[aliases] test=pytest [tool:pytest] addopts = --nbval --current-env testpaths = onnx/test onnx/examples [metadata] license-file = LICENSE [flake8] select = B,C,E,F,P,T4,W,B9 max-line-length = 80 ### DEFAULT IGNORES FOR 4-space INDENTED PROJECTS ### # E127, E128 are hard to silence in certain nested formatting situations. # E265, E266 talk about comment formatting which is too opinionated. # E402 warns on imports coming after statements. There are important use cases # like demandimport (https://fburl.com/demandimport) that require statements # before imports. # E501 is not flexible enough, we're using B950 instead. # E722 is a duplicate of B001. # F405 is hard to silence since we indeed do star import # P207 is a duplicate of B003. # P208 is a duplicate of C403. # W503 talks about operator formatting which is too opinionated. # F401 clashes with PEP484 requiring us to import types that are only used in # type comments. ignore = E127, E128, E265, E266, E402, E501, E722, F405, P207, P208, W503, F401 exclude = .git, __pycache__, build/*, third_party/* *_pb2.py, .cache/* .eggs .setuptools-cmake-build/* [mypy] # follow-imports = silent # TODO remove this mypy_path = stubs:third_party/pybind11 strict_optional = True warn_return_any = True warn_no_return = True # TODO warn_unused_ignores = True warn_redundant_casts = True warn_incomplete_stub = True # TODO disallow_untyped_calls = True check_untyped_defs = True disallow_any_generics = True no_implicit_optional = True # TODO disallow_incomplete_defs = True # TODO disallow_subclassing_any = True disallow_untyped_decorators = True warn_unused_configs = True [mypy-onnx.*] disallow_untyped_defs = True [mypy-tools.*] disallow_untyped_defs = True # Ignore errors in setup.py [mypy-setup] ignore_errors = True