# ohmers [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/seppo0010/ohmers.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/seppo0010/ohmers) [![crates.io](http://meritbadge.herokuapp.com/ohmers)](https://crates.io/crates/ohmers) A library for retrieving and storing objects in a Redis server. The crate is called `ohmers` and you can depend on it via cargo: ```toml [dependencies] ohmers = "0.1.0" ``` ## Example ```rust #[macro_use(model, create, insert)] extern crate ohmers; extern crate rustc_serialize; extern crate redis; use ohmers::*; model!(Event { indices { name:String = "My Event".to_string(); }; venue:Reference = Reference::new(); participants:Set = Set::new(); votes:Counter = Counter; }); model!(Venue { name:String = "My Venue".to_string(); events:Set = Set::new(); }); model!(Person { name:String = "A Person".to_string(); }); fn main() { let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap(); let p1 = create!(Person { name: "Alice".to_string(), }, &client).unwrap(); let p2 = create!(Person { name: "Bob".to_string(), }, &client).unwrap(); let p3 = create!(Person { name: "Charlie".to_string(), }, &client).unwrap(); let v1 = create!(Venue { name: "Home".to_string(), }, &client).unwrap(); let v2 = create!(Venue { name: "Work".to_string(), }, &client).unwrap(); let mut e1 = create!(Event { name: "Birthday Party".to_string(), }, &client).unwrap(); insert!(e1.participants, p1, &client).unwrap(); insert!(e1.participants, p2, &client).unwrap(); insert!(e1.participants, p3, &client).unwrap(); e1.venue.set(&v1); e1.save(&client).unwrap(); let mut e2 = create!(Event { name: "Work Meeting".to_string(), }, &client).unwrap(); insert!(e2.participants, p1, &client).unwrap(); insert!(e2.participants, p2, &client).unwrap(); e2.venue.set(&v2); e2.save(&client).unwrap(); } ``` ## Documentation For a more comprehensive documentation with all the available functions and parameters go to http://seppo0010.github.io/ohmers/