# `okapi-operation` - [`okapi-operation`](#-okapi-operation-) * [Example (using axum, but without axum_integration feature)](#example-using-axum-but-without-axum_integration-feature) * [`openapi` macro](#openapi-macro) + [Minimal example](#minimal-example) + [Operation attributes](#operation-attributes) + [External documentation](#external-documentation) + [Request parameters](#request-parameters) - [Header](#header) - [Query](#query) - [Path](#path) - [Cookie](#cookie) - [Reference](#reference) + [Multiple parameters](#multiple-parameters) + [Request body](#request-body) - [Request body detection](#request-body-detection) + [Responses](#responses) - [From return type](#from-return-type) - [Ignore return type](#ignore-return-type) - [Manual definition](#manual-definition) * [Single response](#single-response) * [From type](#from-type) - [Reference](#reference-1) - [Multiple responses](#multiple-responses) + [Security scheme](#security-scheme) * [Building OpenAPI specification](#building-openapi-specification) * [Features](#features) * [TODO](#todo) Crate which allow to generate OpenAPI's operation definitions (using types from [`okapi`] crate) with procedural macro [`openapi`]. ## Example (using axum, but without axum_integration feature) ```ignore use axum::{ extract::Query, http::Method, routing::{get, post}, Json, Router, }; use okapi_operation::*; use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Deserialize, JsonSchema)] struct Request { /// Echo data data: String, } #[openapi( summary = "Echo using GET request", operation_id = "echo_get", tags = "echo", parameters( query(name = "echo-data", required = true, schema = "std::string::String",), header(name = "x-request-id", schema = "std::string::String",) ) )] async fn echo_get(query: Query) -> Json { Json(query.0.data) } #[openapi( summary = "Echo using POST request", operation_id = "echo_post", tags = "echo" )] async fn echo_post( #[body(description = "Echo data", required = true)] body: Json, ) -> Json { Json(body.0.data) } async fn openapi_spec() -> Json { let generate_spec = || { OpenApiBuilder::new("Echo API", "1.0.0") .try_operation("/echo/get", Method::GET, echo_get__openapi)? .try_operation("/echo/post", Method::POST, echo_post__openapi)? .build() }; generate_spec().map(Json).expect("Should not fail") } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let app = Router::new() .route("/echo/get", get(echo_get)) .route("/echo/post", post(echo_post)) .route("/openapi", get(openapi_spec)); let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap(); axum::serve(listener, app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap() } ``` ## [`openapi`] macro This macro generate function with name `__openapi` of type `fn(&mut Components) -> Result` ([`OperationGenerator`]), which generate [`okapi::openapi3::Operation`], storing type definitions in provided [`Components`]. If any attribute is missing, it is set to None/false. Since most attributes taken from OpenAPI specification directly, refer to [OpenAPI website](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/about/) for additional information. ### Minimal example Macro doesn't have any mandatory attributes. ```compile # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi] async fn handler() {} ``` ### Operation attributes All attributes is translated into same fields of [`okapi::openapi3::Operation`]. Tags is provided as single string, which later is separated by comma. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( summary = "Simple handler", description = "Simple handler, demonstrating how to use operation attributes", operation_id = "simple", tags = "examples,handlers", deprecated = false )] async fn handler() {} ``` ### External documentation External documentation can be set for operation. It is translated to [`okapi::openapi3::ExternalDocs`]. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( external_docs( url = "https://example.com", description = "Example Domain" ) )] async fn handler() {} ``` ### Request parameters Request parameters can be: * HTTP header (`location: header`); * query parameter (`?param=value`) (`location: query`); * part of the path (`/api/user/:id`, where `:id` is parameter) (`location: path`); * reference to one of the above. Parameters is defined in `[openapi]` macro. Inferring header from fucntion signature is not supported currently. This definition translated to [`okapi::openapi3::Parameter`] with [`okapi::openapi3::ParameterValue::Schema`]. #### Header `header` have following attributes: * name (string, mandatory); * description (string, optional); * required (bool, optional); * deprecated (bool, optional); * style (string, optional) - how parameter is serialized (see [OpenAPI docs](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/serialization/)); * schema (path, mandatory) - path to type of parameter. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( parameters( header( name = "x-custom-header", description = "Custom header description", required = true, deprecated = false, style = "simple", schema = "std::string::String", ) ) )] async fn handler() {} ``` #### Query `query` have following attributes: * name (string, mandatory); * description (string, optional); * required (bool, optional); * deprecated (bool, optional); * style (string, optional) - how parameter is serialized (https://swagger.io/docs/specification/serialization/); * explode (bool, optional) - specifies whether arrays and objects should generate separate parameters for each array item or object property; * allow_empty_value (bool, optional) - allow empty value for this parameter; * allow_reserved (bool, optional) - allow reserved characters `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` in parameter; * schema (path, mandatory) - path to type of parameter. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( parameters( query( name = "page", description = "Which page to return", required = true, deprecated = false, style = "simple", explode = true, allow_empty_value = false, allow_reserved = false, schema = "std::string::String", ) ) )] async fn handler() {} ``` #### Path `path` have following attributes: * name (string, mandatory); * description (string, optional); * deprecated (bool, optional); * style (string, optional) - how parameter is serialized (https://swagger.io/docs/specification/serialization/); * schema (path, mandatory) - path to type of parameter. Unlike header and query parameters, all path parameters is mandatory. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( parameters( path( name = "user_id", description = "ID of user", deprecated = false, style = "simple", schema = "std::string::String", ) ) )] async fn handler() {} ``` #### Cookie `cookie` have following attributes: * name (string, mandatory); * description (string, optional); * required (bool, optional); * deprecated (bool, optional); * explode (bool, optional) - specifies whether arrays and objects should generate separate parameters for each array item or object property; * allow_empty_value (bool, optional) - allow empty value for this parameter; * schema (path, mandatory) - path to type of parameter. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( parameters( cookie( name = "session_id", description = "Session ID", required = false, deprecated = false, explode = true, allow_empty_value = false, schema = "std::string::String", ) ) )] async fn handler() {} ``` #### Reference ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( parameters( reference = "#/components/parameters/ReusableHeader" ) )] async fn handler() {} ``` ### Multiple parameters Specifying multiple parameters is supported: ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( parameters( header( name = "x-request-id", description = "ID of request for logging", required = true, deprecated = false, style = "simple", schema = "std::string::String", ), header( name = "traceparent", description = "ID of parent span", required = true, deprecated = false, style = "simple", schema = "std::string::String", ), path( name = "user_id", description = "ID of user", deprecated = false, style = "simple", schema = "std::string::String", ), reference = "#/components/parameters/ReusableHeader" ), )] async fn handler() {} ``` ### Request body Request body is associated with one of function arguments and _by default_ it's schema is inferred from argument type. Request body definition have following attributes: * description (string, optional); * required (bool, optional); * content (path, optional) - path to type, which schema should be used. If not speified, argument's type is used. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; # use okapi::schemars::*; # struct Json(T); # impl_to_media_types_for_wrapper!(Json, "application/json"); #[derive(JsonSchema)] struct Request { user_id: String } #[openapi] async fn handler( #[body( description = "JSON with user ID", required = true, )] body: Json ) {} #[openapi] async fn handler_with_request_body_override( #[body( description = "JSON with user ID", required = true, content = "Json", )] body: Json ) {} ``` #### Request body detection Request body can be automatically detected from well known types of supported frameworks. Refer to specific framework integration module for details. TODO: allow disabling this behaviour ### Responses Responses can be: * inferred from return type; * specified in [`openapi`] macro. #### From return type Return type should implement [`ToResponses`] trait. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; # use okapi::schemars::*; # struct Json(T); # impl_to_media_types_for_wrapper!(Json, "application/json"); # impl_to_responses_for_wrapper!(Json); #[derive(JsonSchema)] struct Response { data: String } #[openapi] async fn handler() -> Json { # todo!() } ``` #### Ignore return type If return type doesn't implement [`ToResponses`], it can be ignored with special attribute `ignore_return_type`: ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( responses( ignore_return_type = true, ) )] async fn handler() -> String { # todo!() } ``` #### Manual definition Manual definition is helpful when you type for some reason doesn't implement [`ToResponses`] or if you need to specify some responses, which can occur outside handler (in middleware, for example). ##### Single response Single response define response for a single HTTP status (or pattern). Schema of this response should implement [`ToMediaTypes`]. Single response have following attributes: * status (string, mandatory) - HTTP status (or pattern like 2XX, 3XX). To define defautl fallback type, use special `default` value; * description (string, optional); * content (path, mandatory) - path to type, which provide schemas for this response; * headers (list, optional) - list of headers (definition is the same as in request parameters). References to header is also allowed. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; # use okapi::schemars::*; # struct Json(T); # impl_to_media_types_for_wrapper!(Json, "application/json"); # impl_to_responses_for_wrapper!(Json); #[derive(JsonSchema)] struct Response { data: String } #[openapi( responses( response( status = "200", description = "Success", content = "Json", headers( header( name = "x-custom-message", description = "Description", required = true, deprecated = false, style = "simple", schema = "std::string::String", ), reference = "#/components/headers/ReusableHeader" ), ), ) )] async fn handler() { # todo!() } ``` ##### From type Responses can be generated from type, which implement [`ToResponses`]: ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; # use okapi::schemars::*; # struct Json(T); # impl_to_media_types_for_wrapper!(Json, "application/json"); # impl_to_responses_for_wrapper!(Json); #[derive(JsonSchema)] struct Response { data: String } #[openapi( responses( from_type = "Json", ) )] async fn handler() { # todo!() } ``` `Json` generates single 200 response with JSON with single string. #### Reference Reference to response have following attributes: * status (string, mandatory) - HTTP status (or pattern like 2XX, 3XX). To define defautl fallback type, use special `default` value; * reference (string, mandatory). ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( responses( reference( status = "200", reference = "#/components/responses/Reference" ) ) )] async fn handler() { # todo!() } ``` #### Multiple responses If mutliple manual responses is specified (or specified both return type and manual responses), they are all merged using [`okapi::merge::merge_responses`]. If multiple responses specified for same HTTP status, first occurence is used. Responses merged in following order: * from return type; * manual single responses; * references; * from types. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; # use okapi::schemars::*; # struct Json(T); # impl_to_media_types_for_wrapper!(Json, "application/json"); # impl_to_responses_for_wrapper!(Json); #[derive(JsonSchema)] struct Response { data: String } #[openapi( responses( response( status = "500", description = "Internal server error", content = "Json", ), reference( status = "401", reference = "#/components/responses/AuthError" ), reference( status = "403", reference = "#/components/responses/AuthError" ) ) )] async fn handler() -> Json { # todo!() } ``` ### Security scheme Security scheme have following attributes: * name (string, mandatory) - name of used security scheme; * scopes (string, optional) - comma separated list of scopes. Have meaning only for `OAuth2` and `OpenID Connect`. If multiple schemes specified, they are combined as OR. AND is not currently supported. ```no_run # use okapi_operation::*; #[openapi( security( security_scheme( name = "BasicAuth", ), security_scheme( name = "OAuth2", scopes = "scope1,scope2", ), ), )] async fn handler() {} ``` ## Building OpenAPI specification For convenience this crate provide builder-like [`OpenApiBuilder`] type for creating OpenAPI specification: ```rust # use okapi_operation::*; # use okapi::schemars::*; # use http::Method; # struct Json(T); # impl_to_media_types_for_wrapper!(Json, "application/json"); # impl_to_responses_for_wrapper!(Json); #[derive(JsonSchema)] struct Request { user_id: String } #[openapi] async fn handler1( #[body( description = "JSON with user ID", required = true, )] body: Json ) { # todo!() } #[openapi] async fn handler2() -> Json { # todo!() } fn generate_openapi_specification() -> Result { OpenApiBuilder::new("Demo", "1.0.0") .operation("/handle/1", Method::POST, handler1__openapi) .operation("/handle/2", Method::GET, handler2__openapi) .build() } assert!(generate_openapi_specification().is_ok()); ``` ## Features * `macro`: enables re-import of [`openapi`] macro (enabled by default); * `axum`: enables integration with [`axum`](https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum) crate (implement traits for certain `axum` types). See [`crate::axum_integration`] for details. ## TODO * [ ] support examples on MediaType or Parameter (examples supported on types via `JsonSchema` macro) * [ ] support inferring schemas of parameters from function definitions * [ ] support for renaming or changing paths to okapi/schemars/okapi-operations in macro * [ ] more examples * [ ] ...