# Prusaish - OSH project directory structure standards This repository exemplifies a minimal template for the structure of Free/Open source hardware projects. It promotes a practical, minimal style, with emphasis on sources, organisation for CAD files and documentation, and git sub-modules for firmware and scripts. Most directories are named after the file-type (i.e. suffix or software) they contain. ## Definition This standards machine-readable definition, can be found in various formats here: - [definition.csv](definition.csv) ([format](../../definition_format.md)) \- source, machine-readable, contains all the data \- **use this for editing** - [file-listing]( https://software.development.fabcity.hamburg/template-osh-repo-structure-minimal/mod/unixish/listing.txt) \- like the output of `find` in a sample repo \- generated - [tree]( https://software.development.fabcity.hamburg/template-osh-repo-structure-minimal/mod/unixish/tree.html) \- like the output of `tree` in a sample repo \- generated, **recommended** for inspection ## Guiding principles & Inspirations This standard is roughly derived from the [Prusa repo]( https://github.com/prusa3d/Original-Prusa-i3) and [a few repos](https://github.com/fab-machines) [by Daniele Ingrassia](https://github.com/satshakit) Some of the inspirations: - - - - - -