#!/bin/bash # Run Thrift on an OmniSci source folder, to generate the compiled Thrift bindings. # This script is intentionally brittle, so that it will get attention if anything changes. # Check for a non-empty input folder if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo 'Expected a path to an OmniSciDB source folder - e.g. generate_thrift_bindings.sh ../omniscidb' exit 1 fi # Check that the Thrift compiler is installed and the version we expect if ! thrift --version | grep -q 'Thrift version 0.13.0'; then echo 'Thrift version 0.13.0 not installed' exit 1 fi MAPD_THRIFT_PATH="$1/mapd.thrift" # Check that the Thrift definitions exist in that folder if [ ! -f $MAPD_THRIFT_PATH ]; then echo "$MAPD_THRIFT_PATH not found" exit 1 fi # Generate the bindings into our src folder if ! thrift -gen rs -recurse -out src $MAPD_THRIFT_PATH; then echo 'Failed to generate Thrift bindings' exit 1 fi # Fix the clippy lines to get rid of the only warnings in the bindings - just an annoyance fix_clippy () { if ! grep -q '#!\[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(too_many_arguments, type_complexity))\]' $1; then echo "Clippy line not found in $1" exit 1 fi if ! perl -0777 -i -pe 's/#!\[cfg_attr\(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow\(too_many_arguments, type_complexity\)\)\]/#![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::too_many_arguments, clippy::type_complexity))]/g' $1; then echo "Failed to fix clippy line in $1" exit 1 fi } fix_clippy "src/common.rs" fix_clippy "src/completion_hints.rs" fix_clippy "src/extension_functions.rs" fix_clippy "src/mapd.rs" fix_clippy "src/serialized_result_set.rs" # Fix the use declarations in mapd.rs to have crate:: in front so that they can compile. # This is patching over open issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-5071 if ! perl -0777 -pi -e 's/use common;\nuse completion_hints;\nuse extension_functions;\nuse serialized_result_set;/use crate::common;\nuse crate::completion_hints;\nuse crate::extension_functions;\nuse crate::serialized_result_set;/gs' src/mapd.rs; then echo "Failed to fix use declarations in mapd.rs" exit 1 fi # Fix the same in serialized_result_set.rs too if ! perl -0777 -pi -e 's/use common;/use crate::common;/g' src/serialized_result_set.rs; then echo "Failed to fix use declarations in serialized_result_set.rs" exit 1 fi # Add the commit hash from OmniSciDB for tracking if ! sed -i "1i\/\/ Generated from OmniSciDB commit $(cd ../omniscidb; git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H")" src/common.rs src/completion_hints.rs src/extension_functions.rs src/mapd.rs src/serialized_result_set.rs; then echo "Failed to add commit hash comments" exit 1 fi if ! perl -pi -e 'chomp if eof' src/common.rs src/completion_hints.rs src/extension_functions.rs src/mapd.rs src/serialized_result_set.rs; then echo "Failed to chomp newlines" exit 1 fi