# `og_fmt` — Will the real `format!` please stand up? ## **O.G. Rust Series™ — Rust as it really was** ### 💯% True Rust · Accept No Substitutes 💯% `og_fmt` brings back the legendary `fmt!` macro! [Removed from Rust in 2013](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/8637#issuecomment-23191833), `fmt!` is a more primal interpretation of the Rust string formatting paradigm. Some say that the renaming of `fmt!` to `format!` was the single largest mistake in the history of Rust. We'll never know what might have been, but we can still recapture a bit of that original formatting feeling. Behold! `fmt!` ### Example ```rust #[macro_use] extern crate og_fmt; fn main() { let msg = fmt!("Original fmt! is the #{} fmt!", 1); println!("{}", msg); } ``` ## About O.G. Rust Series™ _O.G. Rust Series™ — Rust as it really was_, restores Rust to its original design, one crate at a time. O.G. Rust Series™ crates are derived from the original source code of historical revisions of the Rust compiler, and provide the most authentic Rust experience available today. Enjoy other fine crates in O.G Rust Series™ and share your favorites #OGRust ## License MIT / Apache-2.0