@_list: just --list --unsorted alias r := run bt := '0' log := "warn" export JUST_LOG := log # Wtach the source files and run `just verify` when sources change watch: cargo watch -c -- just verify run: cargo run # Run the static code analysis lint: cargo fmt --check cargo clippy --all-targets # Clean up compilation output clean: rm -rf target rm -f Cargo.lock rm -rf node_modules # Run the tests test: cargo test # Perform all verifications (compile, test, lint etc.) verify: test lint fmt: cargo fmt # run the release process in dry run mode (requires `npm`, a `GITHUB_TOKEN` and a `CARGO_REGISTRY_TOKEN`) release *args: npm install --no-save conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits @semantic-release/exec npx semantic-release {{args}} check-all: cargo fmt --all --check cargo clippy -- -D warnings cargo check --all-features --lib --target wasm32-unknown-unknown git message: cargo fmt just lint git add . git commit -m "{{message}}" git push