use ohsl::vector::{Vec64, Vector}; use ohsl::matrix::{Mat64, Matrix}; use ohsl::newton::Newton; use ohsl::complex::Cmplx; #[test] fn constructor() { let newton = Newton::::new( 0.0 ); let parameters = newton.parameters(); assert_eq!( parameters.0, 1.0e-8 ); assert_eq!( parameters.1, 1.0e-8 ); assert_eq!( parameters.2, 20 ); assert_eq!( parameters.3, 0.0 ); } #[test] fn parameters() { let mut newton = Newton::::new( 0.0 ); newton.tolerance( 1.0e-6 ); 1.0e-7 ); newton.iterations( 25 ); newton.guess( 1.0 ); let parameters = newton.parameters(); assert_eq!( parameters.0, 1.0e-6 ); assert_eq!( parameters.1, 1.0e-7 ); assert_eq!( parameters.2, 25 ); assert_eq!( parameters.3, 1.0 ); } fn x_squared_minus_four(x: f64) -> f64 { x * x - 4.0 } #[test] fn solve_f64() { let mut newton = Newton::::new( 1.0 ); let solution = newton.solve( &x_squared_minus_four ); assert_eq!( solution.unwrap(), 2.0 ); newton.guess( -1.0 ); let solution = newton.solve( &x_squared_minus_four ).unwrap(); assert_eq!( solution, -2.0 ); } fn vecfunc( x: Vec64 ) -> Vec64 { let mut f = Vec64::new( 2, 0.0 ); f[0] = f64::powf( x[0], 3.0 ) + x[1] -1.0; f[1] = f64::powf( x[1], 3.0 ) - x[0] + 1.0; /* x^3 + y - 1 = 0, y^3 - x + 1 = 0, (x,y) = (1,0) is the only (real) solution */ f } #[test] fn jacobian() { let point = Vec64::create( vec![ 1.0, 1.0 ] ); let jacobian = Mat64::jacobian( point, &vecfunc, 1.0e-8 ); assert_eq!( jacobian.rows(), 2 ); assert_eq!( jacobian.cols(), 2 ); assert!( ( jacobian[(0,0)] - 3.0 ).abs() < 1.0e-6 ); assert!( ( jacobian[(0,1)] - 1.0 ).abs() < 1.0e-6 ); assert!( ( jacobian[(1,0)] + 1.0 ).abs() < 1.0e-6 ); assert!( ( jacobian[(1,1)] - 3.0 ).abs() < 1.0e-6 ); } #[test] fn solve_vec64() { let guess = Vec64::create( vec![ 0.5, 0.25 ] ); let newton = Newton::::new( guess ); let solution = newton.solve( &vecfunc ).unwrap(); assert!( ( solution[0] - 1.0) < 1.0e-8 ); assert!( ( solution[1] - 0.0) < 1.0e-8 ); } fn jacfunc( x: Vec64 ) -> Mat64 { let mut j = Mat64::new( 2, 2, 0.0 ); j[(0,0)] = 3.0 * f64::powf( x[0], 2.0 ); j[(0,1)] = 1.0; j[(1,0)] = -1.0; j[(1,1)] = 3.0 * f64::powf( x[1], 2.0 ); /* J = [ 3x^2, 1 -1 , 3y^2 ] */ j } #[test] fn exact_jacobian_solve() { let guess = Vec64::create( vec![ 0.5, 0.25 ] ); let newton = Newton::::new( guess ); let solution = newton.solve_jacobian( &vecfunc, &jacfunc ).unwrap(); assert!( ( solution[0] - 1.0) < 1.0e-8 ); assert!( ( solution[1] - 0.0) < 1.0e-8 ); } fn x_cubed_minus_two(x: Cmplx) -> Cmplx { x * x * x - 2.0 } #[test] fn solve_cmplx() { let mut newton = Newton::::new( Cmplx::new( 1.0, 0.0 ) ); let solution = newton.solve( &x_cubed_minus_two ); assert_eq!( solution.unwrap(), Cmplx::new( 1.2599210498948732, 0.0 ) ); newton.guess( Cmplx::new( -1.0, 1.0 ) ); let solution = newton.solve( &x_cubed_minus_two ); assert_eq!( solution.unwrap(), Cmplx::new( -0.6299605249474366, 1.0911236359717214 ) ); newton.guess( Cmplx::new( -1.0, -1.0 ) ); let solution = newton.solve( &x_cubed_minus_two ); assert_eq!( solution.unwrap(), Cmplx::new( -0.6299605249474366, -1.0911236359717214 ) ); } fn vecfunc_cmplx( x: Vector ) -> Vector { let mut f = Vector::::new( 2, Cmplx::new( 0.0, 0.0 ) ); //f[0] = f64::powf( x[0], 3.0 ) + x[1] -1.0; f[0] = x[0].powf( 3.0 ) + x[1] + Cmplx::new( -1.0, 0.0 ); //f[1] = f64::powf( x[1], 3.0 ) - x[0] + 1.0; f[1] = x[1].powf( 3.0 ) - x[0] + Cmplx::new( 1.0, 0.0 ); /* x^3 + y - 1 = 0, y^3 - x + 1 = 0, (x,y) = (1,0) is the only (real) solution */ f } #[test] fn jacobian_cmplx() { let point = Vector::::create( vec![ Cmplx::new( 1.0, 0.0 ), Cmplx::new( 1.0, 0.0 ) ] ); let jacobian = Matrix::::jacobian_cmplx( point, &vecfunc_cmplx, 1.0e-8 ); assert_eq!( jacobian.rows(), 2 ); assert_eq!( jacobian.cols(), 2 ); assert!( ( jacobian[(0,0)] - 3.0 ).abs() < 1.0e-6 ); assert!( ( jacobian[(0,1)] - 1.0 ).abs() < 1.0e-6 ); assert!( ( jacobian[(1,0)] + 1.0 ).abs() < 1.0e-6 ); assert!( ( jacobian[(1,1)] - 3.0 ).abs() < 1.0e-6 ); } #[test] fn solve_vec_cmplx() { let guess = Vector::::create( vec![ Cmplx::new( 0.5, 0.0 ), Cmplx::new( 0.25, 0.0 ) ] ); let mut newton = Newton::>::new( guess ); let solution = newton.solve( &vecfunc_cmplx ).unwrap(); assert!( ( solution[0] - 1.0).abs() < 1.0e-8 ); assert!( ( solution[1] - 0.0).abs() < 1.0e-8 ); newton.guess( Vector::::create( vec![ Cmplx::new( 1.5, 0.2 ), Cmplx::new( -0.05, -0.5 ) ] ) ); let solution = newton.solve( &vecfunc_cmplx ).unwrap(); assert!( ( solution[0] - Cmplx::new( 1.045104845532415, 0.17282103284313127 )).abs() < 1.0e-8 ); assert!( ( solution[1] - Cmplx::new( -0.047866859044606, -0.561126615525250 )).abs() < 1.0e-8 ); } fn jacfunc_cmplx( x: Vector ) -> Matrix { let mut j = Matrix::::new( 2, 2, Cmplx::new( 0.0, 0.0 ) ); j[(0,0)] = 3.0 * x[0].powf( 2.0 ); j[(0,1)] = Cmplx::new( 1.0, 0.0 ); j[(1,0)] = Cmplx::new( -1.0, 0.0 ); j[(1,1)] = 3.0 * x[1].powf( 2.0 ); /* J = [ 3x^2, 1 -1 , 3y^2 ] */ j } #[test] fn exact_jacobian_solve_cmplx() { let guess = Vector::::create( vec![ Cmplx::new( 0.5, 0.0 ), Cmplx::new( 0.25, 0.0 ) ] ); let mut newton = Newton::>::new( guess ); let solution = newton.solve_jacobian( &vecfunc_cmplx, &jacfunc_cmplx ).unwrap(); assert!( ( solution[0] - 1.0).abs() < 1.0e-8 ); assert!( ( solution[1] - 0.0).abs() < 1.0e-8 ); newton.guess( Vector::::create( vec![ Cmplx::new( 1.5, 0.2 ), Cmplx::new( -0.05, -0.5 ) ] ) ); let solution = newton.solve( &vecfunc_cmplx ).unwrap(); assert!( ( solution[0] - Cmplx::new( 1.045104845532415, 0.17282103284313127 )).abs() < 1.0e-8 ); assert!( ( solution[1] - Cmplx::new( -0.047866859044606, -0.561126615525250 )).abs() < 1.0e-8 ); }