This directory contains tests for ODPI-C. All of the test executables are built using the supplied Makefile. The test executables will be placed in the subdirectory "build". See the top level [README](../ for the platforms and compilers that have been tested and are known to work. To run the tests: - On Linux, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the location of the Oracle client libraries and to the directory containing the ODPI-C library, for example: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient:/opt/oracle/odpi/lib - Optionally set the environment variables ODPIC_TEST_CONN_USERNAME, ODPIC_TEST_CONN_PASSWORD and ODPIC_TEST_CONN_CONNECT_STRING to the values for a schema that will be created. If you don't set the variables, make sure the schema in the Makefile can be dropped and that an empty connect string can be used to connect to your database. - Optionally set the environment variable ODPIC_TEST_DIR_NAME to a string value. This is the name used in a CREATE DIRECTORY command. - Run 'make clean' and 'make' to build the tests - Run SQL\*Plus as SYSDBA and create the test suite SQL objects with sql/SetupTest.sql. The syntax is: sqlplus / as sysdba @SetupTest where the parameters are the names you choose to run the tests. The , , and values should match the ODPIC_TEST_CONN_USERNAME, ODPIC_TEST_CONN_PASSWORD and ODPIC_TEST_DIR_NAME environment variables. If you did not set variables, make sure the values passed to (or defaulting in) SetupTest.sql are consistent with the Makefile, and that the directory is valid. The value is an OS directory that the database server can write to. This is used by TestBFILE.c. For example run: sqlplus / as sysdba @SetupTest $ODPIC_TEST_CONN_USERNAME $ODPIC_TEST_CONN_PASSWORD $ODPIC_TEST_DIR_NAME /some/shared/directory - Change to the 'build' directory and run the TestSuiteRunner executable found there. It will run all of the tests in the other executables and report on success or failure when it finishes running all of the tests. - After running the tests, drop the SQL objects by running the script sql/DropTest.sql. The syntax is: sqlplus / as sysdba @DropTest For example run: sqlplus / as sysdba @DropTest $ODPIC_TEST_CONN_USERNAME $ODPIC_TEST_DIR_NAME