datatype parent transform condition structure description SQLite type PostgreSQL type RDF type HTML type CURIE nonspace match(/\S+:\S+/) concat(prefix, ":", suffix) a Compact URI CURIE IRI nonspace exclude(/\s/) an Internationalized Resource Identifier IRI column_name trimmed_line match(/\S([^\n]*\S)*/) a column name datatype_condition line exclude(/\n/) a datatype condition specification datatype_name word exclude(/\W/) a datatype name description trimmed_text match(/\S(.*\S)*/) a brief description empty text equals('') the empty string NULL NULL null integer nonspace match(/-?\d+/) a positive or negative integer INTEGER INTEGER label trimmed_line match(/\S([^\n]*\S)*/) line text exclude(/\n/) a line of text input nonspace trimmed_line exclude(/\s/) text without whitespace path line exclude(/\n/) a path to a file prefix word exclude(/\W/) a prefix for a CURIE suffix word exclude(/\W/) a suffix for a CURIE table_name word exclude(/\W/) a table name table_type word lowercase in('table', 'column', 'datatype') a table type text any text TEXT TEXT xsd:string textarea trimmed_line line match(/\S([^\n]*\S)*/) a line of text that does not begin or end with whitespace trimmed_text text exclude(/^\s+|\s+$/) text that does not begin or end with whitespace word nonspace exclude(/\W/) a single word: letters, numbers, underscore