//! A sample HTTP server returning the same response as is returned by Apache httpd in its default //! configuration. Potentially useful for a smidgeon of performance comparison, though naturally //! Apache is doing a lot more than this does. #![crate_name = "apache_fake"] extern crate time; extern crate http; use std::io::net::ip::{SocketAddr, Ipv4Addr}; use std::io::Writer; use http::server::{Config, Server, Request, ResponseWriter}; use http::headers; #[deriving(Clone)] struct ApacheFakeServer; impl Server for ApacheFakeServer { fn get_config(&self) -> Config { Config { bind_address: SocketAddr { ip: Ipv4Addr(127, 0, 0, 1), port: 8001 } } } fn handle_request(&self, _r: Request, w: &mut ResponseWriter) { w.headers.date = Some(time::now_utc()); w.headers.server = Some(String::from_str("Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)")); //w.headers.last_modified = Some(String::from_str("Thu, 05 May 2011 11:46:42 GMT")); w.headers.last_modified = Some(time::Tm { tm_sec: 42, // seconds after the minute ~[0-60] tm_min: 46, // minutes after the hour ~[0-59] tm_hour: 11, // hours after midnight ~[0-23] tm_mday: 5, // days of the month ~[1-31] tm_mon: 4, // months since January ~[0-11] tm_year: 111, // years since 1900 tm_wday: 4, // days since Sunday ~[0-6] tm_yday: 0, // days since January 1 ~[0-365] tm_isdst: 0, // Daylight Savings Time flag tm_utcoff: 0, // offset from UTC in seconds tm_nsec: 0, // nanoseconds }); w.headers.etag = Some(headers::etag::EntityTag { weak: false, opaque_tag: String::from_str("501b29-b1-4a285ed47404a") }); w.headers.accept_ranges = Some(headers::accept_ranges::RangeUnits( vec!(headers::accept_ranges::Bytes))); w.headers.content_length = Some(177); w.headers.vary = Some(String::from_str("Accept-Encoding")); w.headers.content_type = Some(headers::content_type::MediaType { type_: String::from_str("text"), subtype: String::from_str("html"), parameters: Vec::new() }); w.headers.extensions.insert(String::from_str("X-Pad"), String::from_str("avoid browser bug")); w.write(b"\

It works!


This is the default web page for this server.


The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.

\n\ \n").unwrap(); } } fn main() { ApacheFakeServer.serve_forever(); }