type: object required: - primary_number_range - primary_line - city - country - state - zip_code properties: primary_number_range: type: string description: | The primary number range of the address that identifies a building at street level. primary_line: type: string description: | The primary delivery line (usually the street address) of the address. Combination of the following applicable `components` (primary number & secondary information may be missing or inaccurate): * `primary_number` * `street_predirection` * `street_name` * `street_suffix` * `street_postdirection` * `secondary_designator` * `secondary_number` * `pmb_designator` * `pmb_number` city: $ref: "../../../shared/attributes/address/city/city.yml" country: $ref: "../../../shared/attributes/country_extended.yml" state: $ref: "../../../shared/attributes/address/state.yml" zip_code: $ref: "../../../shared/attributes/address/postal_code.yml"