# oml-storage A very simple wrapper to handle locked storage of items. ## Warning This crate is still very much in flux, and things might change a lot. We do use it in production for one of our games, so it _should_ be *good enough*. ## Examples For Examples check [oml-storage-examples](https://github.com/AndreasOM/oml-storage-examples). ## Breaking Changes ## 0.2.x -> 0.3.x ### metadata_highest_seen_id return Option metadata_highest_seen_id returns an Option now, which will be None if we haven't seen any Id yet. ## 0.1.x -> 0.2.x ### Replaced &str ID with ITEM::ID - [ ] You will need to implement `make_id` and `generate_next_id` for you Items! - [ ] Consider extra careful testing when using anything but String for ITEM::ID