services: mssql: image: ports: - 1433:1433 environment: - MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=My@Test@Password1 command: [ "/opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr", "--accept-eula", "--reset-sa-password" ] mariadb: image: mariadb environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: my-secret-pw MYSQL_DATABASE: test_db ports: - 3306:3306 # postgres: # image: postgres:15 # ports: # - "5432:5432" # environment: # POSTGRES_DB: test # POSTGRES_USER: test # POSTGRES_PASSWORD: test dev: build: context: ./docker dockerfile: volumes: - .:/workspace:cached # Overrides default command so things don't shut down after the process ends. command: sleep infinity # Allows accessing dbs through the port forwardings. dev container behaves like host for networking network_mode: host