from typing import Any, Sequence, Optional, Text, Tuple from .descriptor import FieldDescriptor class Error(Exception): ... class DecodeError(Error): ... class EncodeError(Error): ... class Message: DESCRIPTOR = ... # type: Any def __deepcopy__(self, memo=...): ... def __eq__(self, other_msg): ... def __ne__(self, other_msg): ... def MergeFrom(self, other_msg: Message) -> None: ... def CopyFrom(self, other_msg: Message) -> None: ... def Clear(self) -> None: ... def SetInParent(self) -> None: ... def IsInitialized(self) -> bool: ... def MergeFromString(self, serialized: Any) -> int: ... # TODO: we need to be able to call buffer() on serialized def ParseFromString(self, serialized: Any) -> None: ... def SerializeToString(self) -> bytes: ... def SerializePartialToString(self) -> bytes: ... def ListFields(self) -> Sequence[Tuple[FieldDescriptor, Any]]: ... def HasField(self, field_name: Text) -> bool: ... def ClearField(self, field_name: Text) -> None: ... def WhichOneof(self, oneof_group) -> Optional[str]: ... def HasExtension(self, extension_handle): ... def ClearExtension(self, extension_handle): ... def ByteSize(self) -> int: ... # TODO: check kwargs def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: ...