// Testing dave.name = "Dave Smith"; dave.age = 23; dave.skills = [ "programming" "people skills" "and other stuff" ]; conff json dave: "dave.json"; # dave.dog.name = 86; # dave.dog.owner = dave; // should throw error (cause json target) @dave.dog: { // ignores the entire dave.dog object name = "Biscut"; // should throw error age = 5; } dave.dog.favourite-treats = [ "cookie\"s\"", "steaks" ]; import "example2.nf"; // Imports stewart from the other onefig script include "Cargo.toml" as "Cargo.toml"; // as an example it'll include this project's `Cargo.toml` file conff nix nixos: "example.nix"; 12."dave".name: value; // orphan will be dropped when compiled var env; // varibles are fully implemented yet, so it will also be dropped env.example-varible: 23; // Stuff for nix os # Yoo both kinds of comments work # nixos = "not a table" // should throw error nixos: { version: "20.05"; environment.systemPackages: pkgs >> [ // Overrides // Installed packages vscodium, rustup, docker, helix, ] } dave$ echo hello, world! (example shell command) # nixos$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade;