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This error should never happen.", "discriminant": 60100 }, { "name": "MintBurnDisabled", "description": "The mint and burn mode is disabled.", "discriminant": 60016 }, { "name": "MissingEventsMode", "description": "The event mode required was not specified.", "discriminant": 60007 }, { "name": "Overflow", "description": "Operation would cause an integer overflow.", "discriminant": 60003 }, { "name": "PackageHashMissing", "description": "A required package hash was not specified.", "discriminant": 60004 }, { "name": "PackageHashNotPackage", "description": "The package hash specified does not represent a package.", "discriminant": 60005 }, { "name": "Phantom", "description": "An unknown error occurred.", "discriminant": 60008 }, { "name": "_MissingPackageHashForUpgrade", "description": "The package hash for the upgrade is missing.", "discriminant": 60019 } ], "entry_points": [ { "name": "change_security", "description": "Admin EntryPoint to manipulate the security access granted to 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the total supply of the token.", "is_mutable": false, "arguments": [], "return_ty": "U256", "is_contract_context": true, "access": "public" }, { "name": "balance_of", "description": "Returns the balance of the given address.", "is_mutable": false, "arguments": [ { "name": "address", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false } ], "return_ty": "U256", "is_contract_context": true, "access": "public" }, { "name": "allowance", "description": "Returns the amount of tokens the owner has allowed the spender to spend.", "is_mutable": false, "arguments": [ { "name": "owner", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false }, { "name": "spender", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false } ], "return_ty": "U256", "is_contract_context": true, "access": "public" }, { "name": "approve", "description": "Approves the spender to spend the given amount of tokens on behalf of the caller.", "is_mutable": true, "arguments": [ { "name": "spender", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false }, { "name": "amount", "description": null, "ty": "U256", "optional": false } ], "return_ty": "Unit", "is_contract_context": true, "access": "public" }, { "name": "decrease_allowance", "description": "Decreases the allowance of the spender by the given amount.", "is_mutable": true, "arguments": [ { "name": "spender", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false }, { "name": "decr_by", "description": null, "ty": "U256", "optional": false } ], "return_ty": "Unit", "is_contract_context": true, "access": "public" }, { "name": "increase_allowance", "description": "Increases the allowance of the spender by the given amount.", "is_mutable": true, "arguments": [ { "name": "spender", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false }, { "name": "inc_by", "description": null, "ty": "U256", "optional": false } ], "return_ty": "Unit", "is_contract_context": true, "access": "public" }, { "name": "transfer", "description": "Transfers tokens from the caller to the recipient.", "is_mutable": true, "arguments": [ { "name": "recipient", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false }, { "name": "amount", "description": null, "ty": "U256", "optional": false } ], "return_ty": "Unit", "is_contract_context": true, "access": "public" }, { "name": "transfer_from", "description": "Transfers tokens from the owner to the recipient using the spender's allowance.", "is_mutable": true, "arguments": [ { "name": "owner", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false }, { "name": "recipient", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false }, { "name": "amount", "description": null, "ty": "U256", "optional": false } ], "return_ty": "Unit", "is_contract_context": true, "access": "public" }, { "name": "mint", "description": "Mints new tokens and assigns them to the given address.", "is_mutable": true, "arguments": [ { "name": "owner", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false }, { "name": "amount", "description": null, "ty": "U256", "optional": false } ], "return_ty": "Unit", "is_contract_context": true, "access": "public" }, { "name": "burn", "description": "Burns the given amount of tokens from the given address.", "is_mutable": true, "arguments": [ { "name": "owner", "description": null, "ty": "Key", "optional": false }, { "name": "amount", "description": null, "ty": "U256", "optional": false } ], "return_ty": "Unit", "is_contract_context": true, "access": "public" } ], "events": [ { "name": "Burn", "ty": "Burn" }, { "name": "ChangeSecurity", "ty": "ChangeSecurity" }, { "name": "DecreaseAllowance", "ty": "DecreaseAllowance" }, { "name": "IncreaseAllowance", "ty": "IncreaseAllowance" }, { "name": "Mint", "ty": "Mint" }, { "name": "SetAllowance", "ty": "SetAllowance" }, { "name": "Transfer", "ty": "Transfer" }, { "name": "TransferFrom", "ty": "TransferFrom" } ], "call": { "wasm_file_name": "Cep18.wasm", "description": "Initializes the contract with the given metadata, initial supply, security and modality.", "arguments": [ { "name": "odra_cfg_package_hash_key_name", "description": "The arg name for the package hash key name.", "ty": "String", "optional": false }, { "name": "odra_cfg_allow_key_override", "description": "The arg name for the allow key override.", "ty": "Bool", "optional": false }, { "name": "odra_cfg_is_upgradable", "description": "The arg name for the contract upgradeability setting.", "ty": "Bool", "optional": false }, { "name": "symbol", "description": null, "ty": "String", "optional": false }, { "name": "name", "description": null, "ty": "String", "optional": false }, { "name": "decimals", "description": null, "ty": "U8", "optional": false }, { "name": "initial_supply", "description": null, "ty": "U256", "optional": false }, { "name": "admin_list", "description": null, "ty": { "List": "Key" }, "optional": false }, { "name": "minter_list", "description": null, "ty": { "List": "Key" }, "optional": false }, { "name": "modality", "description": null, "ty": { "Option": "Cep18Modality" }, "optional": false } ] } }