX).as_text_view().unwrap(); const COLUMN_SIZE_INDEX: usize = 6; let column_sizes = i32::as_nullable_slice(batch.column(COLUMN_SIZE_INDEX)).unwrap(); let column_has_name_a_and_size_10 = column_names .iter() .zip(column_sizes) .any(|(name, size)| str::from_utf8(name.unwrap()).unwrap() == "a" && *size.unwrap() == 10); assert!(column_has_name_a_and_size_10); } /// Demonstrating how to fill a vector of rows using this crate. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn fill_vec_of_rows(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["VARCHAR(50)", "INTEGER"]) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a,b) VALUES ('A', 1), ('B',2)"); conn.execute(&insert_sql, ()).unwrap(); // Now that the table is created and filled with some values lets query it and put its contents // into a `Vec` let query_sql = format!("SELECT a,b FROM {table_name}"); let cursor = conn.execute(&query_sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let buf_desc = [ BufferDesc::Text { max_str_len: 50 }, BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }, ]; let buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs(1, buf_desc).unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let mut actual = Vec::new(); while let Some(batch) = cursor.fetch().unwrap() { // Extract first column known to contain text let col_a = batch.column(0).as_text_view().unwrap(); // Extract second column known to contain non nullable i32 let col_b = i32::as_slice(batch.column(1)).unwrap(); for &b in col_b { let a = col_a .iter() .next() .unwrap() .map(|bytes| str::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap().to_owned()); actual.push((a, b)) } } assert_eq!( actual, [(Some("A".to_string()), 1), (Some("B".to_string()), 2)] ) } /// Provoke return of NO_DATA from SQLExecute and SQLDirectExecute by deleting a non existing row. /// The bindings must not panic, even though the result is not SQL_SUCCESS #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn no_data(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["INTEGER"]) .unwrap(); let sql = format!("DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE id=5"); // Assert no panic on direct execution conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap(); // Assert no panic on prepared execution conn.prepare(&sql).unwrap().execute(()).unwrap(); } /// List tables for various data sources /// Table name comparison is insensitive on Windows #[test_case(MSSQL, "master,dbo,ListTables,TABLE,NULL"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "test_db,NULL,ListTables,TABLE,"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, "NULL,NULL,ListTables,TABLE,NULL"; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, ""; "PostgreSQL")] fn list_tables(profile: &Profile, expected: &str) { // Table name is part of test expectation for this test let table_name = "ListTables"; let conn = profile.setup_empty_table(table_name, &["INTEGER"]).unwrap(); let cursor = conn.tables("", "", table_name, "").unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor).to_lowercase(); assert_eq!(expected.to_lowercase(), actual); } /// List tables for various data sources, using a preallocated statement /// Table name comparison is insensitive on Windows #[test_case(MSSQL, "master,dbo,ListTablesPreallocated,TABLE,NULL"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "test_db,NULL,ListTablesPreallocated,TABLE,"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, "NULL,NULL,ListTablesPreallocated,TABLE,NULL"; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, ""; "PostgreSQL")] fn list_tables_preallocated(profile: &Profile, expected: &str) { // Table name is part of test expectation for this test let table_name = "ListTablesPreallocated"; let conn = profile.setup_empty_table(table_name, &["INTEGER"]).unwrap(); let mut preallocated = conn.preallocate().unwrap(); let cursor = preallocated.tables("", "", table_name, "").unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor).to_lowercase(); assert_eq!(expected.to_lowercase(), actual); } /// List columns for various data sources #[test_case(MSSQL, "master,dbo,ListColumns,a,4,int,10,4,0,10,1,NULL,NULL,4,NULL,NULL,2,YES,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,38"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "test_db,NULL,ListColumns,a,4,INT,10,4,0,10,1,,NULL,4,NULL,2,2,YES"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, ",,ListColumns,a,4,INTEGER,9,10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,4,NULL,16384,2,YES"; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES, ""; "PostgreSQL")] Fails in linux fn list_columns(profile: &Profile, expected: &str) { // Table name is part of test expectation for this test let table_name = "ListColumns"; let conn = profile.setup_empty_table(table_name, &["INTEGER"]).unwrap(); let cursor = conn.columns("", "", table_name, "a").unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor).to_lowercase(); assert_eq!(expected.to_lowercase(), actual); } /// List columns for various data sources, using a preallocated statement #[test_case(MSSQL, "master,dbo,ListColumnsPreallocated,a,4,int,10,4,0,10,1,NULL,NULL,4,NULL,NULL,2,YES,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,38"; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, "test_db,NULL,ListColumnsPreallocated,a,4,INT,10,4,0,10,1,,NULL,4,NULL,2,2,YES"; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, ",,ListColumnsPreallocated,a,4,INTEGER,9,10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,4,NULL,16384,2,YES"; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES, ""; "PostgreSQL")] Fails in linux fn list_columns_preallocated(profile: &Profile, expected: &str) { // Table name is part of test expectation for this test let table_name = "ListColumnsPreallocated"; let conn = profile.setup_empty_table(table_name, &["INTEGER"]).unwrap(); let mut preallocated = conn.preallocate().unwrap(); let cursor = preallocated.columns("", "", table_name, "a").unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor).to_lowercase(); assert_eq!(expected.to_lowercase(), actual); } /// This test documents the amount of memory needed to hold the maximum row of the columns table /// as described by the result sets metadata. #[test_case(MSSQL, 10039; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // Fails on CI in Windows, due to MariaDB not being recent enough // #[test_case(MARIADB, 16975179; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, 986; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES, 1676; "PostgreSQL")] Fails in Linux fn list_columns_oom(profile: &Profile, expected_row_size_in_bytes: usize) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); // This filter does not change the assertions, but makes the tests run so much faster for // Microsoft Sql Server (which seems to lock each table listed). This also likely prevents a // deadlock or transaction collision with other tests. Since the other tests destroy and create // tables a lot, listing them in parallel is dangerous. This filter gets rid of most of the // weirdness. let table_name = table_name!(); let mut cursor = conn.columns("", "", &table_name, "").unwrap(); let mut column_description = ColumnDescription::default(); let mut size_of_row = 0; for index in 0..cursor.num_result_cols().unwrap() { cursor .describe_col(index as u16 + 1, &mut column_description) .unwrap(); let buffer_description = BufferDesc::from_data_type( column_description.data_type, column_description.could_be_nullable(), ) .unwrap(); size_of_row += buffer_description.bytes_per_row(); } assert_eq!(expected_row_size_in_bytes, size_of_row) } /// Some drivers seem to have trouble binding buffers beyond `u16::MAX`. This has been seen failing /// in the wild with SAP anywhere, but that ODBC driver is not part of this test suite. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn row_array_size_66536(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile.setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["BIT"]).unwrap(); let sql = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"); let cursor = conn.execute(&sql, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let row_set_buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs( u16::MAX as usize + 1, [BufferDesc::Bit { nullable: false }], ) .unwrap(); assert!(cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).is_ok()) } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] #[should_panic(expected = "SQLFreeHandle failed with error code: -1")] fn should_panic_if_connection_cannot_be_freed(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); // Since the types with their invariants in this crate helpfully prevent us from freeing a // connected handles, we have to abandon the saftey rails in order to provoke the error. let conn = conn.into_handle(); // We drop the connection, but it is still connected. => This is a programming error, we want // the drop handler to panic. drop(conn); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] #[should_panic(expected = "original error")] fn panic_in_drop_handlers_should_not_mask_original_error(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); // Since the types with their invariants in this crate helpfully prevent us from freeing a // connected handles, we have to abandon the saftey rails in order to provoke the error. let _conn = conn.into_handle(); // If this error is propagated upwards, the above connections drop handler will be called and // fail. This tests wants to ensure the original error is not masked by that. panic!("original error") } /// Arrow uses the same binary format for the values of nullable slices, though null are represented /// as bitmask. Make it possible for bindings to efficiently copy the values array out of a /// nullable slice. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn memcopy_values_from_nullable_slice(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["INTEGER"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (42), (NULL), (5);"), (), ) .unwrap(); // When let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"), ()) .unwrap() // Unwrap Result .unwrap(); // Unwrap Option, we know a select statement to produce a cursor. let buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs(3, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: true }]).unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let nullable_slice = batch.column(0).as_nullable_slice::().unwrap(); let (values, indicators) = nullable_slice.raw_values(); // Memcopy values. let values = values.to_vec(); // Create array of bools indicating null values. let nulls: Vec = indicators .iter() .map(|&indicator| indicator == sys::NULL_DATA) .collect(); // Then assert!(!nulls[0]); assert_eq!(values[0], 42); assert!(nulls[1]); // We explicitly don't give any guarantees about the value of #values[1]`. assert!(!nulls[2]); assert_eq!(values[2], 5); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn text_column_view_should_allow_for_filling_arrow_arrays(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = "TextColumnViewShouldAllowForFillingArrowArrays"; let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(table_name, &["VARCHAR(50)"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!( "INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES \ ('abcd'), \ (NULL), \ ('efghij'), \ ('klm'), \ ('npqrstu')" ), (), ) .unwrap(); // When let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let columnar_buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs(10, [BufferDesc::Text { max_str_len: 50 }]).unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(columnar_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let view = batch.column(0).as_text_view().unwrap(); let mut valid = Vec::with_capacity(view.len()); let mut offsets = Vec::with_capacity(view.len() + 1); let mut offset: usize = 0; for index in 0..view.len() { offset += view.content_length_at(index).unwrap_or(0) } let mut consequtives_values = Vec::with_capacity(offset); let raw_values_odbc = view.raw_value_buffer(); offset = 0; for index in 0..view.len() { offsets.push(offset); if let Some(len) = view.content_length_at(index) { valid.push(true); offset += len; let start_index = index * (view.max_len() + 1); consequtives_values .extend_from_slice(&raw_values_odbc[start_index..(start_index + len)]) } else { valid.push(false); } } // Then assert_eq!(valid, [true, false, true, true, true]); assert_eq!(offsets, [0, 4, 4, 10, 13]); assert_eq!(consequtives_values, b"abcdefghijklmnpqrstu"); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn detect_truncated_output_in_bulk_fetch(profile: &Profile) { // Given a text entry with a length of ten. let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["VARCHAR(10)"]) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES ('0123456789')"), (), ) .unwrap(); // When fetching that field as part of a bulk, but with a buffer of only length 5. let buffer_description = BufferDesc::Text { max_str_len: 5 }; let buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::try_from_descs(1, [buffer_description]).unwrap(); let query = format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name}"); let cursor = conn.execute(&query, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); assert!(matches!( cursor.fetch_with_truncation_check(true), Err(Error::TooLargeValueForBuffer { indicator: Some(10), buffer_index: 0, }) )) } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn grow_batch_size_during_bulk_insert(profile: &Profile) { // Given a table let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["INTEGER"]) .unwrap(); // When insert two batches with size one and two. let mut prepared = conn .prepare(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)")) .unwrap(); let desc = BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }; // The first batch is inserted with capacity 1 let mut prebound = prepared.column_inserter(1, [desc]).unwrap(); prebound.set_num_rows(1); let col = prebound.column_mut(0).as_slice::().unwrap(); col[0] = 1; prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Second batch is larger than the first and does not fit into the capacity. Only way to resize // is currently to destroy everything the ColumnarInserter, but luckily we only borrowed the // statement. let mut prebound = prepared.column_inserter(2, [desc]).unwrap(); prebound.set_num_rows(2); let col = prebound.column_mut(0).as_slice::().unwrap(); col[0] = 2; col[1] = 3; prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Then let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("1\n2\n3", actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn bulk_inserter_owning_connection(profile: &Profile) { // Given a table let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile .setup_empty_table(&table_name, &["INTEGER"]) .unwrap(); // When insert two batches with size one and two. let mut prepared = conn .into_prepared(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?)")) .unwrap(); let desc = BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }; // Insert a batch let mut prebound = prepared.column_inserter(1, [desc]).unwrap(); prebound.set_num_rows(1); let col = prebound.column_mut(0).as_slice::().unwrap(); col[0] = 1; prebound.execute().unwrap(); // Then let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT a FROM {table_name} ORDER BY id"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("1", actual); } /// Fire an insert statement adding two rows and verify that the count of changed rows is 2. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn row_count_one_shot_query(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (1), (2)"); // When let mut preallocated = conn.preallocate().unwrap(); preallocated.execute(&insert, ()).unwrap(); let row_count = preallocated.row_count().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(Some(2), row_count); } /// Fire an insert statement adding two rows and verify that the count of changed rows is 2. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn row_count_prepared_insert(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (?), (?)"); // When let mut prepared = conn.prepare(&insert).unwrap(); prepared.execute((&1, &2)).unwrap(); let row_count = prepared.row_count().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(Some(2), row_count); } #[test_case(MSSQL, None; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, Some(0); "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, Some(0); "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, Some(0); "PostgreSQL")] fn row_count_create_table_preallocated(profile: &Profile, expectation: Option) { // Given a name for a table which does not exist let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); conn.execute(&format!("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table_name};"), ()) .unwrap(); // When let mut preallocated = conn.preallocate().unwrap(); preallocated .execute(&format!("CREATE TABLE {table_name} (a INTEGER);"), ()) .unwrap(); let row_count = preallocated.row_count().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(expectation, row_count); } #[test_case(MSSQL, Some(0); "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, Some(0); "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, Some(0); "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, Some(0); "PostgreSQL")] fn row_count_create_table_prepared(profile: &Profile, expectation: Option) { // Given a name for a table which does not exist let table_name = table_name!(); let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); conn.execute(&format!("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table_name};"), ()) .unwrap(); // When let mut prepared = conn .prepare(&format!("CREATE TABLE {table_name} (a INTEGER);")) .unwrap(); prepared.execute(()).unwrap(); let row_count = prepared.row_count().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(expectation, row_count); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn list_foreign_keys(profile: &Profile) { // Other table references table let pk_table_name = table_name!(); let fk_table_name = format!("other_{pk_table_name}"); let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); conn.execute(&format!("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {fk_table_name};"), ()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&format!("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {pk_table_name};"), ()) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("CREATE TABLE {pk_table_name} (id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(id));"), (), ) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!( "CREATE TABLE {fk_table_name} (ext_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (ext_id) REFERENCES \ {pk_table_name}(id));" ), (), ) .unwrap(); let mut cursor = conn .foreign_keys("", "", "", "", "", &fk_table_name) .unwrap(); let buffer = TextRowSet::for_cursor(10, &mut cursor, Some(256)).unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let retrieved_pk_table_name = batch.at_as_str(2, 0).unwrap().unwrap(); let retrieved_fk_table_name = batch.at_as_str(6, 0).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(retrieved_pk_table_name, pk_table_name); assert_eq!(retrieved_fk_table_name, fk_table_name); assert_eq!(batch.num_rows(), 1); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn list_foreign_keys_prealloc(profile: &Profile) { // Other table references table let pk_table_name = table_name!(); let fk_table_name = format!("other_{pk_table_name}"); let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); conn.execute(&format!("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {fk_table_name};"), ()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&format!("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {pk_table_name};"), ()) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("CREATE TABLE {pk_table_name} (id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(id));"), (), ) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!( "CREATE TABLE {fk_table_name} (ext_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (ext_id) REFERENCES \ {pk_table_name}(id));" ), (), ) .unwrap(); let mut stmt = conn.preallocate().unwrap(); let mut cursor = stmt .foreign_keys("", "", "", "", "", &fk_table_name) .unwrap(); let buffer = TextRowSet::for_cursor(10, &mut cursor, Some(256)).unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let retrieved_pk_table_name = batch.at_as_str(2, 0).unwrap().unwrap(); let retrieved_fk_table_name = batch.at_as_str(6, 0).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(retrieved_pk_table_name, pk_table_name); assert_eq!(retrieved_fk_table_name, fk_table_name); assert_eq!(batch.num_rows(), 1); } // The two failing drivers confuse buffer and character lengths with each other. It could not be // worked around by allocating larger buffers. // #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // SQLite just does not recognize the last letter // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn describe_column_name_with_umlaut(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); // Given a table with an umlaut in a column name let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .column_names(&["hällo𐐏"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // When executing a query with a result set containing that column and describing that column let mut result_set = conn .execute(&format!("SELECT hällo𐐏 FROM {table_name}"), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut desc = ColumnDescription::default(); result_set.describe_col(1, &mut desc).unwrap(); let column_name = desc.name_to_string().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!("hällo𐐏", column_name); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] Only allows one SQL Statement // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] Only allows one SQL Statement #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn execute_two_select_statements(profile: &Profile) { let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute("SELECT 1 AS A; SELECT 2 AS B;", ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let maybe_cursor = cursor.more_results().unwrap(); assert!(maybe_cursor.is_some()); let cursor = maybe_cursor.unwrap(); let maybe_cursor = cursor.more_results().unwrap(); assert!(maybe_cursor.is_none()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] Only allows one SQL Statement // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] Only allows one SQL Statement #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn execute_select_insert_select(profile: &Profile) { let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, _table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let first_cursor = conn .execute( &format!("SELECT 1 AS A; INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (2); SELECT 3 AS B;"), (), ) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // The statement is not actually in a cursor state here, because the second statement is an // Insert statement. Everything works fine though, if we do not try to fetch any values. If we // fetch it would trigger a sequence error. let second_cursor = first_cursor.more_results().unwrap(); assert!(second_cursor.is_some()); let second_cursor = second_cursor.unwrap(); let third_cursor = second_cursor.more_results().unwrap(); assert!(third_cursor.is_some()); let third_cursor = third_cursor.unwrap(); let fourth_cursor = third_cursor.more_results().unwrap(); assert!(fourth_cursor.is_none()); } // #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] Without changing server configuration VARCHAR(50) // does not seem to store things in UTF-8, but rather use an ASCII encoding which can not represent // the chinese characters. // Window hosted MARIA DB seems to also have trouble storying utf-8 in a varchar(50). Runs fine // though with windows client and linux server // #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn chinese_text_argument(profile: &Profile) { // Given a table let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); // When conn.execute(&insert_sql, &"您好".into_parameter()).unwrap(); // Then let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); #[cfg(any(feature = "wide", all(not(feature = "narrow"), target_os = "windows")))] let actual = { let buffer = ColumnarBuffer::<_>::new(vec![(1, TextColumn::::new(1, 50))]); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let utf16 = batch.column(0).get(0).unwrap(); let utf16 = U16Str::from_slice(utf16); utf16.to_string().unwrap() }; // Fetching non narrow should always work, but does not for PostgreSQL with narrow compilation // flag. #[cfg(not(any(feature = "wide", all(not(feature = "narrow"), target_os = "windows"))))] let actual = { let buffer = ColumnarBuffer::<_>::new(vec![(1, TextColumn::::new(1, 50))]); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); batch.at_as_str(0, 0).unwrap().unwrap().to_string() }; assert_eq!("您好", actual); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] Postgres does not recognize NVARCHAR as a type fn chinese_text_argument_nvarchar(profile: &Profile) { // Given a table let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["NVARCHAR(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); // When let arg = U16String::from_str("您好"); // Narrow build will fail for MSSQL without this line. conn.execute(&insert_sql, &arg.into_parameter()).unwrap(); // Then let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let buffer = ColumnarBuffer::<_>::new(vec![(1, TextColumn::::new(1, 50))]); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let utf16 = batch.column(0).get(0).unwrap(); let utf16 = U16Str::from_slice(utf16); let actual = utf16.to_string().unwrap(); assert_eq!("您好", actual); } /// Inspired by /// Microsoft driver seems to report wrong sizes for the remaining strings if a text column can not /// be fetched on first try. // #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] // #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] Fails on linux: Invalid string conversion occurred fn cursor_get_text_from_text(profile: &Profile) { // Given a text column with a string larger than 255 characters. It also must contain non ASCII // characters. let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["TEXT"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // For this test we want to run into a scenario, there we can not fetch everything in the first // roundtrip, so we choose a text larger than 256 characters. let text = "€".repeat(300); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &text.into_parameter()).unwrap(); // When let mut cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut buffer = Vec::new(); row.get_text(1, &mut buffer).unwrap(); // Then let actual = String::from_utf8(buffer).unwrap(); assert_eq!("€".repeat(300), actual); } // This triggers a bug in the ODBC driver at least version 17 and 18 // // In addition this bug does not seem to occur then talking to an MSSQL server hosted in a windows // Enivornment. In our current CI test suite, if the client runs on windows so does the server, so // we do not execute this test on windows. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[should_panic( expected = "SQLGetData has been unable to fetch all data, even though the capacity of the \ target buffer has been adapted to hold the entire payload based on the indicator of the last \ part. You may consider filing a bug with the ODBC driver you are using." )] #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] fn cursor_get_text_from_text_mssql(profile: &Profile) { // Given a text column with a string larger than 255 characters. It also must contain non ASCII // characters. let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["TEXT"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // For this test we want to run into a scenario, there we can not fetch everything in the first // roundtrip, so we choose a text larger than 256 characters. let text = "€".repeat(300); let insert_sql = table.sql_insert(); conn.execute(&insert_sql, &text.into_parameter()).unwrap(); // When let mut cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let mut row = cursor.next_row().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut buffer = Vec::new(); row.get_text(1, &mut buffer).unwrap(); // Microsoft driver is buggy in this situation, as it does not use the indicator to report the // true size of the string or the `NO_TOTAL`. We can at least test that a panic occurs and not // some endless loop or buffer overflow. } /// If we want to use two buffers alternating to fetch data (like in the concurrent use case in /// the arrow-odbc downstream crate) we may want to generate a second row set buffer from an /// existing one. For this it is useful if we can infer the capacity of the block cursor, without /// unbinding it first. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn row_arrary_size_from_block_cursor(profile: &Profile) { // Given a table let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); // When let capacity_used_to_create_buffer = 42; let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs( capacity_used_to_create_buffer, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: true }], ); let block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let capacity_reported_by_block_cursor = block_cursor.row_array_size(); // Then assert_eq!( capacity_used_to_create_buffer, capacity_reported_by_block_cursor ); } /// Learning test what display size drivers report for JSON columns // #[test_case(MSSQL, "@json VARCHAR(max)", None; "Microsoft SQL Server")] // Unknown data type JSON // #[test_case(MARIADB, Some(1073741823); "Maria DB")] // Different size reported if MariaDB runs on windows #[test_case(SQLITE_3, Some(255); "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, Some(255); "PostgreSQL")] fn json_column_display_size(profile: &Profile, expected_display_size: Option) { // Given a table with a column type which will return `NO_TOTAL` let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["JSON"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let query = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); // When obtaining result set metadata let mut result_set = conn.execute(&query, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); // First column is id with index `0`. Second index (`1`) referes to the JSON column let size = result_set .col_display_size(1) .unwrap() .map(NonZeroUsize::get); // Then it is equal to the recorded display size assert_eq!(expected_display_size, size); } /// Fetch decimal values in their text interpretation and transform them to their integer /// representation. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn fetch_decimals_to_int(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["DECIMAL(5,3)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute( &format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (12.345), (-12.345), (12), (12.3)"), (), ) .unwrap(); // When let mut cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let row_set_buffer = TextRowSet::for_cursor(4, &mut cursor, None).unwrap(); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); let n = |i| batch.at_as_str(0, i).unwrap().unwrap().as_bytes(); let n1 = decimal_text_to_i128(n(0), 3); let n2 = decimal_text_to_i128(n(1), 3); let n3 = decimal_text_to_i128(n(2), 3); let n4 = decimal_text_to_i128(n(3), 3); // Then assert_eq!(12345, n1); assert_eq!(-12345, n2); assert_eq!(12000, n3); assert_eq!(12300, n4); } /// Bulf fetch in a dedicated system thread. Usually so the application can process the last batch /// while the next one is fetched. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn concurrent_bulk_fetch_double_buffered(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INT"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (1), (2)"), ()) .unwrap(); // When let mut buffer_a = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]); let buffer_b = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]); let cursor = conn .into_cursor(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer_b).unwrap(); let mut concurrent_block_cursor = ConcurrentBlockCursor::from_block_cursor(block_cursor); let has_another_batch = concurrent_block_cursor.fetch_into(&mut buffer_a).unwrap(); assert!(has_another_batch); assert_eq!(1, buffer_a.num_rows()); assert_eq!(1i32, buffer_a.column(0).as_slice().unwrap()[0]); let has_another_batch = concurrent_block_cursor.fetch_into(&mut buffer_a).unwrap(); assert!(has_another_batch); assert_eq!(1, buffer_a.num_rows()); assert_eq!(2i32, buffer_a.column(0).as_slice().unwrap()[0]); let has_another_batch = concurrent_block_cursor.fetch_into(&mut buffer_a).unwrap(); assert!(!has_another_batch); } /// Bulf fetch in a dedicated system thread. Usually so the application can process the last batch /// while the next one is fetched. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn concurrent_bulk_fetch_single_buffer(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INT"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (1), (2)"), ()) .unwrap(); // When let buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]); let cursor = conn .into_cursor(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let mut concurrent_block_cursor = ConcurrentBlockCursor::from_block_cursor(block_cursor); let batch = concurrent_block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, batch.num_rows()); assert_eq!(1i32, batch.column(0).as_slice().unwrap()[0]); concurrent_block_cursor.fill(batch); let batch = concurrent_block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, batch.num_rows()); assert_eq!(2i32, batch.column(0).as_slice().unwrap()[0]); concurrent_block_cursor.fill(batch); let all_batches_consumed = concurrent_block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().is_none(); assert!(all_batches_consumed); } /// Catch edge cases, there we stop the thread, while there are still batches to consume #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn concurrent_bulk_fetch_fetch_one_batch(profile: &Profile) { // Given let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INT"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (1), (2)"), ()) .unwrap(); // When let buffer = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]); let cursor = conn .into_cursor(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let mut concurrent_block_cursor = ConcurrentBlockCursor::from_block_cursor(block_cursor); let _ = concurrent_block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Now instead of sending a buffer and fetching a next one, we interrupt the fetch thread while // it does not own a buffer. let cursor = concurrent_block_cursor.into_cursor().unwrap(); // Now we can deterministically fetch the second batch in the main thread again. Since the fetch // thread has only ever seen one buffer, it could have only fetched one batch. let actual = cursor_to_string(cursor); assert_eq!("2", actual); } /// Bulk fetch in a dedicated system thread. Usually so the application can process the last batch /// while the next one is fetched. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // SQLite, actually does not create a diagonstic record or is creating any kind of error in this // case. It would just report the value to be zero. This has nothing todo with the fetch being // concurrent though. To test the error handling, the other DBMs have to suffice // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn concurrent_bulk_fetch_with_invalid_buffer_type(profile: &Profile) { // Given an integer table with a NULL let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INT"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES (NULL)"), ()) .unwrap(); // When fetching with a Columnar buffer not supporting nullable values let mut buffer_a = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]); let buffer_b = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]); let cursor = conn .into_cursor(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer_b).unwrap(); let mut concurrent_block_cursor = ConcurrentBlockCursor::from_block_cursor(block_cursor); // This line provokes the first error, due to the invalid buffer. let result_one = concurrent_block_cursor.fetch_into(&mut buffer_a); let result_two = concurrent_block_cursor.fetch_into(&mut buffer_a); // Then assert!(result_one.is_err()); // After the first error, we treat the stream same as we would treat a stream which is consumed. assert!(!result_two.unwrap()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] fn concurrent_fetch_of_multiple_result_sets(profile: &Profile) { // Given let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); let query = "SELECT 1 AS a; SELECT 2 AS b;"; // When let mut buffer_a = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]); let buffer_b = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]); let cursor = conn.into_cursor(query, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer_b).unwrap(); let mut concurrent_block_cursor = ConcurrentBlockCursor::from_block_cursor(block_cursor); // Consume first result set. concurrent_block_cursor.fetch_into(&mut buffer_a).unwrap(); concurrent_block_cursor.fetch_into(&mut buffer_a).unwrap(); // Now continue with the same cursor to fetch the second let cursor = concurrent_block_cursor.into_cursor().unwrap(); let cursor = cursor.more_results().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer_a).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(2i32, batch.column(0).as_slice().unwrap()[0]); } /// This test covers a code path in which the thread dedicated to fething is not termintated by /// running out of batches. #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] fn concurrent_fetch_skip_first_result_set(profile: &Profile) { // Given let conn = profile.connection().unwrap(); let query = "SELECT 1 AS a; SELECT 2 AS b;"; // When let buffer_a = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]); let buffer_b = ColumnarAnyBuffer::from_descs(1, [BufferDesc::I32 { nullable: false }]); let cursor = conn.into_cursor(query, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer_b).unwrap(); let concurrent_block_cursor = ConcurrentBlockCursor::from_block_cursor(block_cursor); // Skip over first result set, without fetching any batches. // Now continue with the same cursor to fetch the second let cursor = concurrent_block_cursor.into_cursor().unwrap(); let cursor = cursor.more_results().unwrap().unwrap(); let mut cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer_a).unwrap(); let batch = cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(2i32, batch.column(0).as_slice().unwrap()[0]); } /// This tests checks if there is more than one attribute returned. We had a bug (see issue: /// ) in which we used a buffer intended for zero /// terminated strings to get the attributes. Yet the attributes use the `0` as a delimiter. #[test] fn list_all_driver_attributes() { // Given an ODBC environment with drivers installed let environment = &environment().unwrap(); // When fetching driver infors let driver_infos = environment.drivers().unwrap(); // At least one driver is expecetd to have more than one attribute. let maximum = driver_infos .iter() .map(|info| info.attributes.len()) .max() .expect("At least one ODBC driver must be installed"); assert!(maximum > 1); } #[test_case(MSSQL, true; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, false; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, false; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, false; "PostgreSQL")] #[tokio::test] async fn polling_preallocated_statement_execution( profile: &Profile, expected_to_support_polling: bool, ) { // Given a table let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let query = format!("INSERT INTO {table_name} (a) VALUES ('Hello, World!')"); // We use this counter to check if the sleep function is actually invoked and the driver does // actually support asynchronous polling. let mut sleep_counter_spy = 0; let sleep = || { sleep_counter_spy += 1; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)) }; // When let mut statement = conn.preallocate().unwrap().into_polling().unwrap(); statement.execute(&query, (), sleep).await.unwrap(); // Then let actual = table.content_as_string(&conn); assert_eq!("Hello, World!", actual); let used_polling = sleep_counter_spy != 0; assert_eq!(expected_to_support_polling, used_polling); } #[test_case(MSSQL, true; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB, false; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3, false; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES, false; "PostgreSQL")] #[tokio::test] async fn async_bulk_fetch(profile: &Profile, expected_to_support_polling: bool) { // Given a table with a thousand records let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let prepared = conn.prepare(&table.sql_insert()).unwrap(); let mut inserter = prepared.into_text_inserter(1000, [50]).unwrap(); for index in 0..1000 { inserter .append([Some(index.to_string().as_bytes())].iter().copied()) .unwrap(); } inserter.execute().unwrap(); let query = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); // We use this counter to check if the sleep function is actually invoked and the driver does // actually support asynchronous polling. let mut sleep_counter_spy = 0; let mut sleep = || { sleep_counter_spy += 1; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)) }; // When let mut sum_rows_fetched = 0; let cursor = conn .execute_polling(&query, (), &mut sleep) .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); // Fetching results in ten batches let buffer = TextRowSet::from_max_str_lens(100, [50usize]).unwrap(); let mut row_set_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let mut maybe_batch = row_set_cursor.fetch(&mut sleep).await.unwrap(); while let Some(batch) = maybe_batch { sum_rows_fetched += batch.num_rows(); maybe_batch = row_set_cursor.fetch(&mut sleep).await.unwrap(); } // Then assert_eq!(1000, sum_rows_fetched); let used_polling = sleep_counter_spy != 0; assert_eq!(expected_to_support_polling, used_polling); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn row_wise_bulk_query_using_tuple(profile: &Profile) { // Given a cursor let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "VARCHAR(50)"]) .values_by_column(&[ &[Some("42"), Some("5")], &[Some("Hello, World!"), Some("Hallo, Welt!")], ]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // When let row_set_buffer = RowVec::<(i32, VarCharArray<50>)>::new(10); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(2, batch.num_rows()); assert_eq!(42, batch[0].0); assert_eq!("Hello, World!", batch[0].1.as_str().unwrap().unwrap()); assert_eq!(5, batch[1].0); assert_eq!("Hallo, Welt!", batch[1].1.as_str().unwrap().unwrap()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn row_wise_bulk_query_nullable(profile: &Profile) { // Given a cursor let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .values_by_column(&[&[Some("42"), None]]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // When let row_set_buffer = RowVec::<(Nullable,)>::new(10); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(Some(&42), batch[0].0.as_opt()); assert_eq!(None, batch[1].0.as_opt()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn row_wise_bulk_query_binary(profile: &Profile) { // Given a cursor let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(20)"]) .values_by_column(&[&[Some("Hello, World!"), None]]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // When let row_set_buffer = RowVec::<(VarBinaryArray<20>,)>::new(2); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(b"Hello, World!", batch[0].0.as_bytes().unwrap()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn row_wise_bulk_query_wide_text(profile: &Profile) { // Given a cursor let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(20)"]) .values_by_column(&[&[Some("Hello, World!"), None]]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // When let row_set_buffer = RowVec::<(VarWCharArray<20>,)>::new(2); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!( "Hello, World!", batch[0].0.as_utf16().unwrap().to_string().unwrap() ); } #[cfg(feature = "derive")] #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn row_wise_bulk_query_using_custom_row(profile: &Profile) { // Given a cursor let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER", "VARCHAR(50)"]) .values_by_column(&[ &[Some("42"), Some("5")], &[Some("Hello, World!"), Some("Hallo, Welt!")], ]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // When #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Fetch)] struct MyRow { a: i32, b: VarCharArray<50>, } let row_set_buffer = RowVec::::new(10); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(2, batch.num_rows()); assert_eq!(42, batch[0].a); assert_eq!("Hello, World!", batch[0].b.as_str().unwrap().unwrap()); assert_eq!(5, batch[1].a); assert_eq!("Hallo, Welt!", batch[1].b.as_str().unwrap().unwrap()); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn truncation_in_row_wise_bulk_buffer(profile: &Profile) { // Given a cursor let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(50)"]) .values_by_column(&[&[Some("Hello, World!")]]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // When let mut row_set_buffer = RowVec::<(VarCharArray<10>,)>::new(10); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(&mut row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!("Hello, Wo", batch[0].0.as_str().unwrap().unwrap()); drop(block_cursor); assert_eq!( TruncationInfo { indicator: Some(13), buffer_index: 0 }, (&(&mut row_set_buffer)).find_truncation().unwrap() ) } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn fetch_fixed_type_row_wise(profile: &Profile) { // Given a cursor let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["INTEGER"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &42.into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // When type RowSample = (i32,); let row_set_buffer = RowVec::::new(10); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(row_set_buffer).unwrap(); let batch = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Then assert_eq!(42, batch[0].0); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] SQLite just returns a zeroed out numeric struct #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn fetch_decimal_as_numeric_struct_using_get_data(profile: &Profile) { // Given a cursor over a result set with a decimal in its first column let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["DECIMAL(5,3)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &(25.212).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // When // Binding numeric withouth this wrapper would bind it without the App Row Descriptor struct BindNumericAsAppRowDesc(Numeric); let mut target = BindNumericAsAppRowDesc(Numeric { precision: 0, scale: 0, sign: 0, val: Default::default(), }); unsafe impl CData for BindNumericAsAppRowDesc { fn cdata_type(&self) -> CDataType { CDataType::Ard } fn indicator_ptr(&self) -> *const isize { std::ptr::null() } fn value_ptr(&self) -> *const std::ffi::c_void { &self.0 as *const Numeric as *const std::ffi::c_void } fn buffer_length(&self) -> isize { 0 } } unsafe impl CDataMut for BindNumericAsAppRowDesc { fn mut_indicator_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut isize { null_mut() } fn mut_value_ptr(&mut self) -> Pointer { &mut self.0 as *mut Numeric as *mut std::ffi::c_void } } unsafe { let mut stmt = cursor.into_stmt(); let mut ard = stmt.application_row_descriptor().unwrap(); ard.set_type(1, CDataType::Numeric).unwrap(); ard.set_precision(1, 5).unwrap(); ard.set_scale(1, 3).unwrap(); stmt.fetch(); stmt.get_data(1, &mut target); stmt.close_cursor(); } // Then assert_eq!(5, target.0.precision); assert_eq!(3, target.0.scale); // 1 is positive, 0 is negative assert_eq!(1, target.0.sign); // Hex representation of 25212 is 627C // First character contains '7C' -> C ~ 12, 7 ~ 7; 12 + 16 * 7 = 124 assert_eq!(124, target.0.val[0]); // Second character encodes '62' -> 2 + 16 * 6 = 98 assert_eq!(98, target.0.val[1]); assert_eq!(0, target.0.val[2]); } #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] // #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] Always filled with zero #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn fetch_decimal_as_numeric_struct_using_bind_col(profile: &Profile) { // Given a cursor over a result set with a decimal in its first column let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["DECIMAL(5,3)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &(25.212).into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let cursor = conn .execute(&table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(), ()) .unwrap() .unwrap(); // When // Binding numeric withouth this wrapper would bind it without the App Row Descriptor let mut target = Numeric { precision: 0, scale: 0, sign: 0, val: Default::default(), }; unsafe { let mut stmt = cursor.into_stmt(); // stmt.bind_col(1, &mut target); let mut ard = stmt.application_row_descriptor().unwrap(); // Setting Field descriptors always seems to yield structs field with zeroes ard.set_type(1, CDataType::Numeric).unwrap(); ard.set_precision(1, 5).unwrap(); ard.set_scale(1, 3).unwrap(); // Setting the dataptr directly on the ARD is required to make it work for MSSQL which does // seem to set the wrong pointer if just using bind col. Postgres and MariaDB would work as // intended with bind_col. // stmt.bind_col(1, &mut target); ard.set_data_ptr(1, &mut target as *mut Numeric as Pointer) .unwrap(); stmt.fetch(); stmt.close_cursor(); } // Then assert_eq!(5, target.precision); assert_eq!(3, target.scale); // 1 is positive, 0 is negative assert_eq!(1, target.sign); // Hex representation of 25212 is 627C // First character contains '7C' -> C ~ 12, 7 ~ 7; 12 + 16 * 7 = 124 assert_eq!(124, target.val[0]); // Second character encodes '62' -> 2 + 16 * 6 = 98 assert_eq!(98, target.val[1]); assert_eq!(0, target.val[2]); } /// Learning test to see how scrolling cursors behave #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn scroll_cursor(profile: &Profile) { // Given a table let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(50)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"one".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"two".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"three".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let query = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); // When let stmt = conn.preallocate().unwrap(); let stmt = stmt.into_statement(); let stmt_ptr = stmt.as_sys(); let first; let second; let third; unsafe { // 3(UL) ~ SQL_CURSOR_STATIC let _ = odbc_sys::SQLSetStmtAttr( stmt_ptr, odbc_sys::StatementAttribute::CursorType, 3 as Pointer, 0, ); // Bind row set buffer let mut stmt = Preallocated::new(stmt); let mut cursor = stmt.execute(&query, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let mut buffer = TextRowSet::for_cursor(1, &mut cursor, Some(10)).unwrap(); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(&mut buffer).unwrap(); // Move cursor two forward first = block_cursor .fetch() .unwrap() .unwrap() .at_as_str(0, 0) .unwrap() .unwrap() .to_owned(); second = block_cursor .fetch() .unwrap() .unwrap() .at_as_str(0, 0) .unwrap() .unwrap() .to_owned(); let _ = odbc_sys::SQLFetchScroll(stmt_ptr, sys::FetchOrientation::Absolute, 1); third = block_cursor .fetch() .unwrap() .unwrap() .at_as_str(0, 0) .unwrap() .unwrap() .to_owned(); } // Then assert_eq!("one", first); assert_eq!("two", second); assert_eq!("two", third); } /// Learning test to see how downstream applications could recover from truncations during bulk /// fetches #[test_case(MSSQL; "Microsoft SQL Server")] #[test_case(MARIADB; "Maria DB")] #[test_case(SQLITE_3; "SQLite 3")] #[test_case(POSTGRES; "PostgreSQL")] fn recover_from_truncation(profile: &Profile) { // Given a table let table_name = table_name!(); let (conn, table) = Given::new(&table_name) .column_types(&["VARCHAR(10)"]) .build(profile) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"1".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"123456789".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); conn.execute(&table.sql_insert(), &"1".into_parameter()) .unwrap(); let query = table.sql_all_ordered_by_id(); // When let stmt = conn.preallocate().unwrap(); let stmt = stmt.into_statement(); let stmt_ptr = stmt.as_sys(); let untruncated; unsafe { // 3(UL) ~ SQL_CURSOR_STATIC let _ = odbc_sys::SQLSetStmtAttr( stmt_ptr, odbc_sys::StatementAttribute::CursorType, 3 as Pointer, 0, ); // Bind row set buffer let mut stmt = Preallocated::new(stmt); let cursor = stmt.execute(&query, ()).unwrap().unwrap(); let buffer = TextRowSet::from_max_str_lens(1, [1]).unwrap(); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); // Fetch first row set (one row). This would be truncated let _ = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // Fetch second rowset with truncation let _ = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); // In order to recover we set the position back and bind a large enough buffer. // Set position back let _ = odbc_sys::SQLFetchScroll(stmt_ptr, sys::FetchOrientation::Prior, 0); // Bind large enough buffer let (cursor, _) = block_cursor.unbind().unwrap(); let buffer = TextRowSet::from_max_str_lens(1, [10]).unwrap(); let mut block_cursor = cursor.bind_buffer(buffer).unwrap(); let batch = block_cursor.fetch().unwrap().unwrap(); untruncated = batch.at_as_str(0, 0).unwrap().unwrap().to_owned(); } // Then assert_eq!("123456789", untruncated); }