# Status ![Rust](https://github.com/AndreasOM/omt/workflows/Rust/badge.svg) # omt Omni-Mad Tools A set of tiny tools used for game development. ## omt-asset Controls the conversion of source _content_ into game _data_. ## omt-atlas Combines textures into one (or more) texture atlases. ## omt-font Creates a signed distance field (SDF) font from a font file, e.g. .ttf, o .otf. ## omt-packer Combines a list of files into a single pakfile. ## omt-script Verifies, and copies (aka _converts_) a script. Currently very rough, only does a quick lua verification. ## omt-shader Verififes, and optionally optimizes shaders. ## omt-soundbank Converts a soundbank configurtion into a binary config file, and writes out a header (currently c++ only) so you can use #defined values instead of magic numbers. ## omt-xcassets Creates an AppIcon set from a single file. Mostly used to make development for Apple devices easier.