![OkHSV colour picker widget](https://i.imgur.com/MNIiV9H.png) ![OkHSL colour picker widget](https://i.imgur.com/eGTA5G2.png) # Ok Picker A toy application to test egui programming. This application will be a color picker based on the [Okhsv](https://bottosson.github.io/posts/colorpicker) colorspace by Björn Ottosson, with: - A 2D picker in the SV space, - A 1D picker in the Hue space, - Buttons to increment/decrement any single value of the HSV triple, And as stretch goals: - Buttons to add/remove colors to a palette, - Contrast between each color of the palette and a chosen background color, - A palette generator that auto-picks colours starting from 1 or 2 colors and a set of rules: + Just the foreground color + A foreground and a background color + A foreground and an accent color