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Destination Paragraph.", "BaseClass": "TrackChangeType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_TrackChange/", "ClassName": "TrackChangeType", "Summary": "Defines the TrackChangeType Class.", "BaseClass": "OpenXmlLeafElement", "IsAbstract": true, "IsLeafElement": true, "Attributes": [ { "QName": "w:author", "PropertyName": "Author", "Type": "StringValue", "PropertyComments": "author", "Validators": [ { "Name": "RequiredValidator" }, { "Arguments": [ { "Type": "Long", "Name": "MaxLength", "Value": "255" } ], "Name": "StringValidator", "IsInitialVersion": true } ] }, { "QName": "w:date", "PropertyName": "Date", "Type": "DateTimeValue", "PropertyComments": "date" }, { "QName": "w16du:dateUtc", "PropertyName": "DateUtc", "Type": "DateTimeValue", "Version": "Microsoft365", "PropertyComments": "dateUtc", "Validators": [ { "Arguments": [ { "Type": "Version", "Value": "Microsoft365" } ], "Name": "OfficeVersionValidator" } ] }, { "QName": "w:id", "PropertyName": "Id", 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"w:CT_MarkupRange/w:commentRangeStart", "ClassName": "CommentRangeStart", "Summary": "Defines the CommentRangeStart Class.", "BaseClass": "MarkupRangeType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_MarkupRange/w:commentRangeEnd", "ClassName": "CommentRangeEnd", "Summary": "Defines the CommentRangeEnd Class.", "BaseClass": "MarkupRangeType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_MarkupRange/w:moveFromRangeEnd", "ClassName": "MoveFromRangeEnd", "Summary": "Defines the MoveFromRangeEnd Class.", "BaseClass": "MarkupRangeType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_MarkupRange/w:moveToRangeEnd", "ClassName": "MoveToRangeEnd", "Summary": "Defines the MoveToRangeEnd Class.", "BaseClass": "MarkupRangeType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_MarkupRange/", "ClassName": "MarkupRangeType", "Summary": "Defines the MarkupRangeType Class.", "BaseClass": "OpenXmlLeafElement", "IsAbstract": true, "IsLeafElement": 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"w:CT_Markup/w:customXmlInsRangeEnd", "ClassName": "CustomXmlInsRangeEnd", "Summary": "Defines the CustomXmlInsRangeEnd Class.", "BaseClass": "MarkupType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_Markup/w:customXmlDelRangeEnd", "ClassName": "CustomXmlDelRangeEnd", "Summary": "Defines the CustomXmlDelRangeEnd Class.", "BaseClass": "MarkupType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_Markup/w:customXmlMoveFromRangeEnd", "ClassName": "CustomXmlMoveFromRangeEnd", "Summary": "Defines the CustomXmlMoveFromRangeEnd Class.", "BaseClass": "MarkupType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_Markup/w:customXmlMoveToRangeEnd", "ClassName": "CustomXmlMoveToRangeEnd", "Summary": "Defines the CustomXmlMoveToRangeEnd Class.", "BaseClass": "MarkupType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_Markup/w:commentReference", "ClassName": "CommentReference", "Summary": "Comment Content Reference Mark.", "BaseClass": "MarkupType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_Markup/", "ClassName": "MarkupType", "Summary": "Defines the MarkupType Class.", "BaseClass": "OpenXmlLeafElement", "IsAbstract": true, "IsLeafElement": true, "Attributes": [ { "QName": "w:id", "PropertyName": "Id", "Type": "StringValue", "PropertyComments": "Annotation Identifier", "Validators": [ { "Name": "RequiredValidator" }, { "Arguments": [ { "Type": "Long", "Name": "MinInclusive", "Value": "0" } ], "Name": "NumberValidator", "Type": "w:ST_NonNegativeDecimalNumber", "UnionId": 0, "IsInitialVersion": true }, { "Arguments": [ { "Type": "Long", "Name": "MaxInclusive", "Value": "-2" } ], "Name": "NumberValidator", "Type": "w:ST_SignedDecimalNumberMax-2", "UnionId": 0, "IsInitialVersion": true } ] } ] }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:pStyle", "ClassName": "ParagraphStyleId", "Summary": "Defines the ParagraphStyleId Class.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:dateFormat", "ClassName": "DateFormat", "Summary": "Date Display Mask.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:docPartGallery", "ClassName": "DocPartGallery", "Summary": "Document Part Gallery Filter.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:docPartCategory", "ClassName": "DocPartCategory", "Summary": "Document Part Category Filter.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:docPart", "ClassName": "DocPartReference", "Summary": "Document Part Reference.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:placeholder", "ClassName": "CustomXmlPlaceholder", "Summary": "Custom XML Element Placeholder Text.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:tblCaption", "ClassName": "TableCaption", "Summary": "Defines 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"IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:connectString", "ClassName": "ConnectString", "Summary": "Data Source Connection String.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:query", "ClassName": "Query", "Summary": "Query For Data Source Records To Merge.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:addressFieldName", "ClassName": "AddressFieldName", "Summary": "Column Containing E-mail Address.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:mailSubject", "ClassName": "MailSubject", "Summary": "Merged E-mail or Fax Subject Line.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:sz", "ClassName": "FrameSize", "Summary": "Frame Size.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:style", "ClassName": "StyleId", "Summary": "Associated Paragraph Style Name.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:description", "ClassName": "Description", "Summary": "Description for Entry.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:alias", "ClassName": "SdtAlias", "Summary": "Defines the SdtAlias Class.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:tag", "ClassName": "Tag", "Summary": "Defines the Tag Class.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:attachedSchema", "ClassName": "AttachedSchema", "Summary": "Attached Custom XML Schema.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:decimalSymbol", "ClassName": "DecimalSymbol", "Summary": "Radix Point for Field Code Evaluation.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:listSeparator", "ClassName": "ListSeparator", "Summary": "List Separator for Field Code Evaluation.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:encoding", "ClassName": "WebPageEncoding", "Summary": "Defines the WebPageEncoding Class.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/w:altName", "ClassName": "AltName", "Summary": "Defines the AltName Class.", "BaseClass": "StringType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_String/", "ClassName": "StringType", "Summary": "Defines the StringType Class.", "BaseClass": "OpenXmlLeafElement", "IsAbstract": true, "IsLeafElement": true, "Attributes": [ { "QName": "w:val", "PropertyName": "Val", "Type": "StringValue", "PropertyComments": "String Value", "Validators": [ { "Name": "RequiredValidator" } ] } ] }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:keepNext", "ClassName": "KeepNext", "Summary": "Defines the KeepNext Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:keepLines", "ClassName": "KeepLines", "Summary": "Defines the KeepLines Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:pageBreakBefore", "ClassName": "PageBreakBefore", "Summary": "Defines the PageBreakBefore Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:widowControl", "ClassName": "WidowControl", "Summary": "Defines the WidowControl Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:suppressLineNumbers", "ClassName": "SuppressLineNumbers", "Summary": "Defines the SuppressLineNumbers Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:suppressAutoHyphens", "ClassName": "SuppressAutoHyphens", "Summary": "Defines the SuppressAutoHyphens Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:kinsoku", "ClassName": "Kinsoku", "Summary": "Defines the Kinsoku Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:wordWrap", "ClassName": "WordWrap", "Summary": "Defines the WordWrap Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:overflowPunct", "ClassName": "OverflowPunctuation", "Summary": "Defines the OverflowPunctuation Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:topLinePunct", "ClassName": "TopLinePunctuation", "Summary": "Defines the TopLinePunctuation Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:autoSpaceDE", "ClassName": "AutoSpaceDE", "Summary": "Defines the AutoSpaceDE Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { 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"Defines the MirrorIndents Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:suppressOverlap", "ClassName": "SuppressOverlap", "Summary": "Defines the SuppressOverlap Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:b", "ClassName": "Bold", "Summary": "Defines the Bold Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:bCs", "ClassName": "BoldComplexScript", "Summary": "Defines the BoldComplexScript Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:i", "ClassName": "Italic", "Summary": "Defines the Italic Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:iCs", "ClassName": "ItalicComplexScript", "Summary": "Defines the ItalicComplexScript Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:caps", "ClassName": "Caps", "Summary": "Defines the Caps Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:smallCaps", "ClassName": "SmallCaps", "Summary": "Defines the SmallCaps Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:strike", "ClassName": "Strike", "Summary": "Defines the Strike Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:dstrike", "ClassName": "DoubleStrike", "Summary": "Defines the DoubleStrike Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:outline", "ClassName": "Outline", "Summary": "Defines the Outline Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:shadow", "ClassName": "Shadow", "Summary": "Defines the Shadow Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:emboss", "ClassName": "Emboss", "Summary": "Defines the Emboss Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:imprint", "ClassName": "Imprint", "Summary": "Defines the Imprint Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:noProof", "ClassName": "NoProof", "Summary": "Defines the NoProof Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:vanish", "ClassName": "Vanish", "Summary": "Defines the Vanish Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:webHidden", "ClassName": "WebHidden", "Summary": "Defines the WebHidden Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:rtl", "ClassName": "RightToLeftText", "Summary": "Defines the RightToLeftText Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:cs", "ClassName": "ComplexScript", "Summary": "Defines the ComplexScript Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:specVanish", "ClassName": "SpecVanish", "Summary": "Defines the SpecVanish Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:oMath", "ClassName": "OfficeMath", "Summary": "Defines the OfficeMath Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:hidden", "ClassName": "Hidden", "Summary": "Defines the Hidden Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:formProt", "ClassName": "FormProtection", "Summary": "Defines the FormProtection Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:noEndnote", "ClassName": "NoEndnote", "Summary": "Defines the NoEndnote Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:titlePg", "ClassName": "TitlePage", "Summary": "Defines the TitlePage Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:rtlGutter", "ClassName": "GutterOnRight", "Summary": "Defines the GutterOnRight Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:enabled", "ClassName": "Enabled", "Summary": "Form Field Enabled.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:calcOnExit", "ClassName": "CalculateOnExit", "Summary": "Recalculate Fields When Current Field Is Modified.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:sizeAuto", "ClassName": "AutomaticallySizeFormField", "Summary": "Automatically Size Form Field.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:default", "ClassName": "DefaultCheckBoxFormFieldState", "Summary": "Default Checkbox Form Field State.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:checked", "ClassName": "Checked", "Summary": "Checkbox Form Field State.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:matchSrc", "ClassName": "MatchSource", "Summary": "Keep Source Formatting on Import.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:dirty", "ClassName": "Dirty", "Summary": "Invalidated Field Cache.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:docPartUnique", "ClassName": "DocPartUnique", "Summary": "Built-In Document Part.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:active", "ClassName": "Active", "Summary": "Record Is Included in Mail Merge.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:dynamicAddress", "ClassName": "DynamicAddress", "Summary": "Use Country/Region-Based Address Field Ordering.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:fHdr", "ClassName": "FirstRowHeader", "Summary": "First Row of Data Source Contains Column Names.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:linkToQuery", "ClassName": "LinkToQuery", "Summary": "Query Contains Link to External Query File.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotSuppressBlankLines", "ClassName": "DoNotSuppressBlankLines", "Summary": "Remove Blank Lines from Merged Documents.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:mailAsAttachment", "ClassName": "MailAsAttachment", "Summary": "Merged Document To E-Mail Attachment.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:viewMergedData", "ClassName": "ViewMergedData", "Summary": "View Merged Data Within Document.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:isLgl", "ClassName": "IsLegalNumberingStyle", "Summary": "Display All Levels Using Arabic Numerals.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:blockQuote", "ClassName": "BlockQuote", "Summary": "Data for HTML blockquote Element.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:bodyDiv", "ClassName": "BodyDiv", "Summary": "Data for HTML body Element.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:useSingleBorderforContiguousCells", "ClassName": "UseSingleBorderForContiguousCells", "Summary": "Use Simplified Rules For Table Border Conflicts.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:wpJustification", "ClassName": "WordPerfectJustification", "Summary": "Emulate WordPerfect 6.x Paragraph Justification.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:noTabHangInd", "ClassName": "NoTabHangIndent", "Summary": "Do Not Create Custom Tab Stop for Hanging Indent.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:noLeading", "ClassName": "NoLeading", "Summary": "Do Not Add Leading Between Lines of Text.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:spaceForUL", "ClassName": "SpaceForUnderline", "Summary": "Add Additional Space Below Baseline For Underlined East Asian Text.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:noColumnBalance", "ClassName": "NoColumnBalance", "Summary": "Do Not Balance Text Columns within a Section.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth", "ClassName": "BalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth", "Summary": "Balance Single Byte and Double Byte Characters.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:noExtraLineSpacing", "ClassName": "NoExtraLineSpacing", "Summary": "Do Not Center Content on Lines With Exact Line Height.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotLeaveBackslashAlone", "ClassName": "DoNotLeaveBackslashAlone", "Summary": "Convert Backslash To Yen Sign When Entered.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:ulTrailSpace", "ClassName": "UnderlineTrailingSpaces", "Summary": "Underline All Trailing Spaces.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotExpandShiftReturn", "ClassName": "DoNotExpandShiftReturn", "Summary": "Don\u0027t Justify Lines Ending in Soft Line Break.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:spacingInWholePoints", "ClassName": "SpacingInWholePoints", "Summary": "Only Expand/Condense Text By Whole Points.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:lineWrapLikeWord6", "ClassName": "LineWrapLikeWord6", "Summary": "Emulate Word 6.0 Line Wrapping for East Asian Text.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:printBodyTextBeforeHeader", "ClassName": "PrintBodyTextBeforeHeader", "Summary": "Print Body Text before Header/Footer Contents.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:printColBlack", "ClassName": "PrintColorBlackWhite", "Summary": "Print Colors as Black And White without Dithering.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:wpSpaceWidth", "ClassName": "WordPerfectSpaceWidth", "Summary": "Space width.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:showBreaksInFrames", "ClassName": "ShowBreaksInFrames", "Summary": "Display Page/Column Breaks Present in Frames.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:subFontBySize", "ClassName": "SubFontBySize", "Summary": "Increase Priority Of Font Size During Font Substitution.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:suppressBottomSpacing", "ClassName": "SuppressBottomSpacing", "Summary": "Ignore Exact Line Height for Last Line on Page.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:suppressTopSpacing", "ClassName": "SuppressTopSpacing", "Summary": "Ignore Minimum and Exact Line Height for First Line on Page.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:suppressSpacingAtTopOfPage", "ClassName": "SuppressSpacingAtTopOfPage", "Summary": "Ignore Minimum Line Height for First Line on Page.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:suppressTopSpacingWP", "ClassName": "SuppressTopSpacingWordPerfect", "Summary": "Emulate WordPerfect 5.x Line Spacing.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:suppressSpBfAfterPgBrk", "ClassName": "SuppressSpacingBeforeAfterPageBreak", "Summary": "Do Not Use Space Before On First Line After a Page Break.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:swapBordersFacingPages", "ClassName": "SwapBordersFacingPages", "Summary": "Swap Paragraph Borders on Odd Numbered Pages.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:convMailMergeEsc", "ClassName": "ConvertMailMergeEscape", "Summary": "Treat Backslash Quotation Delimiter as Two Quotation Marks.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:truncateFontHeightsLikeWP6", "ClassName": "TruncateFontHeightsLikeWordPerfect", "Summary": "Emulate WordPerfect 6.x Font Height Calculation.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:mwSmallCaps", "ClassName": "MacWordSmallCaps", "Summary": "Emulate Word 5.x for the Macintosh Small Caps Formatting.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:usePrinterMetrics", "ClassName": "UsePrinterMetrics", "Summary": "Use Printer Metrics To Display Documents.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotSuppressParagraphBorders", "ClassName": "DoNotSuppressParagraphBorders", "Summary": "Do Not Suppress Paragraph Borders Next To Frames.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:wrapTrailSpaces", "ClassName": "WrapTrailSpaces", "Summary": "Line Wrap Trailing Spaces.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:footnoteLayoutLikeWW8", "ClassName": "FootnoteLayoutLikeWord8", "Summary": "Emulate Word 6.x/95/97 Footnote Placement.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:shapeLayoutLikeWW8", "ClassName": "ShapeLayoutLikeWord8", "Summary": "Emulate Word 97 Text Wrapping Around Floating Objects.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:alignTablesRowByRow", "ClassName": "AlignTablesRowByRow", "Summary": "Align Table Rows Independently.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:forgetLastTabAlignment", "ClassName": "ForgetLastTabAlignment", "Summary": "Ignore Width of Last Tab Stop When Aligning Paragraph If It Is Not Left Aligned.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:adjustLineHeightInTable", "ClassName": "AdjustLineHeightInTable", "Summary": "Add Document Grid Line Pitch To Lines in Table Cells.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:autoSpaceLikeWord95", "ClassName": "AutoSpaceLikeWord95", "Summary": "Emulate Word 95 Full-Width Character Spacing.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:noSpaceRaiseLower", "ClassName": "NoSpaceRaiseLower", "Summary": "Do Not Increase Line Height for Raised/Lowered Text.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing", "ClassName": "DoNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing", "Summary": "Use Fixed Paragraph Spacing for HTML Auto Setting.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:layoutRawTableWidth", "ClassName": "LayoutRawTableWidth", "Summary": "Ignore Space Before Table When Deciding If Table Should Wrap Floating Object.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:layoutTableRowsApart", "ClassName": "LayoutTableRowsApart", "Summary": "Allow Table Rows to Wrap Inline Objects Independently.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:useWord97LineBreakRules", "ClassName": "UseWord97LineBreakRules", "Summary": "Emulate Word 97 East Asian Line Breaking.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotBreakWrappedTables", "ClassName": "DoNotBreakWrappedTables", "Summary": "Do Not Allow Floating Tables To Break Across Pages.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotSnapToGridInCell", "ClassName": "DoNotSnapToGridInCell", "Summary": "Do Not Snap to Document Grid in Table Cells with Objects.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:selectFldWithFirstOrLastChar", "ClassName": "SelectFieldWithFirstOrLastChar", "Summary": "Select Field When First or Last Character Is Selected.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:applyBreakingRules", "ClassName": "ApplyBreakingRules", "Summary": "Use Legacy Ethiopic and Amharic Line Breaking Rules.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotWrapTextWithPunct", "ClassName": "DoNotWrapTextWithPunctuation", "Summary": "Do Not Allow Hanging Punctuation With Character Grid.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotUseEastAsianBreakRules", "ClassName": "DoNotUseEastAsianBreakRules", "Summary": "Do Not Compress Compressible Characters When Using Document Grid.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:useWord2002TableStyleRules", "ClassName": "UseWord2002TableStyleRules", "Summary": "Emulate Word 2002 Table Style Rules.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:growAutofit", "ClassName": "GrowAutofit", "Summary": "Allow Tables to AutoFit Into Page Margins.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:useFELayout", "ClassName": "UseFarEastLayout", "Summary": "Do Not Bypass East Asian/Complex Script Layout Code.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:useNormalStyleForList", "ClassName": "UseNormalStyleForList", "Summary": "Do Not Automatically Apply List Paragraph Style To Bulleted/Numbered Text.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop", "ClassName": "DoNotUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop", "Summary": "Ignore Hanging Indent When Creating Tab Stop After Numbering.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:useAltKinsokuLineBreakRules", "ClassName": "UseAltKinsokuLineBreakRules", "Summary": "Use Alternate Set of East Asian Line Breaking Rules.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:allowSpaceOfSameStyleInTable", "ClassName": "AllowSpaceOfSameStyleInTable", "Summary": "Allow Contextual Spacing of Paragraphs in Tables.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotSuppressIndentation", "ClassName": "DoNotSuppressIndentation", "Summary": "Do Not Ignore Floating Objects When Calculating Paragraph Indentation.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotAutofitConstrainedTables", "ClassName": "DoNotAutofitConstrainedTables", "Summary": "Do Not AutoFit Tables To Fit Next To Wrapped Objects.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:autofitToFirstFixedWidthCell", "ClassName": "AutofitToFirstFixedWidthCell", "Summary": "Allow Table Columns To Exceed Preferred Widths of Constituent Cells.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:underlineTabInNumList", "ClassName": "UnderlineTabInNumberingList", "Summary": "Underline Following Character Following Numbering.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:displayHangulFixedWidth", "ClassName": "DisplayHangulFixedWidth", "Summary": "Always Use Fixed Width for Hangul Characters.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:splitPgBreakAndParaMark", "ClassName": "SplitPageBreakAndParagraphMark", "Summary": "Always Move Paragraph Mark to Page after a Page Break.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotVertAlignCellWithSp", "ClassName": "DoNotVerticallyAlignCellWithShape", "Summary": "Don\u0027t Vertically Align Cells Containing Floating Objects.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotBreakConstrainedForcedTable", "ClassName": "DoNotBreakConstrainedForcedTable", "Summary": "Don\u0027t Break Table Rows Around Floating Tables.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotVertAlignInTxbx", "ClassName": "DoNotVerticallyAlignInTextBox", "Summary": "Ignore Vertical Alignment in Textboxes.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:useAnsiKerningPairs", "ClassName": "UseAnsiKerningPairs", "Summary": "Use ANSI Kerning Pairs from Fonts.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:cachedColBalance", "ClassName": "CachedColumnBalance", "Summary": "Use Cached Paragraph Information for Column Balancing.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:showingPlcHdr", "ClassName": "ShowingPlaceholder", "Summary": "Defines the ShowingPlaceholder Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:temporary", "ClassName": "TemporarySdt", "Summary": "Defines the TemporarySdt Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:removePersonalInformation", "ClassName": "RemovePersonalInformation", "Summary": "Remove Personal Information from Document Properties.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:removeDateAndTime", "ClassName": "RemoveDateAndTime", "Summary": "Remove Date and Time from Annotations.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotDisplayPageBoundaries", "ClassName": "DoNotDisplayPageBoundaries", "Summary": "Do Not Display Visual Boundary For Header/Footer or Between Pages.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:displayBackgroundShape", "ClassName": "DisplayBackgroundShape", "Summary": "Display Background Objects When Displaying Document.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:printPostScriptOverText", "ClassName": "PrintPostScriptOverText", "Summary": "Print PostScript Codes With Document Text.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:printFractionalCharacterWidth", "ClassName": "PrintFractionalCharacterWidth", "Summary": "Print Fractional Character Widths.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:printFormsData", "ClassName": "PrintFormsData", "Summary": "Only Print Form Field Content.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:embedTrueTypeFonts", "ClassName": "EmbedTrueTypeFonts", "Summary": "Embed TrueType Fonts.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:embedSystemFonts", "ClassName": "EmbedSystemFonts", "Summary": "Embed Common System Fonts.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:saveSubsetFonts", "ClassName": "SaveSubsetFonts", "Summary": "Subset Fonts When Embedding.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:saveFormsData", "ClassName": "SaveFormsData", "Summary": "Only Save Form Field Content.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:mirrorMargins", "ClassName": "MirrorMargins", "Summary": "Mirror Page Margins.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:alignBordersAndEdges", "ClassName": "AlignBorderAndEdges", "Summary": "Align Paragraph and Table Borders with Page Border.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:bordersDoNotSurroundHeader", "ClassName": "BordersDoNotSurroundHeader", "Summary": "Page Border Excludes Header.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:bordersDoNotSurroundFooter", "ClassName": "BordersDoNotSurroundFooter", "Summary": "Page Border Excludes Footer.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:gutterAtTop", "ClassName": "GutterAtTop", "Summary": "Position Gutter At Top of Page.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:hideSpellingErrors", "ClassName": "HideSpellingErrors", "Summary": "Do Not Display Visual Indication of Spelling Errors.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:hideGrammaticalErrors", "ClassName": "HideGrammaticalErrors", "Summary": "Do Not Display Visual Indication of Grammatical Errors.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:formsDesign", "ClassName": "FormsDesign", "Summary": "Structured Document Tag Placeholder Text Should be Resaved.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:linkStyles", "ClassName": "LinkStyles", "Summary": "Automatically Update Styles From Document Template.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:trackRevisions", "ClassName": 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"ClassName": "AllowPNG", "Summary": "Defines the AllowPNG Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotRelyOnCSS", "ClassName": "DoNotRelyOnCSS", "Summary": "Defines the DoNotRelyOnCSS Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotSaveAsSingleFile", "ClassName": "DoNotSaveAsSingleFile", "Summary": "Defines the DoNotSaveAsSingleFile Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotOrganizeInFolder", "ClassName": "DoNotOrganizeInFolder", "Summary": "Defines the DoNotOrganizeInFolder Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:doNotUseLongFileNames", "ClassName": "DoNotUseLongFileNames", "Summary": "Defines the DoNotUseLongFileNames Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/w:notTrueType", "ClassName": "NotTrueType", "Summary": "Defines the NotTrueType Class.", "BaseClass": "OnOffType", "IsDerived": true, "IsLeafElement": true }, { "Name": "w:CT_OnOff/", "ClassName": "OnOffType", "Summary": "Defines the OnOffType Class.", "BaseClass": "OpenXmlLeafElement", "IsAbstract": true, "IsLeafElement": true, "Attributes": [ { "QName": "w:val", "PropertyName": "Val", "Type": "OnOffValue", "PropertyComments": "On/Off Value" } ] }, { "Name": "w:CT_FramePr/w:framePr", "ClassName": "FrameProperties", "Summary": "Defines the FrameProperties Class.", "BaseClass": "OpenXmlLeafElement", "IsLeafElement": true, "Attributes": [ { "QName": "w:dropCap", "PropertyName": "DropCap", "Type": "EnumValue\u003CDocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.DropCapLocationValues\u003E", "PropertyComments": "Drop Cap Frame" }, { "QName": "w:lines", "PropertyName": "Lines", "Type": "Int32Value", "PropertyComments": "Drop Cap Vertical Height in Lines", "Validators": [ { "Arguments": [ { "Type": "Long", "Name": 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"PropertyComments": "Spacing Above Paragraph", "Validators": [ { "Name": "NumberValidator", "Type": "w:ST_TwipsMeasure_O12", "Version": "Office2007" }, { "Name": "NumberValidator", "Type": "w:ST_UnsignedDecimalNumber", "Version": "Office2010", "UnionId": 0, "IsInitialVersion": true }, { "Arguments": [ { "Type": "String", "Name": "Pattern", "Value": "[0-9]\u002B(\\.[0-9]\u002B)?(mm|cm|in|pt|pc|pi)" } ], "Name": "StringValidator", "Version": "Office2010", "UnionId": 0, "IsInitialVersion": true } ] }, { "QName": "w:beforeLines", "PropertyName": "BeforeLines", "Type": "Int32Value", "PropertyComments": "Spacing Above Paragraph IN Line Units" }, { "QName": "w:beforeAutospacing", "PropertyName": "BeforeAutoSpacing", "Type": "OnOffValue", "PropertyComments": "Automatically Determine Spacing Above Paragraph" }, { "QName": "w:after", "PropertyName": "After", "Type": "StringValue", "PropertyComments": "Spacing Below Paragraph", "Validators": [ { "Name": "NumberValidator", "Type": 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