The ONNX project, going forward, will plan to release roughly on a two month cadence. We follow the [Semver]( versioning approach and will make decisions as a community on a release by release basis on whether to do a major or minor release. Next expected release: May 15th Release Checklist: * Install Twine, a utility tool to interact with pypi. Do - ``pip install twine`` * Get hold of the username and password for the ‘onnx’ pypi account. * Pick a release tag for the new release through mutual consent – Gitter Room for Releases ( * Prepare a change log for the release – * ``git log --pretty=format:"%h - %s" ...`` * And draft a new release statement - listing out the new features and bug fixes, and potential changes being introduced in the release. * Checkout the release tag in a clean branch on your local repo. Make sure all tests pass on that branch. * Make sure the VERSION_NUMBER file has up-to-date version - * Make sure all operators version are even number, if opset version is odd number then increment it and update all corresponding OPs. * Make sure all the git submodules are updated * ``git submodule update –init`` * Make sure the git checkout is clean – * Do ``git clean -nxd`` and make sure that none of the auto-generated header files *like* the following are not present. * onnx/ * onnx/onnx-operator.pb.h * onnx/ * onnx/onnx.pb.h * If they are present run ``git clean -ixd`` and remove those files from your local branch * Do ``python sdist`` to generate the source distribution. * Put the following content into ``~/.pypirc`` file: ``` [distutils] index-servers = pypi pypitest [pypi] username= password= [pypitest] repository= username= password= ``` * Do ``twine upload dist/* -r pypitest`` to upload it to the test instance of pypi. * After uploading to pypitest, you can test the source distribution by doing ``pip install –index-url onnx`` in a new environment. Test this installation with different environments and versions of protobuf binaries. * *NOTE - Once a distribution is uploaded to pypi, you cannot overwrite it on the same pypi instance.* * Once completely verified do, ``twine upload dist/*`` to upload to the official pypi. * *Conda - * * Conda builds of ONNX are done via conda-forge, which runs infrastructure for building packages and uploading them to conda-forge. You need to submit a PR to (see for an example PR.) You will need to have uploaded to PyPi already, and update the version number and tarball hash of the PyPi uploaded tarball. * The release branch needs to be marked as a protected branch to preserve it. The branch corresponding to each release must be preserved. (You may need to ask an admin to do this)