use cargo_metadata::MetadataCommand; use std::env::var; use std::fs::{copy, read_dir}; use std::path::PathBuf; use tracing::{info, Level}; use tracing_appender::rolling::{RollingFileAppender, Rotation}; fn main() { // init log let out_dir = PathBuf::from(var("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR not found")); let target_dir = out_dir .parent() .expect("can not find deps dir") .parent() .expect("can not find deps dir") .parent() .expect("can not find deps dir") .parent() .expect("can not find deps dir"); _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_writer(RollingFileAppender::new( Rotation::NEVER, target_dir, "open-coroutine-build.log", )) .with_thread_names(true) .with_line_number(true) .with_max_level(Level::INFO) .with_timer(tracing_subscriber::fmt::time::OffsetTime::new( time::UtcOffset::from_hms(8, 0, 0).expect("create UtcOffset failed !"), time::format_description::well_known::Rfc2822, )) .try_init(); // build dylib let target = var("TARGET").expect("env not found"); let mut cargo = std::process::Command::new("cargo"); let mut cmd = cargo.arg("build").arg("--target").arg(target.clone()); if cfg!(not(debug_assertions)) { cmd = cmd.arg("--release"); } let mut hook_toml = PathBuf::from(var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect("env not found")) .parent() .expect("parent not found") .join("hook") .join("Cargo.toml"); if !hook_toml.exists() { info!( "{:?} not exists, find open-coroutine-hook's Cargo.toml in $CARGO_HOME", hook_toml ); // 使用cargo_metadata读到依赖版本,结合CARGO_HOME获取open-coroutine-hook的toml let dep_src_dir = PathBuf::from(var("CARGO_HOME").expect("CARGO_HOME not found")) .join("registry") .join("src"); let crates_parent_dirs = Vec::from_iter( read_dir(dep_src_dir.clone()) .expect("Failed to read deps") .flatten(), ); let crates_parent = if crates_parent_dirs.len() == 1 { crates_parent_dirs.first().expect("host dir not found") } else { let rustup_dist_server = var("RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER").expect("RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER not found"); let host = rustup_dist_server .split("://") .last() .expect("host not found"); crates_parent_dirs .iter() .find(|entry| { entry .file_name() .to_string_lossy() .to_string() .contains(host) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { crates_parent_dirs .iter() .find(|entry| { entry .file_name() .to_string_lossy() .to_string() .contains("") }) .expect("host dir not found") }) } .file_name() .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); info!("crates parent dirs:{:?}", crates_parent_dirs); let metadata = MetadataCommand::default() .no_deps() .exec() .expect("read cargo metadata failed"); let package = metadata .packages .first() .expect("read current package failed"); info!("read package:{:#?}", package); let dependency = package .dependencies .iter() .find(|dep|"open-coroutine-hook")) .expect("open-coroutine-hook not found"); let version = &dependency .req .comparators .first() .expect("version not found"); hook_toml = dep_src_dir .join(crates_parent) .join(format!( "open-coroutine-hook-{}.{}.{}", version.major, version.minor.unwrap_or(0), version.patch.unwrap_or(0) )) .join("Cargo.toml"); } info!("open-coroutine-hook's Cargo.toml is here:{:?}", hook_toml); assert!( cmd.arg("--manifest-path") .arg(hook_toml) .arg("--target-dir") .arg(out_dir.clone()) .status() .expect("failed to build dylib") .success(), "failed to build dylib" ); // correct dylib path let hook_deps = out_dir .join(target) .join(if cfg!(debug_assertions) { "debug" } else { "release" }) .join("deps"); let deps = out_dir .parent() .expect("can not find deps dir") .parent() .expect("can not find deps dir") .parent() .expect("can not find deps dir") .join("deps"); for entry in read_dir(hook_deps.clone()) .expect("can not find deps dir") .flatten() { let file_name = entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().to_string(); if !file_name.contains("open_coroutine_hook") { continue; } if cfg!(target_os = "linux") && file_name.ends_with(".so") { let from = hook_deps.join(file_name); let to = deps.join(""); copy(from.clone(), to.clone()).expect("copy to failed!"); info!("copy {:?} to {:?} success!", from, to); } else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") && file_name.ends_with(".dylib") { let from = hook_deps.join(file_name); let to = deps.join("libopen_coroutine_hook.dylib"); copy(from.clone(), to.clone()).expect("copy to libopen_coroutine_hook.dylib failed!"); info!("copy {:?} to {:?} success!", from, to); } else if cfg!(windows) { if file_name.ends_with(".dll") { let from = hook_deps.join(file_name); let to = deps.join("open_coroutine_hook.dll"); copy(from.clone(), to.clone()).expect("copy to open_coroutine_hook.dll failed!"); info!("copy {:?} to {:?} success!", from, to); } else if file_name.ends_with(".lib") { let from = hook_deps.join(file_name); let to = deps.join("open_coroutine_hook.lib"); copy(from.clone(), to.clone()).expect("copy to open_coroutine_hook.lib failed!"); info!("copy {:?} to {:?} success!", from, to); } } } // link dylib println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=open_coroutine_hook"); }