# oneitfarm HTTP Server Interface This is the interface for an HTTP Server capability with the contract ID `oneitfarm:httpserver` This folder contains - Model definition for `oneitfarm:httpserver` - Generated documentation (in HTML) - Generated Rust library (in Rust) Any Rust actor or capability provider using `oneitfarm:httpserver` should rely upon this library. A capability provider implements the trait `HttpServerReceiver`. ## Example Usage (🦀 Rust) Implementing the `HttpServer.HandleRequest` operation ```rust use wasmbus_rpc::actor::prelude::*; use oneitfarm_interface_httpserver::{HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer, HttpServerReceiver}; #[derive(Debug, Default, Actor, HealthResponder)] #[services(Actor, HttpServer)] struct HelloActor {} #[async_trait] impl HttpServer for HelloActor { async fn handle_request(&self, _ctx: &Context, _req: &HttpRequest) -> RpcResult { Ok(HttpResponse { body: "Hello World".as_bytes().to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) } } ```