# OSH project directory structure standards [![REUSE status]( https://api.reuse.software/badge/gitlab.fabcity.hamburg/software/template-osh-repo-structure-minimal)]( https://api.reuse.software/info/gitlab.fabcity.hamburg/software/template-osh-repo-structure-minimal) ## Motivation Why do we need directory standards? 1. to be able to extract meta-data: 1. easy indexing (and thus finding) of projects 2. easy comparing of projects 3. allows to write software tools that deal with project repos 2. find your way around quickly and easily in different projects ## Standards documented in this repo - [Prusaish](mod/prusaish/README.md): Promotes a practical, minimal style, with emphasis on sources, and git sub-modules for firmware and scripts. Most directories are named after the file-type (i.e. suffix or software) they contain. - [Unixish](mod/unixish/README.md) (**favored**): Each sub-part (aka module) is in a sub-directory of its own, and internally uses the same structure like in the project root, recursively. Most directories are named after the abstract/generic function of their content. ## Other structure templates - - ## License The most relevant content of this repo is licensed under the `GFDL-1.3-or-later`. use the REUSE tool (`reuse spdx`) for more details.