The ID of the user that creates this record, or performs this action. A dictionary of key-value pairs that will be used to evaluate the expressions in this file. ([a-z]+(,[a-z]+)*)? oe_inline oe_left oe_right oe_read_only oe_edit_only oe_avatar oe_stat_button oe_chatter o_attachment_preview oe_title HTML classes. Some helper classes starting with `oe_` provide useful styling for common use cases.
- `oe_chatter`: Used with `<div>` to define a chatter widget. The model must also inherit the `mail.thread` mixin.
- `o_attachment_preview`: Used with an empty `<div>` to define a preview widget for attachments.
- `oe_stat_button`: Used to style a "smart button" which displays a count of related records and opens a new action when clicked.
Apply a blue decoration to matching records. Takes a Python expression. Apply a yellow decoration to matching records. Takes a Python expression. Apply a red decoration to matching records. Takes a Python expression. Apply a muted decoration to matching records. Takes a Python expression. Apply a prominent decoration to matching records. Takes a Python expression. Apply a green decoration to matching records. Takes a Python expression. Apply **bold text** to matching records. Takes a Python expression. Apply *italic text* to matching records. Takes a Python expression. A button that will be displayed in the view. Define a list view.
Disable/enable record deletion through the **Action** dropdown. Disable/enable record exporting on this view. top bottom Allow in-place record editing, and specifies whether new records are inserted at the top or bottom of the list. 1 Allow updating multiple records' fields to the same value. Display a button at each row's end to open the form view. Default field to group by, if none is specified on the action or the search filters. Comma-separated list of fields to order records, overriding the model's default `_order`. To sort a field in decreasing order, specify `$field desc`. The default size of a page. The default number of groups. Whether to expand the first level of groups by default. Populate the view with sample data if it's empty. Define a group-by header for `Many2one` fields. The name of a `Many2one` field by which to group records. A header displayed above the list view. A button inside the header. Accepts the same attributes as button columns. always Show this button even if no records are selected. Create a "control row" that accepts different ways to create records a la Sales Order's "Add a section", "Add a note" etc.
Overrides the default "Add a line" button if specified.
A button to create a new record, with optional context. The text of the button. Additional context to pass before creating a record.
Useful for passing default values i.e. `{"default_field": ..}`
A button inside the control row. Accepts the same attributes as button columns.
Define a form view.
Allow duplicating records through the **Action** dropdown. Takes a Python expression. Disable autofocus on the first field. Takes a Python expression.
The title of the list view, displayed if corresponding action has no name and target is `new`. Disable/enable record creation on this view. Disable/enable record editing on this view. Disable/enable record deletion through the **Action** dropdown. The name of the Javascript component class used instead of the form view. Corresponds to views registered using `registry.category("views").add("...")`. A route to fetch a banner HTML from. The corresponding handler must return a JSON response in the shape of `{"html": ".."}` button_box Names for semantic `<div>` elements.
- `button_box`: A row for smart buttons, usually at the top of the form.
field sheet page group notebook
Provides a responsive layout for fields and markup, as a direct child of a `<form>` element. Typically contains `group` elements. A page in a `<notebook>`. Visually represented as a folder tab. The title of the page. A grouping of field elements. The title of the group. The number of columns in this group. How many columns should child elements take. Force subsequent groups to start on a new line. The title of the separator. Insert vertical spacing within groups. A notebook-like tabbed container for `<page>`s. A field displayed in the form view. The name of the field that will be displayed. The number of columns this field should span. The placeholder text for the field. Useful for hints to text fields. A tooltip to display upon hovering. tree form kanban graph A comma-separated list of subview modes for a relational field. The name of a `Char` field that specifies a `Binary` field's file name. Whether to mask this field's data. The external ID of a kanban view to display for this field. Whether this field should be focused when the form is opened. Only one field can have this attribute set to `True` per view (excluding subviews). A button that will be displayed in the form view. save cancel What clicking this button should do. `type` and `name` are ignored if this is specified. A confirmation message to display before executing the action. Assign a hotkey to this button. Can be a single character, or `shift+$KEY`. Whether the element is invisible. Takes a Python expression. A comma-separated list of `res.groups` that are allowed to see this element. Prefix a group with `!` to negate it. The title of the field that will be displayed. Specify this when including the same field multiple times in a view. show hide Allows the field to be shown/hidden by the user, and whether to show it by default. Whether the field is read-only. Takes a Python expression. Whether the field is required. Takes a Python expression. The widget used to display the field.
See for a non-exhaustive listing of Javascript fields.
A Python dictionary containing additional options for the widget.

On relational fields, these options are used to control creation/editing behavior: `no_create`, `no_quick_create`, `no_open`, `no_open_edit` and so on.

See for a non-exhaustive listing of Javascript fields, and options that they accept.
THe CSS width of the column, when there are no records in the list. 1 Whether to hide the label of the field. A [domain]( to filter records assignable to this field. Additional context to pass when creating new records for this field, or when searching and editing. Takes a Python dictionary.
Whether this button's column should be hidden. Takes a Python expression. object action What should happen when the button is clicked.
- `object`: Call a method on the view's model.
- `action`: Execute an action.
What to invoke when the button is clicked.
- When `type` is `object`, this is the method to call.
- When `type` is `action`, this is the external ID of the action to execute. Either an integer ID or a string format `%(xmlid)d`.
The button's text, or alt-text if `icon` is specified. The icon to display on the button.

A tooltip to display upon hovering. Additional context to pass to the method or action. Accepts a Python dictionary.
A field that will be displayed in the list view. The name of the field that will be displayed. Whether the entire column shoud be hidden. Takes a Python expression. Display a sum of this column, with the specified title. Display an average of this column, with the specified title. tree field Matches a node in the inherited view using XPath. The [XPath expression]( to locate elements in the inherited view. Note that only the first match is used. tree form xpath position Specify how to modify/insert elements with respect to this XPath node. before after replace inside attributes Attributes to set on the parent node. Leave empty to remove the attribute. The name of the attribute to set. What to add to the attribute. The value is automatically preceded by `separator`. Which part to remove from the attribute, after splitting by `separator`. The separator to split the attribute by. `remove` will remove contiguous substrings of the attribute, as determined by this separator. A value that will be used to set the value of a field in a record. The name of the field that this value will be set to. The name of the model that this value will act on, e.g. `res.partner`. A domain that will be used to search for the value. A Python expression that will be evaluated to produce the value. If specified, extract this field from the result of the search. A function that will be called when this XML file is imported into Odoo. The name of the model that this function will act on. The name of the function that will be called. A Python expression that will be evaluated to produce the value. A report that will be available in the Odoo system. The name of the field that will be used to attach the report to a record. A comma-separated list of `res.groups` that are allowed to see this report. A short description of the purpose of the report. A field that will be set in a record. The name of the field that this value will be set to. The type of the field that this value will be set to.
- For binary fields, either provide the path to `file=` or the contents to the body of the tag.
- For numeric fields, provide the value directly in the body of the tag.
- For `list` and `tuple` fields, provide one or more `<value />` tags.
- For `html` and `xml` fields, provide the contents directly in the body of the tag. Each tag must be a well-formed XML fragment, i.e. empty attributes must have a value, like `<img contenteditable="" />`.
base64 char file
The path to the file that will be attached to the field.
int None float list tuple xml html The external ID of the record that this field will be set to. A Python expression that will be evaluated to produce the value. For relational fields, this should resolve to a list of IDs.
A record that will be created in the Odoo system. The external ID of this record. If not set, this record cannot be referenced via `ref()`. If set to `True`, the record will be created even if it already exists in the database. The name of the model that this record will act on, e.g. `res.partner`. A template that will be used to render a report in the Odoo system. Internally, this is used to create a ir.ui.view record. The external ID of this template. If not set, this template cannot be referenced via `ref()`. The name of the template that will be used to render the report. The name of the template that will be used to render the report. Legacy syntax. If set to "True", the template will be created even if it already exists in the database. A dictionary of key-value pairs that will be used to render the template. The priority of the template. Higher priority templates will be used first. The external ID of the website that this template will be used in. If set to "True", the template will be tracked in the website's statistics. The external ID of the template to inherit from. True A comma-separated list of `res.groups` allowed to see this template. If set to "True", the template will be shown in the website's customization menu. An expression determining whether this element should be displayed. An expression determining whether this element should be displayed. Must be preceded by an element with `t-if`. A fallback element that will be displayed if no preceding `t-if` or `t-elif` expressions are true. An expression that will be evaluated to produce a list of values. Must be followed by `t-as`. The name of the variable that will be used to reference each value in the list. Must be a variable; no other expressions are supported. A variable name that will be set to the value of some expression, which must be specified by `t-value` within this element. The expression that will be evaluated to produce the value that will be set to the variable. An expression to stringify and include in the output. If displaying a relational field, consider using `t-field` instead. Old syntax for `t-out`. Use `t-out` instead. A field to be displayed in the output. Options can be specified with `t-options-*`.

Not allowed on `<t/>` elements.
Options for a field-like element. Useful for specifying the `widget`, which can also be done alternatively with `t-options-widget`. Shorthand for specifying the `widget` option for the field specified by `t-field`. A template name to render at this location. Accepts interpolation `foo_{{ value }}` similar to `t-attf-*`.

Template inputs should be provided within this element, using `t-set` and `t-value`.
A record that will be deleted from the Odoo system. The external ID of this menu item. If not set, this menu item cannot be referenced via ref(). The display name of the menu item. A hint to the order in which the menu items should be displayed. A comma-separated list of `res.groups` allowed to see this menu item. The external ID to an `ir.actions.actions` record to execute when the menu item is clicked.
For menuitems, this is usually `ir.actions.act_window`.
A menu item that will be displayed in the Odoo system. The action to execute when the menu item is clicked. The name of the parent menu item. A menu item that is a child of another menu item. An action that will be executed when this menu item is clicked. The external ID of this action. If not set, this action cannot be referenced via ref(). The name of the model that this action will act on. A domain that will be used to filter the records that this action will act on. A dictionary of key-value pairs that will be used to evaluate the expressions in this file. The target window in which the view will be displayed. A comma-separated list of `res.groups` that are allowed to see this action. The maximum number of records that will be displayed in the view. The name of the model that this action will be bound to. The type of binding that this action will be bound to. action report A comma-separated list of view names that this action will be bound to. If set to "1", the records in this file will not be updated if they already exist in the database. If set to "1", the records in this file will be assigned a sequence number automatically. The root element of an XML file that can be imported into Odoo. The root element of an XML file that can be imported into Odoo. Legacy syntax. The root element of an XML file that can be imported into Odoo. Legacy syntax.