Hook used to initialize the shell The init hook will provide you with the command to run to initialize omni in your shell. You can specify which shell you wish to load it for by specifying either one of zsh, bash, or fish as optional parameter. If no argument is specified, the login shell, as provided by the SHELL environment variable, will be used. You can load omni in your shell by using eval "$(omni hook init YOURSHELL)" for bash or zsh, or omni hook init fish | source for fish. The init hook supports the --alias option, which adds an alias to the omni command with autocompletion support. It also supports the --command-alias option, which adds an alias to the specified omni subcommand with autocompletion support. Usage: omni hook init [OPTIONS] [shell] Arguments: [shell] Which shell to initialize omni for. Can be one of bash, zsh or fish. Options: --alias Create an alias for the omni command with autocompletion support. --command-alias Create an alias for the specified omni subcommand with autocompletion support. The second argument can be any omni subcommand, including custom subcommands. --shims Only load the shims without setting up the dynamic environment. --keep-shims-in-path Prevent the dynamic environment from removing the shims directory from the PATH. This can be useful if you are used to launch your IDE from the terminal and do not have other means to load the shims in its environment. --print-shims-path Print the path to the shims directory and exit. This should not be used to eval in a shell environment. Source: builtin